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I’m Rachel and I've been teaching for 18 years! I first taught English (TEFL) in Japan and Madrid and then taught French and Spanish in Surrey. I subsequently worked in a UK curriculum school in sunny Dubai. I have now relocated to the UK and have a gorgeous baby daughter! I have a learning-centred approach and encourage my students to be active and reflective learners. I really enjoy the creative process of making PowerPoints and worksheets and hope you enjoy using them!




I’m Rachel and I've been teaching for 18 years! I first taught English (TEFL) in Japan and Madrid and then taught French and Spanish in Surrey. I subsequently worked in a UK curriculum school in sunny Dubai. I have now relocated to the UK and have a gorgeous baby daughter! I have a learning-centred approach and encourage my students to be active and reflective learners. I really enjoy the creative process of making PowerPoints and worksheets and hope you enjoy using them!
World Cup 2018 French Lesson. La Coupe du Monde 2018

World Cup 2018 French Lesson. La Coupe du Monde 2018

La Coupe du Monde 2018 Resources Product Description. I have planned this lesson not only to teach vocabulary and facts about football and the World Cup 2018, but also to help the students to respond creatively to their learning and hopefully share their passion for football! The PowerPoint uses matching cards, colourful pictures and animations and YouTube extracts set to music to inspire the students. It is planned to use with students from Years 6-9 (the final task is very open-ended). Slide 2 states the objective: Objectif: To learn about Le Football & La Coupe du Monde 2018 and to respond creatively to your learning. All: Will learn vocabulary and facts and use them to create an acrostic or a calligramme. Most: Will learn and research vocabulary and facts and use them to create an acrostic or a calligramme. Some: Will learn and research vocabulary and facts and use them to create a poem. Slide 3 has a YouTube link to follow to use with the attached worksheet: https://youtu.be/uC14iKFNwIc . This uses the official FIFA promotional video and the students tick the countries they see. The worksheet is differentiated with an Extra! challenge. The answers are on the next PowerPoint slide. Slide 5 introduces key vocabulary and can be used with the matching cards. The students should work in pairs/ groups to match the vocabulary and the picture using their previous knowledge, cognates and a process of elimination. Vocabulary: Le joueur de foot Le gardien de but L’arbitre Le stade Le ballon de foot La coupe Un drapeau Une équipe Un carton jaune Le terrain de foot Un maillot de foot Des chaussures de foot The activity is differentiated as follows: All: Match Up! Most: Perfect Pronunciation Challenge! Some: Quick Fire Questions! (Here the students quiz each other: French to English, English to French, spellings, accents……). Slides 6 to 17 show each word and the matching picture and colourful animations. Slide 18 has all the pictures for a quick recap. Then there is graded questioning: Slides 19 to 30 have A, B, C multiple choice questions. Slides 31 to 44 are “What’s missing?” slides. Then slide 45 has a YouTube link to the France 2018 Promo video and students should note down new nouns and adjectives expressing the emotions they see and feel (if they don’t know the French they can grab a dictionary later!) The creative challenges are presented on slides 45 and 46, this is to either create an acrostic, a calligramme or a poem (there is a poem template provided). This information is also on the accompanying worksheets. Slide 47 provides the opportunity for reflection. I really hope you and your students enjoy these resources!
Spanish Teaching Resources. PowerPoint: Holiday destinations and transportation.

Spanish Teaching Resources. PowerPoint: Holiday destinations and transportation.

Spanish PowerPoint presenting holiday destinations and transport. Vocabulary: ¿Adónde vas de vacaciones normalmente? Voy a la costa. Voy a la sierra. Voy al campo. Voy a un pueblo. ¿Cómo vas? Voy en coche. Voy en avión. Voy en tren. Voy en autocar. Voy en ferry. The first slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill. Slide12 has pictures of all the new vocabulary. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If it’s the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins! The next section of slides have verdad o mentira questions. Then there is a ¿Qué es? slide.
French Teaching Resources. The Present Tense PowerPoint, Matching cards & Worksheet.

French Teaching Resources. The Present Tense PowerPoint, Matching cards & Worksheet.

These resources are aimed at students who have previously studied some of the present tense (Year 9 or 10 UK). On slide 1 there is a tonguetwister warmer and slide 2 states the differentiated Lesson Objective. The next slides revise the concepts of the infinitive, subject pronouns and conjugation. Slide 9 then instructs the students to peer teach these concepts. The students then follow the instructions on slide 10 and use the cards to conjugate jouer, finir and attendre. Slides 11, 12 and 13 have the conjugations and slide 14 has the je form of some key irregular verbs: J’ai, je suis, je fais, je vais, je veux, je peux, je dois. The students could then play slap the card (you say the English, they slap the correct card before their partner in order to win it). Slide 15 is to be used in conjunction with the worksheet. This is differentiated into all, most and some and includes translations, and sentence writing (the first sheet reviews all the information taught). Slides 16, 17 and 18 have the answers and suggestions for peer assessment of the sentences. Slide 19 shows the original Learning Objective and can be used for a plenary/ reflection. Enjoy!
French Teaching Resources. Student Classroom Phrases Matching Cards and PowerPoint to check.

French Teaching Resources. Student Classroom Phrases Matching Cards and PowerPoint to check.

Phrases: Excusez-moi je suis en retard. Je n’ai pas de stylo. J’ai oublié mon livre. Je ne comprends pas. Je ne sais pas. Je n’ai pas de partenaire. Ça s’écrit comment? J’ai fini. Je peux aller aux toilettes? Je peux changer de partenaire? There are some French – English matching cards and a 5 slide PowerPoint. Slide 1 gives the instructions: All: Match up the cards. Most: Perfect Pronunciation Challenge! Some: Quick Fire Questions! (Here the students quiz each other on the new phrases: French to English, English to French, spellings etc. I then let the students pay pelmenism/ slap the card. Slide 2 lists all the words in French so you can elicit the English and drill. Slides 3 and 4 cover the new expressions in stars and you can challenge the students to say the phrases. Slide 5 then uncovers all the phrases again.
French Teaching Resources Classroom Instructions PowerPoint & Fanfold.

French Teaching Resources Classroom Instructions PowerPoint & Fanfold.

The first slide encourages the students to actively engage with the new vocabulary: working in teams, using their prior knowledge, knowledge of other languages and using a process of elimination to figure out the meanings. They then discuss the pronunciation and question each other before the teacher checks with the whole class. Phrases: Asseyez-vous. Levez-vous. Levez la main. Travaillez avec votre partenaire. Prenez un stylo. Ouvrez les cahiers. Pour les devoirs…. Écrivez. Lisez. Parlez. Écoutez. Rangez vos affaires. The next slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill. The next section of slides have multiple choice questions. Then there are "what's missing?" slides. The final slide has pictures of all the phrases. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If it’s the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins! There is also a fanfold to help the students to learn the phrases. They fold over the sheet of paper so they can only see the English and try to write the French. They then open up the sheet and make any corrections. Then they fold over the sheet of paper so they can only see the French and try to write the English. They then open up the sheet and make any corrections. They continue writing and folding until they have filled in the whole sheet. By this time they have hopefully memorised all the phrases!
French Teaching Resources School Buildings and Facilities PowerPoints and Worksheet.

French Teaching Resources School Buildings and Facilities PowerPoints and Worksheet.

The first slide encourages the students to actively engage with the new vocabulary: working in teams, using their prior knowledge, knowledge of other languages and using a process of elimination to figure out the meanings. They then discuss the pronunciation and question each other before the teacher checks with the whole class. Mon école est vieille/ moderne. C’est une école mixte. Il y a 2500 élèves. Il y a soixante salles. Il y a une bibliothèque. Il y a une cantine. Il y a un centre sportif. Il y a dix labos. Il y a un terrain de sport. Il y a douze salles d’informatique. The next slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill. The next section of slides have “either **** or ****?” questions. Then there are "what's missing?" slides. The final slide has pictures of all the phrases. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins! The worksheet have a French to English match up of the new expressions. This is followed by a gap-fill where the words needed to fill in the gaps are jumbled up in brackets after the gaps (except for the school name). E.g. Mon école ____________ (aes’plple) __________________________. C’est une _________ (iieellv) école mixte près du centre-ville. ______ (y il a) environ deux mille cinq cents ________ (éèlevs) Then there is a further gap-fill which covers related topics about favourite subject, the school day etc.E.g. Some : Remplissez les blancs: L’école commence à ____________ (ithu hseeur) et demie. Chaque cours dure ______ (nue) heure. J’apprends treize ____________ (esmèrtia). J’adore ________ (sanlg’lai) car c’est ______ (rstè) intéressant, mais nous avons beaucoup de _________ (irdeovs). The final extension task is to: Écrivez 7 questions difficiles sur les textes! There is also a 4 slide PowerPoint with the answers.
French Teaching Resources Colours Worksheet

French Teaching Resources Colours Worksheet

This worksheet is accompanied by a PowerPoint so students can speedily mark their work! All: The first sections asks students to write in the English for the following colours: Jaune Bleu/ bleue Blanc/ Blanche Gris/ Grise Marron/ brun/ brune Noir/ noire Rouge Vert/ verte Orange Violet/ violette Rose They then complete the little colour-by-numbers activity. The students answer the following questions in their own words: Colours are adjectives (describing words). Why there are sometimes 2 ways to say a colour e.g. noir, noire? ________________________________________________________________ Why is there sometimes only 1 way e.g. rouge? ________________________________________________________________ Which colours are irregular and do not follow either pattern? ________________________________________________________________ Most: There is a divide the words activity – drawing lines between the individual colours. Rougevertjaunebleuroseorangenoirblancbrunmarronviolet Then there are 4 unjumbling questions e.g. 1. terv = _________ 2. lebu = _________ Then there are 4 colour combining questions e.g. 1. rouge + blanc = _________ 2. bleu + jaune = __________ Some: Combines colours and classroom objects with a gap-fill of 8 questions e.g. Une trousse bl_________ Un crayon ro_________ U___ li_______ bl_________ U____ cahier ma_________
French Teaching Resources: Christmas Quiz. Noël.

French Teaching Resources: Christmas Quiz. Noël.

This 37 slide French Christmas Quiz PowerPoint is fun and informative! I have used lots of colourful animations to really bring the quiz to life. The second slide presents the differentiated objectives: Objectif: To complete a Christmas Quiz and learn about how Christmas is celebrated in France. ALL will learn 5 words and facts. MOST will learn 6 words and facts. SOME will learn 7+ words and facts. Put the students into teams and tell them to choose their team name! There are 12 multiple choice quiz questions each on a separate slide e.g. 1. Comment dit-on «Merry Christmas» en français? A. Bon anniversaire! B. Joyeux Noël! C. Joyeuses Pâques! 2. Le Père Noël arrive le…. A. 6 décembre. B. 12 décembre. C. 24 décembre. 5. Comment dit-on «nativity scene» en français? A. Un sapin de Noël. B. Une crèche. C. Un cadeau. 9. In Provence how many desserts are traditionally served at Le Réveillon? A. quatre. B. neuf. C. treize. The following slides reveal the answers and include slides to further explain some of the answers. E.g. following a question about Une bûche de Noël a slides explains: Une bûche de Noël is a Yule Log. It is a sponge cake which is rolled and shaped like a log. Inside there is a cream filling and the cake is covered in chocolate or chocolate flavoured butter cream – miam miam! Slide 36 provides an opportunity for reflection and asks How many facts and French words can you remember? Joyeux Noël! Enjoy! Rachel
French Teaching Resources. Greetings PowerPoint Presentation.

French Teaching Resources. Greetings PowerPoint Presentation.

The first slide has all the phrases to be taught on it: 1. Salut. 2. Bonjour. 4. Bonsoir. 5. Ça va? 6. Ça va très bien merci! 7. Ça va bien merci. 8. Ça va. 9. Comme ci comme ça/ Bof. 10. Ça ne va pas/ Ça va mal. It encourages the students to actively engage with the new vocabulary: working in teams, using their prior knowledge, knowledge of other languages and using a process of elimination to figure out the meanings. They then discuss the pronunciation and question each other before the teacher checks with the whole class. The next slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill. I always elicit a gesture to represent each greeting which can then be used for a fun game of Simon Says! The next section of slides have multiple choice questions. Then there are "what's missing?" slides. The final slide has pictures of all the new vocabulary. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If it’s the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
French Teaching Resources. La Fête Nationale. Bastille Day. Le 14 juillet. La Révolution Française.

French Teaching Resources. La Fête Nationale. Bastille Day. Le 14 juillet. La Révolution Française.

This lesson teaches students about the French Revolution and how a Fête Nationale/ Bastille Day/ Le 14 juillet is celebrated. It uses colourful slides, images and animations, 3 YouTube links, matching cards and karaoke! A fun end of term lesson! Slide 2 states the objective: To learn facts and vocabulary related to La Révolution Française and La Fête Nationale! All: Will learn 7 new facts and French words. Most: Will learn 9 . Some: Will learn 10+ . Slide 3 presents the following vocabulary: Le clergé La noblesse Le Tiers-État Le roi La reine La Bastille (une prison) La guillotine Le Tricolore It is differentiated: All: Match the French and the picture (there are some English words to help!). Most: Perfect Pronunciation Challenge! Some: Share what you know about La Révolution Française. Slides 4 – 11 show each word with images and animations so you can drill the new vocabulary. Slide 12 has all the pictures for each new word. Then there is graded questioning: Slides 13 – 20 show an image and provide 2 possible answers. Slides 21- 30 are “What’s missing?” slides. Slide 30 is to be used in conjunction with the French worksheet and the YouTube video (in English) The French Revolution In a Nutshell (2 mins 50 secs) which is a cartoon-style clear and concise summary – really fun! Then the students watch the video: All: Complete Exercise A. Most: AND Exercise B. Some: AND note down any additional facts and French vocabulary. * The answers are on the first 2 pages of the PDF. Extract examples of questions: A. Cochez les choses que vous voyez: le Tricolore un canon le monde Le clergé la noblesse le Tiers-État B. Choisissez la bonne réponse: 1. Avant la Révolution il y avait trois rangs : A. La reine, le roi et le Tiers-État. B. Le clergé, la noblesse et le Tiers-État. C. Le roi, le clergé et la noblesse. Slide 32 states: Pour fêter La Fête Nationale il y a des défilés militaires. Le défilé le plus célèbre a lieu sur l’Avenue des Champs-Élysées. Le soir il y a des feux d’artifice, des concerts et des bals. And there is a link to an English language commentary of Bastille Day celebrations on YouTube (1 min 34 secs). Slide 33 explains the Marseillaise and sets out the task (using English and French matching cards): Slide 34 has the Marseillaise in English and French. Slide 35 is a Marseillaise Karaoke slide and links to YouTube. Finally Slide 36 provides time for reflection. I hope you enjoy these resources!
Spanish Teaching Resources. La Tomatina. End of term lesson!

Spanish Teaching Resources. La Tomatina. End of term lesson!

These resources are designed to be a fun end of term lesson! The students learn vocabulary and facts associated to the Tomatina as well as revising food, clothing and colours. There are colourful slides with pictures and animations, differentiated activities, links to short YouTube extracts, a worksheet and a creative task to finish. The first slide says: In celebration of the humble tomato! (at this point the students do not know that they are learning about La Tomatina!) Slide 2 is the warmer: All: Match the words and pictures. Most: AND identify the food that involves tomatoes! Some: AND name other tomato-based food/ dishes! Vocabulary includes: una pizza una paella un bocadillo el gazpacho * Having checked these recipes, ALL can contain tomatoes! Slide 3 says: Of course, there are other things you can do with tomatoes….. Click on the YouTube link which takes you to a brilliant RayBans Tomatina advert (2 mins 47 secs). Slide 5 then states the lesson objective: Objetivo: To learn facts and vocabulary related to the La Tomatina. All: Will learn 7 new facts and Spanish words. Most: Will learn 9 ... Some: Will learn 10+ ... Slide 6 should be used in conjunction with the YouTube link and worksheet: All: Watch the Tomatina advert and choose the correct answer! Most: Tick the things you see and the words you hear. Some: Write down other objects and words in Spanish that you see and hear. The YouTube link (1 min 21 secs) advertises the Tomatina and is a short cartoon narrated in Spanish. You may wish to show this a couple of times. Example question: 1. The Tomatina takes place in… A. Valencia, España. B. Sevilla, España. C. Buñol, España. Examples of vocabulary to tick: el mundo el sol la luna una palmera un estadio una iglesia un piano Slide 7 states: You are now going to design your own Tomatina outfit! All: Match the Spanish and the picture! Most: Perfect Pronunciation Challenge! What other items of clothing and accessories can you name? Some: Quick Fire Questions! * Here the students quiz each other English – Spanish, Spanish – English, spellings….. Vocabulary includes: Una camiseta Unos pantalones Unos zapatos Slide 8 : All: Will draw your Tomatina outfit and label the clothing and accessories in Spanish. Most: AND will write the colour: REMEMBER word order and adjective endings. Some: AND include the material. Use your imagination…. You could be a Tomatina superhero, a Tomatina ninja… You decide! The students then grab dictionaries and design, label and finally present/ share their work. The final slide is for reflection. Enjoy!
French Teaching Resources. Les 24 Heures du Mans. Le Mans. Motorsport. Cars.

French Teaching Resources. Les 24 Heures du Mans. Le Mans. Motorsport. Cars.

These resources are designed to give the students a taste of the thrilling Le Mans ambience and an appreciation of the prestige, dangers and challenges of the event! It uses exciting YouTube clips, colourful slides, matching cards, a video worksheet and a poem/writing template to imagine being a driver in Le Mans. A great end of term lesson! Slide 2 states the objective: Objectif: To learn facts and vocabulary related to Les 24 heures du Mans. All: Will learn 7 new facts and French words. Most: Will learn 9 new facts and French words/ phrases. Some: Will learn 10+ new facts and French words/ phrases. Slide 3 is the warmer and lesson hook. It asks : Qu’est-ce que c’est Les 24 Heures du Mans? There is then a link to the fantastic 1 mins 25 sec trailer for The Journey to Le Mans. The students can then share facts and French vocabulary which they already know. The students then match 9 x English- French cards with facts about Le Mans e.g. Les 24 Heures du Mans sont une course automobile d'une durée de 24 heures. Le Mans est dans le département de la Sarthe en France. La première course s’est déroulée en 1923. Elle est une des courses les plus prestigieuses au monde. Slides 5-11 allow you to run through the information on the cards and elicit the English. Slide 12 links to the worksheet in the resources. The students match French-English vocabulary: 1. Un mécanicien 2. Le podium 3. Un accident 4. Un casque 5. Le coucher du soleil 6. Le lever du soleil 7. Le drapeau à damier 8. Une voiture hybride 9. Un pneu 10. La nuit They then watch the Michelin 2015 Le Mans Highlights (3 minutes 14 secs), ticking the vocabulary they see (I’ve added a couple of additional words to the worksheet). The extension task is to list other things they see. Slide 14 is to be used with the (more detailed) support sheet. It sets out the final creative task: All: You are a Le Mans racing driver! Write a poem/ account of your 24 hours at Le Mans! You may wish to use the suggested template below: Il est 14h59. J’attends. Je suis prêt/ prête. Je suis calme. (time + verb + adjective) Il est 15h00. Le Tricolore! On commence! Je suis confiant/ confiante. Je suis fier/ fière. Il est 22h00. Le coucher du soleil….. Most: Build in negatives e.g. je ne dors pas. Some: Build in: adverbs e.g. parfois and toujours… connectives e.g. et, mais, cependant… other tenses e.g. je voudrais + infinitive. The final slide then gives the opportunity for reflection. I hope you enjoy using these resources!
French Teaching Resources. Le Tour de France. Cyclisme. Cycling.

French Teaching Resources. Le Tour de France. Cyclisme. Cycling.

I have made this series of resources to help the students to understand the excitement, challenges, history and prestige of this incredible event and to teach them facts and vocabulary associated with Le Tour De France. It features YouTube videos, colourful slides, dominoes and a plenary board game. The second slide states: Objectif: To to learn facts and vocabulary related to the Le Tour de France. it is divided into All, Most and Some. Slide 3 acts as both the lesson hook and the warmer task: the students watch the fantastic DailyMotion (French version of YouTube) video (6 mins) showing highlights of the 2015 Tour and note down any facts and French vocabulary they already know. Slide 4 gives instructions on how to use the dominoes whereby the students match the 2 halves of sentences about Le Tour. There are also dominoes in English to support younger/weaker students: All : Put the English and French dominoes into the correct order. Most : AND Perfect Pronunciation Challenge! Some : AND Quick Fire Questions! * Here the students quiz each other about the phrases: French to English, English to French, spellings…. Extra Challenge: Don’t use the English dominoes and translate the French! Examples of dominoes phrases: Il y a 21 étapes réparties sur une période de 23 jours. La course couvre près de 3 500 kilomètres. Le coureur avec le meilleur temps total est le leader de la course et porte le maillot jaune. Slides 5 to 16 reveal the answers. The students will now watch an excellent 10 minute YouTube video explaining the Tour de France. This has brilliant graphics, but the narration is in English so I have written a worksheet with 17 multiple choice questions in French. Examples: 1. 3500 kilomètres est approximativement la distance entre New York et… A. Chicago. B. Las Vegas. C. Los Angeles. 6. Les courses de nuit ont été abandonnées à cause… A. du danger. B. de la tricherie. C. du froid. To prepare thoroughly I first instruct the students to work in teams to translate the questions. The answers are on the first two pages of the worksheet. Slide 18 has the board game which you should print off. Also in the resources are templates for dice and a cyclist template which the students can colour in and use as their counter. There are a series of multiple choice question cards to print off which cover all the information taught in the lesson. The students should answer the question correctly before being allowed to shake the die. Weaker students could be shown the questions (covering the answer below) and you may allow them to translate the question and possible answers into English together too. Slide 19 allows time for reflection.
French Teaching Resources. Belleville Rendez-Vous. Links to Le Tour de France. Le cyclisme.

French Teaching Resources. Belleville Rendez-Vous. Links to Le Tour de France. Le cyclisme.

This series of worksheets accompany the fabulous and quirky French film Belleville Rendez-Vous, which links nicely to Le Tour de France. There are warmer activities and differentiated questions such as tick what you see and putting statements into the correct order for the students to complete. This should take about 3 lessons, great towards the end of term!! Example questions: Exercice B: Vrai ou faux? 1. Quand Champion était jeune il jouait du piano. 2. Quand Champion était jeune il aimait les trains. 3. Bruno aimait les trains. 4. Le film a lieu après 1937. 5. Champion n’aimait pas faire du vélo. 6. Plus tard Madame Souza est devenue entraîneuse. Exercice C : Mettez les phrases dans le bon ordre (1 – 11): Champion se couche : Madame Souza passe l’aspirateur : Bruno rêve (X2) : __ & __ Le Président parle du Tour de France : Des gangsters chassent Champion : Champion mange son dîner : On est au Tour de France : Le camion est en panne : Il s’entraîne en écoutant un disque : Champion monte la montagne : Extra : 1. Comment dit-on « Long live the Republic ? » 2. Comment dit-on « long live France ? » 3. Combien de fois est-ce qu’on voit la Tour Eiffel ? 4. Champion se couche à quelle heure ? 5. Quelle est la date de la photo de Bruno et Champion à la Boule ? 6. Le 17ième étape de la tour de France, où a-t-elle lieu ? 7. Comment dit-on « broom wagon ? » Enjoy!
French Teaching Resources. History of the Olympic Games. Histoire des Jeux olympiques.

French Teaching Resources. History of the Olympic Games. Histoire des Jeux olympiques.

I found a great short film (2 mins 20 secs) on YouTube about the history of the Olympic Games, I love the stylised presentation and have created a series of exercises which I hope will make the French commentary accessible to the students. There is a step-by-step PowerPoint to accompany the worksheet (the answers are both on the PowerPoint and on the worksheet). Slide 2: states the lesson objectives: Objectif: To develop your listening skills and to learn facts and vocabulary related to the history of the Olympic Games. This is differentiated into all, most and some. The first worksheet has 3 goals: All: Match the names and the pictures. Most: AND Put the countries in the order that they appear/ are mentioned. Some: AND Match the date to the correct person. To prepare for these tasks the students are told to: All: Discuss how you would pronounce the names with a French accent! Most: AND be able to translate all the countries. Some: AND be able to say all the years in French. Names include: Pierre de Coubertin, Jesse Owens, le dieu grec Zeus, Tommie Smith Countries include: Le Brésil (Rio de Janeiro), La France (Paris), La Grèce (le temple de Zeus), Dates include : 1894, 8ième siècle avant Jésus Christ, 1968 Slide 4 says: Now you will listen to and watch the short film. Remember, you are only picking out key information. Don’t worry if you don’t understand all the French you hear! Also use the images you see, your logic and previous knowledge to help. You will listen and watch twice, maybe more if your teacher agrees! Slides 5, 6 and 7 have the answers. Slide 8 gives instructions to prepare the students for the next listening task. First is to complete Exercise B which is an English to French match up of vocabulary and phrases that the students will need to in order to understand and answer the multiple choice questions. French vocabulary/ phrases include: 1. Les Jeux olympiques antiques. 2. Le pancrace, la course, le tir. 3. Les tremblements de terre et les inondations. 4. Les femmes. Slide 9 repeats the advice on Slide 4. There are 11 multiple choice questions. Examples of questions: 1. Les Jeux olympiques antiques ont été organisés en l’honneur… A. de Pierre de Coubertin. B. du dieu grec Zeus. C. de l’Empereur Théodose 1er. 2. Parmi les sports aux Jeux olympiques antiques ont été…. A. Le pancrace, la course et la boxe. B. Le pancrace, le tennis et la natation. C. Le pancrace, l’équitation et le tir. Slides 10, 11 and 12 have the answers and finally slide 13 provides the opportunity for reflection.
Spanish Teaching Resources. Olympic & Paralympic Games. Juegos olímpicos y paralímpicos

Spanish Teaching Resources. Olympic & Paralympic Games. Juegos olímpicos y paralímpicos

I have designed these resources to celebrate the Rio 2016 Olympics and Paralympics. They build student’s knowledge of sports vocabulary and adjectives using YouTube extracts, fun animations, matching cards, a video extract worksheet and finally a creative task to help the students express their Olympic/Paralympic passions! Slide 2 presents the differentiated lesson objectives. Slide 3 has the Olympic motto and pictures of Olympian heroes. Slide 4 is the warmer task: name as many Olympic/Paralympic sports as possible from student’s previous knowledge and includes links to the Juntos | Campaña oficial del COI in both Spanish and English (1 min 30 secs each) to inspire the students. They may do this in teams, pairs or individually. The full list of Olympic and Paralympic events can be found on a PDF in these resources. Slides 5 to 43 build new Olympic/Paralympic sports vocabulary: El atletismo El remo El piragüismo La equitación La esgrima El levantamiento de pesas La lucha El buceo El nado sincronizado El tiro El tiro con arco La vela Slide 5 invites the students to: All: Match Up! Most: Perfect Pronunciation Challenge! Some: Quick Fire Questions! *Here the students quiz each other, e.g Spanish to English, English to Spanish, spellings etc. of the new vocabulary. Slides 6 to 17 have 1 slide per expression and allow you to drill the new vocabulary. Then there is graded questioning. Slides 19 to 30 show the images and give the students a choice of two possible sports to choose from. Then slides 31 to 43 are what’s missing? slides. Slide 44 should be used in conjunction with the worksheet. Here the students tick the sports they see on the Paralympic trailer video (2 mins 48 secs) and includes an extension task for stronger students. The answers are on the first two pages of the worksheet PDF. The next slide should be used with the English-Spanish adjectives matching cards. Adjectives: trabajador/a entusiasmado/a perezoso/a nervioso/a concentrado/a seguro/a relajado/a encantado/a orgulloso/a egoísta terco/a lento/a rápido/a hablador(a) habilidoso/a Once matched you may like to play pelmenism/slap the card. Then complete the second half of the worksheet: students watch the official Rio 2016 trailer and tick the adjectives which reflect the emotions of the athletes and spectators as well as other adjectives to describe what they see. There is an extension task for stronger students. Then the students have a choice of three creative tasks: to design and decorate in Spanish an Olympic torch, an Olympic flag or to write a poem about their Olympic/Paralympic hero. The last slide is for reflection.
French Teaching Resources. Rio 2016 Olympic & Paralympic Games. Les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques

French Teaching Resources. Rio 2016 Olympic & Paralympic Games. Les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques

These resources celebrate the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic games. They build student’s knowledge of sports vocabulary and adjectives using YouTube extracts, colourful slides, animations, matching cards, a video extract worksheet and finally a creative task to help the students express their Olympic/Paralympic passions! Slide 2 presents the differentiated lesson objectives. Slide 3 has the Olympic motto and some great black and white pictures of Olympian heroes. Slide 4 is the warmer task to name as many Olympic/Paralympic sports as possible from student’s previous knowledge and includes links to the Ensemble Campagne officielle du CIO in both French and English (1 min 30 secs each) to inspire the students. They may do this in teams, pairs or individually. The full list of Olympic and Paralympic events can be found on a PDF in these resources. Slides 5 to 43 build new Olympic/Paralympic sports vocabulary. Expressions presented: L’athlétisme L’aviron Le canoë-kayak Les sports équestres L’escrime L’haltérophilie La lutte Le plongeon La natation synchronisée Le tir Le tir à l'arc La voile Slide 5 invites the students to: All: Match Up! Most: Perfect Pronunciation Challenge! Some: Quick Fire Questions! *Here the students quiz each other, e.g French to English, English to French, spellings etc. of the new vocabulary. Slides 6 to 17 have 1 slide per expression and allow you to drill the new vocabulary. Then there is graded questioning. Slides 19 to 30 show the images and give the students a choice of two possible sports to choose from. Then slides 31 to 43 are what’s missing? slides. Slide 44 should be used in conjunction with the worksheet. Here the students tick the sports they see on the Paralympic trailer video (2 mins 48 secs) and includes an extension task for stronger students. The answers are on the first two pages of the worksheet PDF. The next slide should be used in conjunction with the English-French adjectives matching cards. Adjectives: travailleur/ euse, enthousiaste, paresseux/euse, nerveux/euse, concentré(e), assuré(e), détendu, ravi(e), fier/ fière, égoïste, têtu(e), lent(e), rapide, bavard(e), habile. Then complete the second half of the worksheet where students watch the official Rio 2016 trailer and tick the adjectives which reflect the emotions of the athletes and spectators as well as other adjectives to describe what they see. There is an extension task. Then the students have a choice of three creative tasks: to design and decorate in French an Olympic torch, a flag or to write a poem about their Olympian/Paralympic hero. Both PowerPoint slides have an accompanying worksheet including a suggested poem template. The final slide provides an opportunity for reflection.
Spanish Teaching Resources: Euro 2016 Football lesson.

Spanish Teaching Resources: Euro 2016 Football lesson.

Euro 2016 Resources Product Description. I have planned this lesson not only to teach vocabulary and facts about football, France and Euro 2016, but also to help the students to respond creatively to their learning and hopefully share their passion for football! The PowerPoint uses matching cards, colourful pictures and animations and YouTube extracts set to music to inspire the students. It is planned to use with students from Years 6-9 (the final task is very open-ended). Slide 2 shows a celebratory image of the 2012 winners – Spain! Slide 3 states the objective: Objectivo: To learn about el fútbol & Euro 2016 and to respond creatively to your learning. Slide 4 has a YouTube link to follow to use with the attached worksheet. This uses the official UEFA promotional video (3 mins 57 secs) and the worksheet builds vocabulary, cultural and factual knowledge such as the locations of the stadiums, their capacities, cultural images and numbers of matches, volunteers, teams etc. The worksheet is differentiated with an Extra! challenge section. The answers are on the first page of the worksheet. Slide 6 introduces key vocabulary and can be used with the matching cards. The students should work in pairs/ groups to match the vocabulary and the picture using their previous knowledge, cognates and a process of elimination. Vocabulary: Un futbolista El guardameta El réferi El estadio La pelota La copa Una bandera Un equipo Una tarjeta amarilla La cancha Una camiseta Unos botines The activity is differentiated as follows: All: Match Up! Most: Perfect Pronunciation Challenge! Some: Quick Fire Questions! (Here the students quiz each other: French to English, English to French, spellings, accents…..). Slides 7 to 18 show each word and the matching picture and colourful animations. Slide 19 has all the pictures for a quick recap. Then there is graded questioning: Slides 20 to 31 have A, B, C multiple choice questions. Slides 32 to 45 are “What’s missing?” slides. Then slide 46 has a YouTube link to the official song and video (3 mins 49 secs) and students should note down new nouns and adjectives expressing the emotions they see and feel (if they don’t know the Spanish they can grab a dictionary later!) The creative challenges are presented on slides 46 and 47, this is to either create an acrostic, a calligramme or a poem (there is a poem template provided). This information is also on the accompanying worksheets. Slide 48 provides the opportunity for reflection. I really hope you and your students enjoy these resources!
French Teaching Resources: Euro 2016 Football Lesson!

French Teaching Resources: Euro 2016 Football Lesson!

I have planned this lesson not only to teach vocabulary and facts about football, France and Euro 2016, but also to help the students to respond creatively to their learning and hopefully share their passion for football! The PowerPoint uses matching cards, colourful pictures and animations and YouTube extracts set to music to inspire the students. It is planned to use with students from Years 6-9 (the final task is very open-ended). Slide 2 states the objective: Objectif: To learn about Le Football & Euro 2016 and to respond creatively to your learning. Slide 3 has a YouTube link to follow to use with the attached worksheet. This uses the official UEFA promotional video (3 mins 57 secs) and the worksheet builds vocabulary, cultural and factual knowledge such as the locations of the stadiums, their capacities, cultural images and numbers of matches, volunteers, teams etc. The worksheet is differentiated with an Extra! challenge section. The answers are on the first page of the worksheet. Slide 5 introduces key vocabulary and can be used with the matching cards. The students should work in pairs/ groups to match the vocabulary and the picture using their previous knowledge, cognates and a process of elimination. Vocabulary: Le joueur de foot Le gardien de but L’arbitre Le stade Le ballon de foot La coupe Un drapeau Une équipe Un carton jaune Le terrain de foot Un maillot de foot Des chaussures de foot The activity is differentiated as follows: All: Match Up! Most: Perfect Pronunciation Challenge! Some: Quick Fire Questions! (Here the students quiz each other: French to English, English to French, spellings, accents…..). Slides 6 to 17 show each word and the matching picture and colourful animations. Slide 18 has all the pictures for a quick recap. Then there is graded questioning: Slides 19 to 30 have A, B, C multiple choice questions. Slides 31 to 44 are “What’s missing?” slides. Then slide 45 has a YouTube link to the official song and video (3 mins 49 secs) and students should note down new nouns and adjectives expressing the emotions they see and feel (if they don’t know the French they can grab a dictionary later!) The creative challenges are presented on slides 45 and 46, this is to either create an acrostic, a calligramme or a poem (there is a poem template provided). This information is also on the accompanying worksheets. Slide 47 provides the opportunity for reflection. I really hope you and your students enjoy these resources!
French Teaching Resources. The Perfectatron! Perfect Tense formation flowchart & Worksheet.

French Teaching Resources. The Perfectatron! Perfect Tense formation flowchart & Worksheet.

I made this flowchart to help my students form the perfect tense for regular past participles, irregular past participles, verbs that take être and negatives. The second slide also includes reflexives. I thought it would be great to create a Perfect Tense machine, hence the Perfectatron! I print out a colour copy for each student to stick in their books. You may wish to use this with my Perfectatron Challenge Worksheet. The Perfectatron Challenge! This sheet should be completed using the Perfectatron with avoir, être and negatives. Students work through the following challenges, then we check them together as a class. All: I entered (m)= ______________________________ I fell (f) = ______________________________ You (informal, m) arrived = ______________________________ He went = ______________________________ She went = ______________________________ We went out (mixed group) = ______________________________ They stayed (group of girls) = ______________________________ They entered (mixed group) = ______________________________ I read = ______________________________ He said = ______________________________ They drank = ______________________________ We learnt = ______________________________ She saw = ______________________________ I watched = ______________________________ You (formal/plural) finished = ______________________________ He played = ______________________________ She listened to = ______________________________ We chose (choisir) = ______________________________ Most: Create complex sentences using: MRS VAN DER TRAMP verbs: ______________________________¬¬¬¬-_________ Irregular verbs with avoir: ______________________________¬¬¬-_______________ Regular verbs with avoir: ______________________________________________ Some: Create a complex, negative sentence for: MRS VAN DER TRAMP verbs: ______________________________¬¬¬¬-_________ Irregular verbs with avoir: ______________________________¬¬¬-_______________ Regular verbs with avoir: ______________________________________________ Mega Challenge: See some, but now using a range of tenses, adjectives and opinions. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________