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Thank you for supporting my shop :) We all work so hard and I just want to share my lessons to make your life a little easier x
Palm oil debate

Palm oil debate

Included is two lessons on a debate surrounding palm oil. For context before i completed these lessons i taught a vocab lesson on what was included in the debate, a comprehension around palm oil and model verbs. This lead into the for and against lesson (included). This for and against lesson goes into detail about palm oil and what is happening within Malaysia and Thailand and the rainforests. As the work they seperate and decide which statements are ‘for’ and which are ‘against’. Then they plan their writing on the next day. I made this more of a slow write to help them include everything they need with the chance to free write their for and against depending on what they choose.
Ancient Egyptians - Life after death - lesson 5

Ancient Egyptians - Life after death - lesson 5

This powerpoint goes through the beliefs the Egyptians had about the afterlife. Then it talks about the journey. step by step guide to mummification. then burials. 5 activities: explain and match what happens at each stage of the mummification process. missing word sentences. in their own words - explain what happens in the hall of judgement explain why the Egyptians thought the heart was more important than the brain Give differences between how rich and poor were buried
Design and create a bug house

Design and create a bug house

I use this with a Year 5 class but can be adated for younger if needed. This resource is half a terms worth of lessons. included in each lesson is Session 1 - Background on bug shelters. Session 2 - To practise making joints. Session 3 - Create a prototype. Session 4 - Start making a bug shelter- frame of the shelter. Session 5 - Carry on making a bug shelter Session 6 - Put on final touches to the bug shelter Session 7 - Evaluate your shelter. There are videos and links to support the learning. The end goal is to create a bug shelter using wood and strengthening it with triangles. Then pack it out with natural materials from the environment and recyclable materials.
Electronics wire loop game Design and Technology

Electronics wire loop game Design and Technology

This series of lessons that in the end the children will create a wire loop game- when the circuit connects the game will buzz. try and get your metal rod to the other side without hearing the buzzer. lesson 1: discussing appliances and what electricity can help them do - movement, light, heat, sound. powerpoint includes - key vocab, designer discussion, for the activity children have to put appliances into the correct sections. lesson 2 - the first 3 powerpoints follow the same pattern of - key vocab, designer discussion, walt/wilf this lesson is looking at experimenting and constructing a circuit with a worksheet to complete regarding if the circuit will work or not. Lesson 3 - designing powerpoint. discusses what will be needed to make their wre loop game and then they have to draw and design their game and label wht they would need as well as drawing the circuit. lesson 4 and 5 - make an electrical game lesson 6 - evalute the game. This looks at sharing ideas with a partner and encouraing them to write two good things/ 1 imporvement and passing it to a partner. children to fill in an evauation sheet
DT shell structures - satellites

DT shell structures - satellites

Here is 6 week lesson on shell structures. I have linked this to our pace topic and the final product is a satellite. Lesson 1 - learning about satellites and what needs to be included. lesson 2 - what are shell structures - matching nets to 3d shapes and practising making 3d shapes lesson 3 - plan satellite lesson 4 and 5 - make satellite lesson 6 - evaluate satellite each lesson includes key vocab slides, designer discussion, lesson and work to be completed
Parts of a plant

Parts of a plant

This Science lesson looks at the four main parts of a flowering plant It goes through the roots, stem, flower and leaves. It is shown labelled on a picture and then it explains the function of each part The task for this lesson is to create a folding leaflet and they have t explain the function of each part. There are pics included of how this should look
kitchen hygiene and food saftey

kitchen hygiene and food saftey

This lesson i use at the beginning of a food topic within DT. This is a full lesson and includes:- Key vocab with explanation Discusses what happens when we do not have good food hygiene - food poisoning. Explains about cross contamination and how to avoid it. Include the importance of washing our hands who is at risk of food poisonning There is then a quick quiz of what they have learnt. The task is to create a poster stating how we can prepare food safely
Mighty Muscles

Mighty Muscles

Here is a lesson all about muscles. I made this for a year 3 class. The lesson includes: WALT: know why we need muscles to move chnildren re taught about how muscles allow movement - look s at the 3 types of muscles found in the body - skeletal, smooth, cardiac. with a description There are a couple of links t videos within the powerpoint to watch and make notes on. The powerpoin then moves onto looking at pairs of muscles that work together - particulary the tricep and bicep The chn then have two sentences with missing words to complete about the bicep and tricep Chn then have a comprehension to complete
Neil Armstrong KS1

Neil Armstrong KS1

Included is 2 lessons on Neil Armstrong Lesson 1 - key vocab, main key facts, who is Neil Armstrong?, young Neil and how he became an astrounaut, project Apollo. Task is to order the key events in his life so far. Lesson 2 - quick recap of previous lesson, key vocab, walking on the moon, return to earth, after Apollo 11. Task is a comprehension
DT Pulleys project KS2

DT Pulleys project KS2

This is a six week block on creating a fairground ride. We chose to make carousels and this is a week by week build up to the final piece lesson 1- what is a mechanism? Know what a pulley is. lesson 2- How to make a circuit lesson 3 - design a fairground ride lesson 4 and 5 - make your carousel (there is a video that i followed from you tube) lesson 6 - evaluation this has been updated with new links :) (There are other resources and different fairground rides to make on the tts website. You can buy the kits off there and they are made slightly differently but if you are short of funds my way is a cheaper way to do it :) )
studying Georgia OKeeffe's work

studying Georgia OKeeffe's work

This is one lesson looking at key paintings that she has created throughout her career. The powerpoint starts with a key vocab slide followed by some important key facts about her life. The paintings that the powerpoint concentrates on is Oriental Poppies (1928) Ram’s head white hollydock and little hills (1935) Jimson weed white flower no 1 (1932) Summer days (1936) Red Canna (1924) Black Iris iii (1926) Each painting has a description of what is in the painting and the colours that she has used to create an effect. The work at the end is for the art sketch books. They have to stick in the pictures and label what they can see and label the artwork


This is a 6 week unit of work It includes:- Lesson 1 - Christian Journeys (available seperately in my shop) includes special places for Christians - Jerusalem, Nazareth and Bethlehem Looks at a map of where they are Goes into more detail about the 3 places and why they are special. includes a slide on the church of nativity Task - match the picture to the place and write a sentence explaining why it is important to Christians Lesson 2 - Mary and Joseph’s journey Includes story from the bible Then looks at the map and the journey they took Links to google maps and how the journey would look today - questions linked to this Lesson 3 - How the shepherds knew about the baby Includes story from the bible discussion question task - to order the night of the shepherds Lesson 4 - the three wise men (available separately in my shop) includes story form the bible - Matthew 2 1-12 looks in detail about what the three gifts were what is epiphany? Looking in depth and analysing ‘we three kings’ carol and what each section means task - questions on the powerpoint Lesson 5 - To learn about how the emotions of the people in story are the same emotions as people have today and King Herod (available separately in my shop) include recap of the three wise men discusses their escape to Egypt (short video of the three wise men) What Herod had ordered and why linking mary and josephs journey to refugees today task - children given sheet on King Herod and they have to answer questions Lesson 6 - the nativity through art (available separately in my shop) looking at art work step by step through the christmas story and discussing it - each picture comes with an explanation Pictures include Annunciation - leonardo da vinci The arrival in Bethlehem - Master LC FLemish The Nativity - Fra Angelico The adoration of the shepherds - Bartolome Esteban Murillo The Adoration of the Shepherds by Guido Reni The Adoration of the Magi - Giuseppe Bartolomeo Chiar The flight to Egypt - cosimo Tura Task - choose a painting and write an explanation for it
special places for Christians to pilgrimage to

special places for Christians to pilgrimage to

This is complete lesson and it includes : key vocabulary slide discussion between class about special places to them Know that Christians have special places and three of these are Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth shows where these places are on a map Gives more info on the three places and why they are special to Christians Has some info on the church of nativity Task - children to match a picture of the place to the name and then write a sentence to explain why it is important for Christians
Georges Seurat unit of work

Georges Seurat unit of work

This is a 6 week block of work on Georges Seurat. I used this in year 2 but can be adapted to suit your school. There are 6 power points and i will briefly explain what is in each one lesson 1 - introduction to pointillism and George Seruat - key facts about him (birth/death/ famous for) Introduces the pointillism technique and what it is. Includes the painting la tour Eiffel as a reference task - experimenting making marks using different brushes/ cotton buds and our little fingers Lesson 2 - The colour wheel recap of facts includes painting of bathers at Asnieres and some info about it. explains the colour wheel - primary and secondary colours task - colour wheel sheet - mixing the colours to create the secondary colours Lesson 3 - tints and tones recap of facts explains what a tone is and how we create it Explains what a tint is and how we create it task - children to have a go at creating tints and tones Lesson 4 - colour mixing recap of facts includes the painting- the channel of Gravelines with some info about it looks at how we can use colour mixing to create different tertiary colours How powder paints cvan be thik or thin depnding on th amount of water you put in task - children have some colours and they have to try and get as close to the colour as they can from mixing Lesson 5 - shades using pastels recap of facts includes the painting - sunday on the island of la grande jatte and some info about it How the shadows in the painting are the same colour just different shades looking at the colour wheel and how this can be light or dark in contrast How to create a shade of colour how the pressure you put on a pastel can create a light or dark effect Lesson 6 - creating own masterpiece recap of key facts Look back at the paintings we have covered task - children to choose a painting to recreate using pointillism
Types of Rocks

Types of Rocks

This is a complete lesson on different types of rocks This powerpoint includes: key vocabulary quick questions to gather what they know already looking at the three types of natural rock - igneous (intrusive and extrusive) , sedimentary and metamorphic rock goes into more detail on each rock with a link to a short video for each one the task at the end is to fill in the missing words to complete the sentences
Hindus believe God is represented in different forms

Hindus believe God is represented in different forms

This powerpoint is an introduction to Hinduism and how God is represented in different forms powerpoint includes Key vocab slide Hinduism on a world map - percentage in the world and which country has the most Hindus What happens when a Hindu dies and what they believe Holy book for the Hindus The hindu Gods - Trimurti - goes through some of tbhe forms of God Includes a short video of Hindu beliefs Story of Knappar the Hunter followed by a comprehension style task


This is a complete lesson on Hajj It includes - Key vocab what is a pilgrimage? map of where Saudi Arabia is and then zooms in on where Mecca is. Recap of the story of why Hajj started - brief (i did a full lesson on this the previous week) Why Muslims make the Hajj journey What Muslims wear Then it goes through each part of the Hajj - Mecca, Masjid al Haram, Arafat, Muzdalifah, Mina, back to Mecca – It explains what happens in each part. Task - To complete a flow chart of what happens during ajj
Islamic/ Muslim Marriage

Islamic/ Muslim Marriage

This lesson is a complete lesson with a task at the end. This is part of the Islamic Rites of Passsage unit so if you would like to look at other parts please check out my shop This powerpoint includes key vocab Question about marriage to discuss Muslim relationships - purpose of marriage and why Then it goes into each section - the proposal, the mahr, the nikah, the walima, discusses what happens at engagement ceremonies Task - fill in the missing sections of the table. So it has each section with the arabic word and then they have to write the meaning and then the purpose of each one.
Introduction to Islam and the 5 pillars

Introduction to Islam and the 5 pillars

This is a complete lesson - i will be adding more titles that run alongside the Islamic Rites of Passage so please check out my shop :) Within this lesson it includes: Key vocab Quick facts about Islam Where most Muslims live in the world - including map What is the difference between Islam and Muslim Each 5 pillar is explained - what it is and how a Muslim can do it Link to a short bbc video to recap the 5 pillars of Islam scenario match up to the correct 5 Pillar of Islam Task - Write three sentences to explain each pillar extra task - fill in the missing words in a table linked to the 5 pillars
Christian views on what happens when we die

Christian views on what happens when we die

This lesson is part of a unit that can be found in my shop if you are interested :) This lesson firstly looks at what actually happens physically to our bodies when we die and then it looks at how christians mark the death of a loved one. Lesson includes: Key vocab What physically happens when we die looking at external causes of death (brief) the looking at if an external cause doesnt kill you then you will die of old age. Organ donation Christian funeral - looks at what happens during the service Task is a comprehension - answers incuded