Pip Gibb-Kirk
Member since 2021
Local/National Government Employee
Based in
United Kingdom
Working in
Local Authority
Personal, social and health education,Special educational needs
I work full time for a Local Authority multi-disciplinary SEND Team for an Emotional Wellbeing & Behaviour Support Service. I also have a part-time private practice as an Emotion Coach and I am a qualified Counsellor. I look behind behaviours to see what is driving them. I support young people in schools who have a diagnosis of a Special Educational Need (SEN) as well as Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH). I support parents and school staff with advice, recommendations and training in how to deliver specific support interventions for SEMH and Behaviour. I enjoy creating visual tools and resources that will engage young people and support their understanding of thoughts, feelings and behaviours. I aim to develop emotional literacy as well as strategies and coping skills. I work with young people from the age of 4 -25 years.
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