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Sociology learning postcards

Sociology learning postcards

Parents often do not know how to support their children in revising a subject at A Level and feel helpless, these are deigned to support parents in supporting their children in preparing for exams and retrieval practice
History Transition Y11 into Y12

History Transition Y11 into Y12

Detailed resource back for Tudors 1509-1603, German Reformation and War and Technology You will need an extract from a text book for the Tudors and German Reformation as I cannot provide due to copyright
Should our history be erased?

Should our history be erased?

impact of the slave trade on Britain’s Industrial Revolution and attitudes towards destruction of statutes of slave traders introducing concept of iconoclasm
EDEXCEL GCSE 9-1 Elizabethan Recall Quizzes

EDEXCEL GCSE 9-1 Elizabethan Recall Quizzes

All aspects of the syllabus for recall and revision students are given the answer and have to work out the question or vice versa they then rate their need for revision of the topic through the smiley, sad, ok faces answers also provided for students to annotate own copies