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Valentine Subitizing 0-10 Flipchart

Valentine Subitizing 0-10 Flipchart

Practice identifying 1-10. 35 problems 1.2(A) Recognize instantly the quantity of structured arrangements. Subitizing is the ability to look at a number pattern and instantly recognize that number without counting. Students work through this performance task to correctly identify the number shown (tally marks, dominoes, dice, and 10 frames), and click to select their answer. Self-correcting. BONUS: Worksheet correlated to this resource is linked on the credit page.


Students practice 2-digit addition with regrouping. Instructions and 10 practice pages are included in this Valentine themed ActivInspire flipchart. ***BONUS- a student worksheet is included.
Count Backward to Subtract

Count Backward to Subtract

Subtraction Facts from 10 This is an interactive, self-checking ActivInspire flipchart that can be used to introduce subtraction by counting backward using touch points. * 2 slides provide practice in counting forward and backward * Touch Point numeral & numberline introduction * 30, self-checking subtraction practice pages (a student worksheet is embedded & can be printed) Ideal for special education, intervention, & early learners
Counting by Feet:Activinspire

Counting by Feet:Activinspire

An ActivInspire adaptation of the counting book, One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab. This flipchart is designed to allow students to explore the multiple ways numbers can be combined by counting the number of feet of animals found on the beach. What’s Included: ♥ The 35 slides begin with a snail (1 foot), proceed to a seagull (2 feet) and a starfish (5 feet), and end with a crab (10 feet). ♥ Interactive, self-checking pages are included for students to -----count and combine numbers up to 100 -----practice skip counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s -----practice counting up and down -----compose and decompose numbers 1-100 ♥ 3 worksheets are embedded in the flipchart and can be downloaded for student copies. ♥ You can also download a resource pack to install in ActivInspire to create additional flipcharts or worksheets. Common Core Math Standards: 1.OA.1, 1.NBT.2, 1.OA.2 ,1.NBT.4, 1.OA.3, 1.NBT.5, OA.5
10 Red Apples Book Adaptation:ActivInspire

10 Red Apples Book Adaptation:ActivInspire

An Activinspire flipchart adaptation of the book, “10 Red Apples” by Pat Hutchins. This is a counting book that would go well with an Apple or Farm theme. Students retell the story as they work to solve subtraction from 10 problems. Includes counting & matching opportunities, working with 10 frames, and using drag and drop container actions. BONUS: a student worksheet is included.
Balancing Equations: Activinspire

Balancing Equations: Activinspire

Introduction to balancing equations and understanding that the equal sign represents a relationship where expressions on each side of the equal sign represent the same value(s) *15 interactive slides. Students drag down 4 numerals to form 2 addition expressions that are equal. *Each problem is numbered, and a student answer sheet is provided. *Student practice pages are also included for printing and are embedded within the flipchart. * Links to 2 Interent practice sites are included. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.B.3 Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.D.7 Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false.
Halloween Cutting Strips and Math Activities

Halloween Cutting Strips and Math Activities

Designed for either student or teacher use: 1. Print multiple copies and have students practice their cutting skills. Students can then use the pieces in an art or other center. 2. Or, laminate and cut out to make your own math centers. *** Includes 75 halloween image cards ( number, numeral, operations, and single image cards). A "Haunted House Story Mat", Venn-diagram, 5 and 10 frame, and sorting cards.