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Over 200 resources available for KS3-KS4 Science, KS5 Chemistry and Whole School! Lesson resources are suitable for live lessons in school, remote teaching at home or independent student study. It’s your choice how you use them 😊 Don’t forgot to explore my free resources too!




Over 200 resources available for KS3-KS4 Science, KS5 Chemistry and Whole School! Lesson resources are suitable for live lessons in school, remote teaching at home or independent student study. It’s your choice how you use them 😊 Don’t forgot to explore my free resources too!
AS Chemistry: The Mole and The Avogadro Constant

AS Chemistry: The Mole and The Avogadro Constant

A complete lesson including starter activity, main work task, bonus task and answers on Avogadro’s constant and calculating moles using the mole equation The lesson begins with a 5-10 minute starter task (DO NOW) on previous KS5 knowledge about relative atomic mass of elements and calculating the relative molecular mass of compounds By the end of this lesson KS5 students should be able to: Know that the Avogadro constant is the number of particles in a mole Calculate the number of moles present in a given mass of an element or compound using the mole equation Rearrange the mole equation to calculate either the number of moles, Mr or mass of an element or compound The teacher will be able to check students have met these learning objectives through mini AfL tasks for students to complete as well as a 20-30 minute independent work task All tasks have worked out answers which will allow students to self assess their work in the lesson Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above
Benzene and its structure

Benzene and its structure

Well structured KS5 Lesson on Benzene and its structure. The lesson contains starter activities, discussion questions and mini AfL quizzes and practice questions, all with answers included By the end of the lesson students should: To describe the Kekulé model of benzene To describe the delocalised model of benzene in terms of P orbital overlap forming a delocalised π system To compare the Kekulé model of benzene and the delocalised model of benzene 4.To explain the experimental evidence which supports the delocalised model of benzene in terms of bond lengths, enthalpy change of hydrogenation and resistance to reaction Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above
Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones

Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones

A complete lesson including starter activity, AfL work tasks and main work tasks (all with answers included) on the Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones. Suitable for AQA A level Chemistry By the end of this lesson KS5 students should be able to: To review the oxidation of alcohols using Cr2O72-/H+ to form aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids To understand nucleophilic addition reactions of aldehydes and ketones with NaBH4 to form alcohols To construct the mechanism for nucleophilic addition reactions of aldehydes and ketones with NaBH4 Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons including using your own lesson PowerPoints is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be reviewed during these scenarios outlined above
Kinetics: The Rate-Determining Step (A level Chemistry)

Kinetics: The Rate-Determining Step (A level Chemistry)

A structured A level Chemistry lesson including starter activity, AfL work tasks and lesson slides with answers on the rate determining step By the end of this lesson KS5 students should be able to: To explain and use the term rate determining step To deduce possible steps in a reaction mechanism from the rate equation and the balanced equation for the overall reaction To predict the rate equation that is consistent with the rate determining step
AS Chemistry: Atomic Orbitals

AS Chemistry: Atomic Orbitals

A structured KS5 lesson including starter activity and AfL work tasks Electrons and Atomic Orbitals By the end of this lesson KS5 students should be able to: To know that atomic orbitals are a region around the nucleus that occupy electrons To illustrate the shape of s, p and d orbitals To describe the number of orbitals that make up the s, p and d sub shells and the number of electrons that fill the sub shells To deduce the electronic configuration of atoms and ions in the s and p-block The teacher will be able to check students have met these learning objectives through mini AfL tasks for students to complete Important Note For Teachers: A lesson on electronic configuration of d-block elements is available as a separate lesson in my shop Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above
The Reactions of Benzene

The Reactions of Benzene

Well structured KS5 Lesson on The Reactions of Benzene. The lesson contains starter activities, discussion questions and mini AfL questions and practice questions, all with answers included By the end of the lesson students should: To understand the electrophilic substitution of aromatic compounds with: (i) concentrated nitric acid in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid (ii) a halogen in the presence of a halogen carrier (iii) a haloalkane or acyl chloride in the presence of a halogen carrier (Friedel–Crafts reaction) and its importance to synthesis by formation of a C–C bond to an aromatic ring To construct the mechanism of electrophilic substitution in arenes Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons including using your own lesson PowerPoints is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be reviewed during these scenarios outlined above
GCSE Chemistry: Reactivity Series and Metal Extraction

GCSE Chemistry: Reactivity Series and Metal Extraction

A complete lesson including starter activity, AfL work tasks and main work tasks on the reactivity series and metal extraction. Suitable for AQA GCSE Chemistry and Combined Science (higher and foundation) By the end of this lesson KS4 students should be able to: Deduce an order of reactivity of metals based on experimental results Explain reduction and oxidation by loss or gain of oxygen Explain how the reactivity is related to the tendency of the metal to form its positive ion The teacher will be able to check students have met these learning objectives through mini AfL tasks for students to complete All tasks have worked out answers, which will allow students to self assess their work during the lesson Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above
The Periodic Table (OCR)

The Periodic Table (OCR)

9 Resources
9 Full Lesson Bundle covering Module 3.1 - The Periodic Table from OCR A Level Chemistry A specification. Please review the learning objectives below Lesson 1: The Structure of The Periodic Table To know how the periodic table is arranged To describe the periodic trend in electron configurations across periods 2 and 3 To classify elements into s, p and d blocks Lesson 2: AS Chemistry: Ionisation Energy (Part 1) To define the term ‘first ionisation energy’ and successive ionisation energies To describe the factors affecting ionisation energy To explain the trend in successive ionisation energies of an element Lesson 3: AS Chemistry: Ionisation Energy (Part 2) To explain the trend in first ionisation energies down a group To explain the trend in first ionisation energies across period 2 To explain the trend in first ionisation energies across period 3 Lesson 4: Periodicity: Melting Points To describe the trend in structure from giant metallic to giant covalent to simple molecular lattice To explain the variation in melting points across period 2 & 3 in terms of structure and bonding Lesson 5: AS Chemistry: Group 2 Elements To know group 2 elements lose their outer shell s2 electrons to form +2 ions To state and explain the trend in first and second ionisation energies of group 2 elements and how this links to their relative reactivities with oxygen, water and dilute acids To onstruct half equations of redox reactions of group 2 elements with oxygen, water and dilute acids and to identify what species have been oxidised and reduced using oxidation numbers Lesson 6: AS Chemistry: Group 2 Compounds To know the reaction between group 2 metal oxides and water To state the trend in solubility and alkalinity of group 2 metal hydroxides To describe the uses of some group 2 compounds including their equations Lesson 7: The Halogens: Properties & Reactivity To describe and explain the trend in boiling points of the halogens in terms of induced dipole-dipole interactions (London Forces) To describe and explain the trend in reactivity of the halogens illustrated by their displacement reaction with other halide ions To construct full and ionic equations of halogen-halide displacement reactions and to predict the colour changes of these reactions in aqueous and organic solutions Lesson 8: Disproportionation & The Uses of Chlorine To explain the term disproportionation To explain how the reaction of chlorine with water or cold dilute sodium hydroxide are examples of disproportionation reactions To evaluate the uses of chlorine (How Science Works) Lesson 9: Qualitative Analysis To carry out test tube reactions and record observations to determine the presence of the following anions : CO32- SO42- , Cl-, Br-, and I- To carry out test tube reactions and record observations to determine the presence of the following cations: NH4+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+ and Cu2+ To construct ionic equations to explain the qualitative analysis tests of cations and anions Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons including using your own lesson PowerPoints is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be reviewed during these scenarios outlined above
A level Chemistry: Reaction Mechanisms (AQA)

A level Chemistry: Reaction Mechanisms (AQA)

27 flashcards on Reaction Mechanisms from both Year 12 and 13 content. Suitable for the AQA A level Chemistry 7405 Specification Reaction mechanisms included are: Free Radical Substitution Nucleophilic Substitution Electrophilic Addition Elimination Electrophilic Substitution Nucelophilic Addition Nucelophilic Addition-Elimination PRINTING: These can be printed as A6 flashcards (1/4 size of A4) by printing four pages per sheet
AS Chemistry: Mass Spectroscopy

AS Chemistry: Mass Spectroscopy

A structured KS5 lesson including starter activity, AfL work tasks and main work task all with answers on Mass Spectroscopy. Suitable for OCR AS Chemistry By the end of this lesson KS5 students should be able to: To determine the relative atomic masses and relative abundances of the isotope using mass spectroscopy To calculate the relative atomic mass of an element from the relative abundances of its isotope Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above
AS Chemistry: Empirical and  Molecular Formulae

AS Chemistry: Empirical and Molecular Formulae

A well structured lesson including starter activity, main work tasks with answers included on empirical and molecular formulae By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Understand what is meant by ‘empirical formula’ and ‘molecular formula’ Calculate empirical formula from data giving composition by mass or percentage by mass Calculate molecular formula from the empirical formula and relative molecular mass. Note: the starter activity involves students self assessing their homework on moles and the ideal gas equation (Homework questions and answers are included in this resource) Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above
GCSE Chemistry: Relative Formula Mass

GCSE Chemistry: Relative Formula Mass

A well structured lesson including starter activity and mini AfL questions on relative atomic mass and relative formula mass. Suitable for AQA GCSE Chemistry and Combined Science (higher tier and foundation) The lesson begins with a short starter task (DO NOW) on understanding the numbers in the periodic table By the end of this lesson KS4 students should be able to: To identify the relative atomic mass of an element from the periodic table To be able to define the term relative atomic mass To calculate relative formula masses from atomic masses The teacher will be able to check students have met these learning objectives through mini AfL tasks for students to complete All tasks have worked out answers, which will allow students to self assess their work during the lesson Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above


A structured KS5 lesson including starter activity, AfL work tasks and practice questions with answers on Entropy By the end of this lesson KS5 students should be able to: To know that entropy is a measure of the dispersal of energy in a system, which is greater the more disordered a system To explain the difference in entropy of solids, liquids and gases To calculate the entropy change of a reactant based on the entropies provided for the reactants and products Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above
Hess' Law and Enthalpy Cycles

Hess' Law and Enthalpy Cycles

A structured KS5 lesson including starter activity and AfL work tasks and main work tasks on Hess’ Law and Enthalpy Cycles By the end of this lesson KS5 students should be able to: LO1. To state Hess’ Law LO2. To calculate the enthalpy change of a reaction from enthalpy changes of combustion using Hess’ Law LO3. To calculate the enthalpy change of a reaction from enthalpy changes of formation using Hess’ Law The teacher will be able to check students have met these learning objectives through mini AfL tasks for students to complete All tasks have worked out answers, which will allow students to self assess their work during the lesson Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above
Aromatic Compounds (OCR)

Aromatic Compounds (OCR)

5 Resources
5 Full Lesson Bundle which covers the lessons on aromatic compounds from the OCR A Level Chemistry Specification. See below for the lesson objectives Lesson 1: Benzene and its Structure To describe the Kekulé model of benzene To describe the delocalised model of benzene in terms of P orbital overlap forming a delocalised π system To compare the Kekulé model of benzene and the delocalised model of benzene To explain the experimental evidence which supports the delocalised model of benzene in terms of bond lengths, enthalpy change of hydrogenation and resistance to reaction Lesson 2: Naming Aromatic Compounds State the IUPAC name of substituted aromatic compounds Construct the structure of aromatic compounds based on their IUPAC names Analyse the correct numbering system for di and trisubstituted aromatic compounds Lesson 3: The Reactions of Benzene To understand the electrophilic substitution of aromatic compounds with: (i) concentrated nitric acid in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid (ii) a halogen in the presence of a halogen carrier (iii) a haloalkane or acyl chloride in the presence of a halogen carrier (Friedel–Crafts reaction) and its importance to synthesis by formation of a C–C bond to an aromatic ring To construct the mechanism of electrophilic substitution in arenes Lesson 4: Phenols To recall and explain the electrophilic substitution reactions of phenol: with bromine to form 2,4,6-tribromophenol (ii) with dilute nitric acid to form a mixture of 2-nitrophenol and 4-nitrophenol (j) To explain the relative ease of electrophilic substitution of phenol compared with benzene, in terms of electron pair donation to the π-system from an oxygen p-orbital in phenol To understand the weak acidity of phenols shown by its neutralisation reaction with NaOH but absence of reaction with carbonates Lesson 5: Directing Groups in Aromatic Compounds To understand the 2- and 4-directing effect of electron- donating groups (OH, NH2) and the 3-directing effect of electron-withdrawing groups (NO2) in electrophilic substitution of aromatic compounds To predict the substitution products of aromatic compounds by directing effects in organic synthesis Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons including using your own lesson PowerPoints is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be reviewed during these scenarios outlined above
Acids, Bases and Neutralisation

Acids, Bases and Neutralisation

A complete KS5 lesson including starter activity, main work task and answers on acids, bases and neutralisation By the end of this lesson KS5 students should be able to: LO1. To know the formula of common acids and alkalis LO2. To explain the action of an acid and alkali in aqueous solution and the action of a strong and weak acid in terms of relative dissociations LO3. To describe neutralisation as a reaction of: (i)  H+ and OH– to form H2O (ii)  acids with bases, including carbonates, metal oxides and alkalis (water-soluble bases), to form salts, including full equations All tasks have worked out answers which will allow students to self assess their work in the lesson Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons including using your own lesson PowerPoints is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be reviewed during these scenarios outlined above
The Structure of The Periodic Table

The Structure of The Periodic Table

A structured KS5 lesson including starter activity, AfL work tasks and practice questions with answers on The Structure of The Periodic Table By the end of this lesson KS5 students should be able to: To know how the periodic table is arranged To describe the periodic trend in electron configurations across periods 2 and 3 To classify elements into s, p and d blocks The teacher will be able to check students have met these learning objectives through mini AfL tasks for students to complete Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons including using your own lesson PowerPoints is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be reviewed during these scenarios outlined above
AS Chemistry: Percentage Yield and Atom Economy

AS Chemistry: Percentage Yield and Atom Economy

A complete lesson including starter activity, mini AfL work tasks with answers, main work tasks with answers for a KS5 lesson on percentage yield and atom economy By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Know how to balance symbol equations Calculate atom economy and percentage yield from balanced symbol equations Calculate the masses and moles of products or reactants from balanced symbol equations Students will be able to take rich notes on percentage yield and atom economy, building on their KS4 knowledge on this topic The teacher will be able to quickly assess students’ understanding of the how to calculate percentage yield and atom economy by carrying our mini AfL tasks either on mini white boards or in students’ books The lesson ends with a main work task for students to complete. Students will be able to self or peer assess their answers to this task using the detailed answers provided Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above
Synthesis of Hydroxynitriles

Synthesis of Hydroxynitriles

A complete lesson including starter activity, AfL work tasks and main work tasks (all with answers included) on the synthesis of hydroxynitriles. Suitable for AQA A level Chemistry. By the end of this lesson KS5 students should be able to: To know how to name hydroxynitriles To understand the steps of the nucleophilic addition reaction mechanism to form hydroxynitriles To be able to explain how a racemic mixture of hydroxynitriles can be produced Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons including using your own lesson PowerPoints is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be reviewed during these scenarios outlined above
AS Chemistry: Introduction To Organic Chemistry (AQA)

AS Chemistry: Introduction To Organic Chemistry (AQA)

5 Resources
5 well structured chemistry lessons covering topics in the Introduction to Organic Chemistry (Year 12) suitable for the AQA specification (IMPORTANT NOTE: please look in my shop for similar bundle suitable for the OCR specification) Lesson 1: Organic and Inorganic Compounds Describe what organic and inorganic compounds are Compare the strength of bonds in organic and inorganic compounds Explain the molecular shape of carbon containing compounds Lesson 2: Naming organic compounds By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Know the IUPAC rules for naming alkanes and alkenes Know the IUPAC rules for naming aldehyde, ketones and carboxylic acids Construct structural or displayed formulae from named organic compounds and name organic compounds from the structural or displayed formulae Lesson 3: Types of formulae By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Know what is meant by the terms empirical and molecular formula Compare the terms general, structural, displayed and skeletal formula Construct organic compounds using either of the 6 types of formulae Lesson 4: Isomers Know the what structural isomers and stereoisomers are Describe the three different ways in which structural isomers can occur Construct formulae of positional, functional group or chain isomers and stereosiomers of alkenes Lesson 5: Introduction To Reaction Mechanisms Understand that reaction mechanisms are diagrams that illustrate the movement of electrons using curly arrows Understand where curly arrows being and where they end Identify and illustrate homolytic and heterolytic bond fission in reaction mechanisms Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above