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Mostly vocabulary stories


VOCABULARY STORY 111 BIG STEAM ENGINES The predecessors of today's diesel locomotives were ponderous steam engines. Though their technology has been surpassed, it would be duplicit to belittle these figurative work horses. Running one was not a perfunctory affair. Impeccable preparation and operation were required for safety. Indefatigable taciturn crews with a predilection for hard yet meticulous work ran them. The forerunners of today's diesel locomotives were gigantic steam engines. Though their technology has been superceded, it would be deceitful to make light of these metaphorical work horses. Running one was not an automatic affair. Perfect preparation and operation were required for safety. Tireless, gruff crews with an inclination for hard yet precise work ran them.


VOCABULARY STORY 116 TIMING THE STOCK MARKET A cursory look at the Stock Market shows it fluctuates widely. Proponents of market timing have used innovations like graphic computer models. This hardy cerebral bunch has a sort of detachment. They are prone to condoning recanting advice on a dime. A casual look at the Stock Market shows it varies widely. Advocates of market timing have used new things like pictorial computer models. This tough brainy bunch has a sort of aloofness. They are likely to consent to taking back advice on short notice.


VOCABULARY STORY 90 WHY THE TITANIC SANK SEE IF YOU CAN PARAPHRASE MY STORY: There were many seemingly innocuous things that contributed to the Titanic disaster. Opportunities were squandered that impeded the ship’s survival. Inherent things, like the use of low quality rivets. Many were dubious about the ship’s safety. In the trial, the builder made many digressions; guile that prompted many discordant voices. There were many seemingly harmless things that contributed to the Titanic disaster. Chances were wasted that held back the ship’s survival. Built-in things, like the use of low quality rivets. Many were doubtful about the ship’s safety. In the trial, the builder side-tracked; trickery that stirred up many angry voices.


VOCABULARY STORY 93 GETTING THE BIBLE INTO ORDER SEE IF YOU CAN PARAPHRASE MY STORY: Discerning scholars found it feasible to collaborate to take the divergent material in the Bible and devise a coherent narrative. This was presented without guile. The Bible has flagrant examples of violence and mundane digressions into various stories. Insightful scholars found it possible to work together to take the different material in the Bible and make a narrative that sticks together. This was presented with honesty. The Bible has outright examples of violence and ho hum wanderings into various stories.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 11 CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: ADVOCATES HYPOTHETICAL AESTHETIC BELITTLE ADVERSITY MY VOCABULARY STORY: The advocates of a hypothetical aesthetically pleasing world are belittled by those suffering adversity in the real world. SIMPLE VERSION: Those calling for a make believe beautiful world are laughed at by those suffering in the real world. PARAPHRASE: These is a division in those wanting a make believe happy world and those slugging it out in the cruel reality of the world as it is.


This program tests 17,000 words. You get to chose the length of the words or leave it random. You hear a word; you can slow it down to make it clear. You write the word on paper. You see the answer. This program is useful if sobering.
Vocabulary Story 963  How the Pirates were Destroyed

Vocabulary Story 963 How the Pirates were Destroyed

1 Vocabulary Story 963 How the Pirates were Destroyed . One winces to think of the pirates. Concurrent influences caused motley crews to join in a nonpartisan way to traumatize trade and travel on the sea. They even talked in their own violent pirate jargon. This fomented the British Navy to fight against them until they dissipated and became a nonentity. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 963 How the Pirates were Destroyed . One cringes to think of the pirates. Simultaneous influences caused oddly mixed crews to join in an independent way to terrorize trade and travel on the sea. They even talked in their own violent pirate language. This caused the British Navy to fight against them until they melted away and became a thing of little importance. . . .
Vocabulary Story 967  Secrets of the American Revolution

Vocabulary Story 967 Secrets of the American Revolution

1 Vocabulary Story 967 Secrets of the American Revolution . Cynics will say the rebels of the American Revolution were rambunctious and more full of adrenaline than sense. Access to secret records does show an inclement chronology symptomatic of that view. One faction even wanted to confederate with the Crown , undermining the very cause of the Revolution itself. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 967 Secrets of the American Revolution . Mocking critics will say the rebels of the American Revolution were out of control and more full of passion than sense. Access to secret records does show an unfavorable order of events indicating that view. One group even wanted to join with the Crown, weakening the very cause, of the Revolution itself. . .
Vocabulary Story 978  The Dome in Florence

Vocabulary Story 978 The Dome in Florence

1 Vocabulary Story 978 The Dome in Florence . It took finesse and a lot of finagling to build the concave dome of the cathedral in Florence. Its copper alloy roof shines in the turbid Tuskin sky. The cardinal became disconsolate at his libertine congregation which abounded with scoundrels. Chloroform was invented in the city which was a boon to medicine. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 978 The Dome in Florence . It took skill and a lot of craftiness to build the pushed in dome of the cathedral in Florence. Its copper mixture roof shines in the murky Tuskin sky. The cardinal became depressed at his immoral congregation which was full of bad guys. Surgery gas was invented in the city which was a boost to medicine. .
Vocabulary Story 979  Saint Francis was Different

Vocabulary Story 979 Saint Francis was Different

1 Vocabulary Story 979 Saint Francis was Different . Prosperous clergy thought it propitious to wear rich apparel; trumpery that menial country priests could not afford. They even went around the altar in aseptic conditions. So it seemed oddly quixotic that Saint Francis did menial tasks and he was chastised when he cared for the sick when an eruption of small pox broke out. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 979 Saint Francis was Different . Wealthy clergy thought it favorable to wear rich clothing; trashy stuff that humble country priests could not afford. They even went around the communion table in spotlessly clean conditions. So it seemed oddly foolishly idealistic that Saint Francis did lowly tasks and he was scolded when he cared for the sick when an outbreak of small pox broke out. .
Vocabulary Story   The Kidnapping of th Lindberg Baby

Vocabulary Story The Kidnapping of th Lindberg Baby

1 Vocabulary Story The Kidnapping of th Lindberg Baby . The abduction of the Lindberg baby caused national trauma. An indefatigable consolidated man hunt was conducted with consummate skill. The vapid criminal was found with his evil animal totems and charged with willful murder. The corrugated feet of his ladder matched the prints at the crime scene. The trial was carried in the small town of Linden New Jersey in a egalitarian way and he was found guilty and executed. . . 2 Vocabulary Story The Kidnapping of th Lindberg Baby . The kidnapping of the Lindberg baby caused national shock. An untiring coordinated man hunt was conducted with great skill. The tired out criminal was found with his evil animal charms and charged with intentional murder. The ridged feet of his ladder matched the prints at the crime scene. The trial was conducted in the small town of Linden New Jersey in a democratic way and he was found guilty and executed. .
Vocabulary Story 982  Building Washington D.C.

Vocabulary Story 982 Building Washington D.C.

1 Vocabulary Story 982 Building Washington D.C. . It is unequivocal that Washington D.C.'s land was swampland. There were vivid signs disease festered there, with sporadic outbreaks. No artifice could hid it. The unparalleled effort to build the new city, that began in 1783, met with asperity. Competent artisans were hard to find and ill workers were lackluster. A plaque commemorates the ground breaking site. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 982 Building Washington D.C. . It is clear that Washington D.C.'s land was swampland. There were stark signs disease rankled there, with occasional outbreaks. No artistry could hid it. The unprecedented effort to build the new city, that began in 1783, met with difficulty. Reliable craftsmen were hard to find and ill workers were sluggish. A plaque marks the ground breaking site. .
Vocabulary Story 984  What Old Radio Shows Were Like

Vocabulary Story 984 What Old Radio Shows Were Like

1 Vocabulary Story 984 What Old Radio Shows Were Like . The epoch of radio shows produced a compendium of great shows. The exquisite plots were reiterated later in TV shows. There was shrewd work done by geniuses, some of which were autistic and lived in NYC garrets. One blanches with revulsion at the poor material of today which anyone knowledgeable loaths. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 984 What Old Radio Shows Were Like . The age of radio shows produced a treasure trove of great shows. The wonderful plots were repeated later in TV shows. There was witty work done by geniuses, some of which were very inwardly focused and lived in NYC attics. One blushes with disgust at the poor material of today which anyone knowledgeable hates. .
Vocabulary Story 955  The USA in 2022

Vocabulary Story 955 The USA in 2022

1 Vocabulary Story 955 The USA in 2022 . A panorama of 2022 USA shows a land in anguish after the bathos of the government being wrest from its hypothetically perfect democratic system by callous forces. People feel chagrin and trauma and lament the loss of their patriarch: Trump. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 955 The USA in 2022 . A wide view of 2022 USA shows a land in pain after the wild emotions of the government being ripped from its supposed perfect democratic system by unfeeling forces. People feel disappointment and shock and mourn the loss of their leader: Trump.
Vocabulary Story 954  Conditions in the Middle Ages

Vocabulary Story 954 Conditions in the Middle Ages

1 Vocabulary Story 954 Conditions in the Middle Ages . A memento of the Middle Ages are tall churches you get vertigo looking down from. People were devout and receptive to the Christian creed: The gist of which is Jesus redeemed the world. We are incredulous but they claimed to have accouterments of the saints. like the crown of thorns. Their paranoia about the devil allowed for a totalitarian type government with the church in control. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 954 Conditions in the Middle Ages . A souvenir of the Middle Ages are tall churches you get dizzy looking down from. People were strictly religious and open to the Christian belief the matchbook summary of which is Jesus saved the world. We are unbelieving but they claimed to have the equipment of the saints, like the crown of thorns. Their fright about the devil allowed for a dictatorial type of government with the church in control. .
Vocabulary Story 951  NYC Beatnik Poets

Vocabulary Story 951 NYC Beatnik Poets

1 Vocabulary Story 951 NYC Beatnik Poets . NYC in the 1950’s was home to obscure esoteric authors who eschewed fame or even notice. You could get fine repartee in bars from them but fame was pernicious. There people were congruent to this environment with lessors, bars and nighttime. Occasionally there would be a melee but the people involved were conciliatory. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 951 NYC Beatnik Poets . NYC in the 1950’s was home to little known hard to understand authors who shunned fame or even notice. You could get fine conversation in bars from them but fame was harmful. There people were matched to this environment with landlords, bars and nighttime. Occasionally there would be a brawl but the people involved were sorry. .
Vocabulary Story 952  Conditions in the City

Vocabulary Story 952 Conditions in the City

1 Vocabulary Story 952 Conditions in the City . The city is a vortex of chicanery with arrant villains and troopers living by expedient means in garrets if necessary. It’s a tenet that most people are genteel, who would be offended if you intimated otherwise. . . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 952 Conditions in the City . The city is a whirlpool of trickery with complete villains and sloggers living by what ever works in attics if necessary. It’s a rule that most people are polite, who would be offended if you hinted otherwise. . .
Vocabulary Story 960  The Barbarian Takeover of Britain

Vocabulary Story 960 The Barbarian Takeover of Britain

1 Vocabulary Story 960 The Barbarian Takeover of Britain . The people were alienated to the Romans when they pulled out of Britain. The tribes did the toil of coming from the mainland. The Angles, Saxons and Jutes were principal among them. They proclaimed the land theirs. They elicited the appellations of every rotund feature like hills and dells; though they felt the latitude to merge them with their own words and ideas. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 960 The Barbarian Takeover of Britain . The people were estranged to the Romans when they pulled out of Britain. The tribes did the work of coming from the mainland. The Angles, Saxons and Jutes were chief among them. They announced the land theirs. They asked for the names of every round feature like hills and valleys; though they felt the freedom to combine them with their own words and ideas. .
Vocabulary Story 957 Jesus's Ministry

Vocabulary Story 957 Jesus's Ministry

1 Vocabulary Story 957 Jesus’s Ministry . Jesus caused bonhomie. People abetted his ministry. Their motive: to hear his seeming extempore miraculous sayings. Wise men have plumbed their meaning which verge on the divide. A bloc of detractors followed their whims to fight against Jesus. They traded invectives. By skulduggery he was sent to be killed by the Romans. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 957 Jesus’s Ministry . Jesus caused a friendly feeling. People aided his ministry. Their reason: to hear his seeming off the cuff miraculous sayings. Wise men have explored their meaning which boarder on the divide. A coalition of detractors followed their impulses to fight against Jesus. They traded abusive language. By underhanded means he was sent to be killed by the Romans.
Vocabulary Story 958   Noah Follow God's Commands

Vocabulary Story 958 Noah Follow God's Commands

1 Vocabulary Story 958 Noah Follow God’s Commands . Noah became a disciple of God. He served a stint of twenty years building the ark. God obfuscated its purpose, not uttering what the ark was for. Noah had a disposition of faith, obeying God’s commands to him without even an infinitesimal bit of finagling. Noah did not know about the tragic deluge to come and its deadly eddies. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 958 Noah Follow God’s Commands . Noah became a follower of God. He served a period of twenty years building the ark. God clouded its purpose, not uttering what the ark was for. Noah had a mind set of faith, obeying God’s commands to him without even a little bit of trickery. Noah did not know about the disastrous flood to come and its deadly swirls. . .