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Design & Technology International

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Head of Design Technology at a leading international school. Delivering KS3, IGCSE and IB curriculums.




Head of Design Technology at a leading international school. Delivering KS3, IGCSE and IB curriculums.
Laser Cut Comb Joint Box Tutorial

Laser Cut Comb Joint Box Tutorial

Step by step guide used for creating the pieces for a comb jointed box using Techsoft 2D Design, that can then be cut out using a laser cutter and constructed using wood glue. This will also work for other materials such as acrylic etc. Tutorial gives an exact size example but gives the principles for designing any size box. Ideal for KS3 pupils, but also useful for KS4 and KS5 pupils with no prior experience of the subject.
KS3 Comb Joint Laser Cut Jewellery Box - Powerpoint (9 Lessons)

KS3 Comb Joint Laser Cut Jewellery Box - Powerpoint (9 Lessons)

Resistant Materials design project for KS3 pupils aimed at raising pupil knowledge of vacuum forming, mould creation and creation of Comb jointed boxes using 2D Design and Laser Cutter. Powerpoint includes objectives, outcomes, success criteria and tasks for 9 lessons with examples of work. This is ideally used as a follow up to the Art Deco Jewellery project.
Evaluation Against Specification (Template worksheet)

Evaluation Against Specification (Template worksheet)

Template worksheet for any design project that requires evaluation and testing against a specification. Ideal as an introduction using a simple method which can be used through to IGCSE projects. Includes Success criteria for the task.
KS3 Art Deco Jewellery Evaluation (Worksheet and Complete Example)

KS3 Art Deco Jewellery Evaluation (Worksheet and Complete Example)

Worksheet for Art Deco Jewellery Evaluation and Testing against Specification. Ideal as an introduction to Evaluation against specification with specification included. Simple method which can be used through to IGCSE projects. Includes Success criteria for the task and a fully completed example, which can be used as a teaching aid, marking guide or classroom display.
KS3 Art Deco Jewellery Planning Chart (Worksheet and Example sheet)

KS3 Art Deco Jewellery Planning Chart (Worksheet and Example sheet)

Worksheet for Art Deco Jewellery planning of manufacture. Ideal as an introduction to planning projects for year and and completed after or during the manufacturing. Includes Success criteria for the task and a fully completed example, which can be used as a teaching aid, marking guide or classroom display.
KS3 Art Deco Jewellery Powerpoint (8 lessons)

KS3 Art Deco Jewellery Powerpoint (8 lessons)

Resistant Materials design project for KS3 pupils aimed at raising pupil knowledge of Art Deco style and the Pewter Casting process. Powerpoint includes objectives, outcomes, success criteria and tasks for 8 lessons with examples of work.
KS3 Pewter Casting Art Deco Jewellery (Full project, PPT, worksheets, SoW)

KS3 Pewter Casting Art Deco Jewellery (Full project, PPT, worksheets, SoW)

Resistant Materials design project for KS3 pupils aimed at raising pupil knowledge of Art Deco style and the Pewter/Metal Casting process. Lessons and examples of metal rendering, mould design using Techsoft 2D Design and laser cutter. Lessons also focussing on retrospective project planning and evaluation against a specification. Templates, worksheets and examples of all tasks, plus SoW document.