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France - Country Study - Webquest

France - Country Study - Webquest

This Country Study on France (19 pages) can be used in higher grades. It requires students to engage in independent research in order to complete the study. The following sections are included: FRENCH Quick Facts The FRENCH Flag Where in the world is FRANCE? FRENCH Culture and Tradition Famously FRENCH FRENCH Tourist Attractions FRENCH History FRENCH Geography The FRENCH Language A memo is also included.
Spain - Country Study - Webquest

Spain - Country Study - Webquest

This Spanish Country Study can be used in higher grades. It requires students to engage in independent research in order to complete the study. The following sections are included: Spanish Quick Facts The Spanish Flag Where in the world is Spain? Spanish Culture and Tradition Spanish Food Famous Spanish Spanish Tourist Attractions Spanish Artists Spanish Geography A memo is included.
South Africa - Country Study - Webquest

South Africa - Country Study - Webquest

This COUNTRY STUDY of SOUTH AFRICA requires students to engage in independent research in order to complete the study. The following sections are included: South African Quick Facts The South African Flag What is the RAINBOW NATION? What are the BIG FIVE? Where in the world is South Africa? South African Culture and Tradition Famous South Africans South African Tourist Attractions South African History Apartheid Nelson Mandela South African Geography Languages in South Africa A memo with answers is also included.
NO PREP - German - Verb Conjugation Practise and Vocab

NO PREP - German - Verb Conjugation Practise and Vocab

This NO PREP resource, with ANSWER KEYS, contains ELEVEN activities aimed at learning / revising / practicing conjugation of the the following verbs in the Präsens: setzen schlafen gehen rennen hören lesen schreiben riechen stehen arbeiten reden trinken sehen spielen essen There are also a couple of interesting phrases relating to the verbs students have to research, and here and there synonyms are also included. Take a look at the preview to see what the activities are included. Answer Keys are included. There are THREE documents in a ZIP FILE: The Tasks The Answers The ToU - Please make sure that you read this! Depending on their level, some tasks may require students to use their GERMAN/ENGLISH or ENGLISH/GERMAN dictionaries. Viel Spaß! Mr S