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DAZ/DAF Länder und Sprachen (German for Beginners)

DAZ/DAF Länder und Sprachen (German for Beginners)

Länder und Sprachen (Countries and Languages) Contents Page 1: table of countries and languages in German Pages 2-3-4: exercises Pages 5-6: answer key Structures Welche Sprachen spricht man in Italien? In Italien spricht man Italienisch. Wie heißt die Hauptstadt von Deutschland? Die Hauptstadt von Deutschland heißt/ist Berlin. Sprichst du Japanisch? / Sprechen Sie Japanisch? ▪ Ja, ich spreche sehr gut Japanisch. ▪ Ja, ich spreche ein bisschen Japanisch. ▪ Nein, ich spreche kein Wort Japanisch.
Summer Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

Summer Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

Summer Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle Answer key’s included. The words used in the puzzle are: swimsuit, sunglasses, sandcastle, sandals, beach, hot, warm, sun, popsicle, pool, June, July, August, summer, bikini, humid, sunscreen, swim, watermelon, camping, sunburn, ice cream, fan, shorts, sunny, sand, suntan, hat, barbecue, vacation, seaside, picnic, frisbee, outdoors, flipflops.
DAZ/DAF Frühling Vokabeln Wortsuchrätsel

DAZ/DAF Frühling Vokabeln Wortsuchrätsel

Frühling Wortsuchrätsel mit dem Lösungsschlüssel Spring Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle - German Die Wörter im Rätsel sind: April, Bäume, Biene, Blumen, blühen, Blüte, Drachen, Fahrrad, Frühling, Gras, grün, Gummistiefel, Hase, Jahreszeit, Mai, März, Ostern, Regen, Regenbogen, Regenmantel, Regenschirm, Schmetterling, Sonne, Sonnenschein, sonnig, Vogel, warm *You may also be interested in: Sommer Vokabeln Wortsuchrätsel
DAZ/DAF Typisch Deutsch Buchstabensalat

DAZ/DAF Typisch Deutsch Buchstabensalat

Typisch Deutsch Buchstabensalat Typically German Word Scramble Puzzle (in German) Answer key’s included. Die Wörter im Rätsel sind: Dirndl, Lederhose, Brezel, Currywurst, Bier, Mineralwasser, Disziplin, Pünktlichkeit, Fussball, Kartoffelsalat, Berlin, Oktoberfest, Fasching, Mülltrennung
Spring Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle

Spring Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle

Spring Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle Answer key’s included. The words used in the puzzle are: April, bee, bike, birds, bloom, blossom, bunny, butterfly, Easter, flowers, grass, green, kite, March, May, rain, rainbow, raincoat, rubber boots, season, Spring, sun, sunshine, sprout, trees, umbrella, warm
DAZ/DAF Die Großstädte in Deutschland Wortsuchrätsel

DAZ/DAF Die Großstädte in Deutschland Wortsuchrätsel

Die Großstädte in Deutschland Wortsuchrätsel (Landeskunde) The Big Cities in Germany Word Search Puzzle (Regional Studies) Answer key’s included. Die Großstädte im Rätsel: Aachen, Augsburg, Berlin, Bielefeld, Bochum, Bonn, Braunschweig,Bremen, Dortmund, Dresden, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Hannover, Heidelberg, Jena, Karlsruhe, Köln, Leipzig, Mannheim, München, Münster, Nürnberg, Osnabrück, Paderborn, Potsdam, Regensburg, Rostock, Stuttgart, Wuppertal
Summer Vocabulary Taboo Cards (48 cards)

Summer Vocabulary Taboo Cards (48 cards)

Summer Vocabulary Taboo Cards 48 taboo cards blank cards to create more Summer taboo cards (You can print them and let your students create their own Summer taboo cards.) The words used in the taboo cards are: Summer, swim, sea, sun, sunny, beach, sand, sandcastle, picnic, barbecue, vacation, outdoors, June, July, August, Father’s Day, sandals, flip-flops, ice cream, popsicle, camping, sunglasses, watermelon, hot, Frisbee, sunburn, seaside, sunscreen, sunbathe, suntan, humid, shorts, swimsuit, bikini, hat, swimming pool, lemonade, sunflower, Independence Day, strawberry, hammock, daisy, park, kite, bike, peach, fishing, hike.
Summer Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle

Summer Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle

Summer Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle 40 words Answer key’s included. The words used in the puzzle are: August, barbecue, beach, bikini, camping, fan, flip-flops, frisbee, hat, hot, humid, ice cream, July, June, lemonade, outdoors, picnic, popsicle, sand, sandals, sandcastle, seaside, shorts, summer, sun, sunbathe, sunburn, sunglasses, sunny, sunscreen, sunshade, suntan, swim, swimming pool, swimsuit, travel, trip, vacation, warm, watermelon
Professions Crossword Puzzle

Professions Crossword Puzzle

Professions Crossword Puzzle Answer key’s included. Professions used in the puzzle are: painter, pediatrician, nurse, veterinarian, teacher, model, cook, photographer, cameraman, politician, singer, dancer, butcher, greengrocer, pharmacist, tennis player, sculptor, cashier, florist, harpist, conductor, repairman, pilot, journalist, waitress, chemist, doctor, tailor
Professions Flashcards (48 cards)

Professions Flashcards (48 cards)

Professions Flashcards 48 flashcards: singer, model, photographer, painter, sculptor, potter, engineer, police officer, surgeon, nurse, doctor, pediatrician, saxophonist, makeup artist, pilot, flight attendant, cook, journalist, double bass player, fashion designer, Pilates instructor, tailor, veterinarian, tennis player, nanny, cameraman, politician, repairman, teacher, chemist, dancer, modern dancer, banjo player, guitarist, violinist, harpist, conductor, secretary, florist, pharmacist, greengrocer, butcher, cashier, fisherman, receptionist, bellboy, waiter, waitress
Profession Word Search Puzzle

Profession Word Search Puzzle

Profession Word Search Puzzle Answer key’s included. Professions used in the puzzle are: architect, athlete, biologist, cameraman, chemist, conductor, cook, dancer, doctor, engineer, guitarist, hairdresser, journalist, model, musician, nurse, painter, pediatrician, pharmacist, photographer, pilot, police officer, politician, potter, sculptor, secretary, singer, surgeon, tailor, teacher, veterinarian
Spring Vocabulary Taboo Cards (36 Cards)

Spring Vocabulary Taboo Cards (36 Cards)

Spring Vocabulary Taboo Cards 36 taboo cards blank cards to create more Spring taboo cards (You can print them and let your students create their own Spring taboo cards.) The words used in the taboo cards are: Spring, Easter, kite, rain, bike, butterfly, grass, bunny, umbrella, rainbow, March, April, May, season, bee, sun, sunny, flower, bloom, blossom, warm, tree, sunshine, raincoat, picnic, park, Spring break, bird, Mother’s Day, green, tulip, daffodil, duck, garden, hiking, April Fool’s Day
DAZ/DAF Sommer Vokabeln Wortsuchrätsel

DAZ/DAF Sommer Vokabeln Wortsuchrätsel

Sommer Wortsuchrätsel mit dem Lösungsschlüssel Summer Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle - German Die Wörter im Rätsel sind: August, Badeanzug, Badehose, Bikini, Eis, Ferien, feucht, Grillparty, Hitze, Jahreszeit, Juli, Juni, Klimaanlage, Liegestuhl, Limonade, Meer, Palme, Picknick, reisen, Sand, Sandale, Schwimmbad, schwimmen, Sommer, Sonne, Sonnenbrille, Sonnencreme, Sonnenhut, Sonnenschirm, sonnig, Strand, Urlaub, Wassermelone, zelten *You may also be interested in: Frühling Vokabeln Wortsuchrätsel
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Word Search Puzzle

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Word Search Puzzle

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Word Search Puzzle Answer key’s included. The words used in the puzzle are: Brom Bones, Brom Van Brunt, Cotton Mather, Daredevil, ghosts, Gunpowder, hauntings, Ichabod Crane, Katrina Van Tassel, legend, mystery, pumpkin, schoolmaster, Sleepy Hollow, Tarry Town, the Headless Horseman, the Hudson River, the Revolutionary War, the Van Tassel farm, Washington Irving, witchcraft.
DAZ/DAF Berufe Bildkarten, 44 Berufe (Professions Flashcards)

DAZ/DAF Berufe Bildkarten, 44 Berufe (Professions Flashcards)

Berufe Bildkarten - Professions Flashcards 44 flashcards: Sänger/in, das Mannequin/der Dressman, Fotograf/in, Maler/in, Bildhauer/in, Keramiker/in, Ingenieur/in, Polizist/in, Chirurg/in, Arzt/Ärztin, Krankenpfleger/Krankenschwester, Kinderarzt/Kinderärztin, Saxofonist/in, Pilot/in, Maskenbildner/in, Flugbegleiter/in, Koch/Köchin, Journalist/in, Kontrabassist/in, Modedesigner/in, Pilates-Trainer/in, Schneider/in, Tierarzt/Tierärztin, Tennisspieler/in, Babysitter/in, Kameramann/-frau, Politiker/in, Handwerker/in, Lehrer/in, Chemiker/in, Architekt/in, Tänzer/in, Gitarrist/in, Geiger/in, Harfenist/in, Dirigent/in, Sekretär/in, Floristin, Apotheker/in, Obst- und Gemüsehändler/in, Metzger/in, Kassierer/in, Fischhändler/in, Kellner/in. *DAZ, DAF, Deutsch, German, Vocabulary, Wortschatz, Berufe, Professions
ESL/EFL Idioms Crossword Puzzle-5 (20 idioms)

ESL/EFL Idioms Crossword Puzzle-5 (20 idioms)

Idioms Crossword Puzzle-5 (20 idioms) For each idiom, there’s an explanation and an example sentence with one missing word. Idioms in the sentences are written in bold letters. To complete the crossword puzzle, the missing word in the idiom must be found. The answer key’s included. Idioms used in the puzzle are: I’ll sleep on it the jury is out be in two minds on the fence pass with flying colors go to the dogs fall at the first hurdle be in the bag Pandora’s box an Achilles heel the Midas touch a round-table discussion written in the stars move heaven and earth thank your lucky stars on top of the world give the game away cover your tracks keep someone in the dark spill the beans *ESL, EFL, figurative language, idioms, crossword, puzzle, fun, English
There is/There are Task Cards (33 cards)

There is/There are Task Cards (33 cards)

There is/There are Task Cards 1- 33 task cards there is vs. there are there isn’t vs. there aren’t there is vs. there isn’t there are vs. there aren’t 2- blank task cards for students to create their own cards 3- answer sheets 4- a copy in worksheet format 5- answer key