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Currently a private tutor, the resources you see available have been adapted from my current practice and when I was teaching as a secondary school English teacher. I hope the resources are useful and make a difference in your classroom. If you need to contact me to discuss any of the resources you have downloaded, please email me at sarah@the-browns.gb.net.




Currently a private tutor, the resources you see available have been adapted from my current practice and when I was teaching as a secondary school English teacher. I hope the resources are useful and make a difference in your classroom. If you need to contact me to discuss any of the resources you have downloaded, please email me at sarah@the-browns.gb.net.
Modern Fairy tales scheme of work

Modern Fairy tales scheme of work

18 lessons for a Modern Fairy tales unit, where students work to write their own modern fairy tale. Each lesson is fully planned and there is a covering slide for teacher reference at the beginning, detailing reading and writing skills covered in the lesson and whether any resources are required. Each lesson has a learning objective and there are several homework tasks included within the unit. Lessons include exploring the structure of fairy tales, characterisation, persuasive speaking and listening to defend the Wolf from ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, and advising fairy tale characters. Originally delivered to Year 7. Whilst the unit details Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening APP areas, these can easily be adapted to suit the assessment in your department. Files in this resources: Scheme of Work - PowerPoint of all 18 lessons Lesson 6 The Three Little Pigs Story - Word document for Lesson 6 Lesson 6 The Ugly Duckling Story - Word document for Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Persuasive Speech EAL writing frame - PDF for Lesson 7 (can also be used for lower ability students) Lesson 9 Baba Yaga - PDF for Lesson 9 Lesson 12 Planning Sheet - PDF for Lesson 12 Lesson 16 and 17 Little Red Riding Hood poem - Word document for Lesson 16 and 17 Lesson 18 Shrek Critical Appreciation - Word document for Lesson 18
The Island Project creative writing mini-scheme

The Island Project creative writing mini-scheme

A 6-lesson mini scheme of work, ‘The Island Project’ is a creative writing scheme that imagines the students have been stranded on a deserted island. Written in the form of journal entries, this scheme allows students to develop their creative writing skills, understand how to build descriptions and write to persuade and inform. Lessons are fully planned with a starter and learning objective. There is opportunity for peer assessment at the end of each lesson to encourage further development. File in this resource: The Island Project - PowerPoint of all lessons.
'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' scheme of work

'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' scheme of work

15 lessons, fully planned for ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’. This scheme was originally delivered to a middle ability Year 9 class but can be adapted to suit different ages/ability. Each lesson is fully planned with learning objectives and starter tasks with some Homework activities already planned. There is a covering slide for each lesson for the teacher’s reference, detailing a rough lesson outline, any resources required and whether Homework has been set. Activities within this scheme include charting the novel’s events with a timeline, novel predictions, advising Shmuel and extended analysis from Chapter 17. Files in this resource: Scheme of work - PowerPoint of entire scheme Lesson 1 Cover analysis - Word document for Lesson 1 Lesson 3 Chapter 4 extract - Word document for Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Starter - Word document for Lesson 3 Lesson 6 Character descriptions - Word document for Lesson 6 Lesson 12 Chapter 17 text marking - Word document for Lesson 12
'Kid' - Simon Armitage

'Kid' - Simon Armitage

A two-part lesson that makes an ideal “one-off” when teachers have completed schemes of work. Possibly ideal for the festive season where students and teachers can have a bit of fun, study something different and not be overloaded by Christmas-themed work! Aimed at KS3, this resource looks at ‘Kid’ by Simon Armitage. Through the use of Youtube clips (links included), the lesson opens by asking students to explore what they already know about Batman and Robin. The lesson develops to explore the poem through pair work, with the title not being revealed towards the end of the first lesson. The final task allows students to show what they know with a reading analysis question. The second lesson allows for creative writing and independent work. With a selection of tasks available, students choose three they wish to complete, finishing in the lesson and for homework. Files in this resource: ‘Kid’ - Simon Armitage - PowerPoint of lesson ’Kid’ - Simon Armitage - Word document of poem
AQA English Language Paper 1 practice - War of the Worlds

AQA English Language Paper 1 practice - War of the Worlds

A mock exam following AQA’s GCSE English Language Paper 1 question style, this resource allows teachers to work through each question with their class, evaluating the skills required and how to score highly. The extract is from ‘War of the Worlds’ and this is also used for Section B, writing. This resource can also be easily adapted to a Homework task for students to prepare for the exam independently. The opening slides detail an overview of the exam and what skills are being assessed in this paper. A detailed mark scheme has been included for Section A, Reading, with suggested answers. This is a starting point and can be used as a guide. It includes the level descriptors for each question, taken from the AQA mark scheme. A generic mark scheme has been included for Section B, Writing, taken from one of AQA’s Paper 1 example papers. Files in this resource: English Language Paper 1 practice - PowerPoint of exam questions War of the Worlds extract - Word document of extract Section A Reading suggested mark scheme - Word document and PDF of suggested answers for Section A English Language Paper 1 generic mark scheme - PDF of generic mark scheme for Section B
Pride and Prejudice character matching exercise

Pride and Prejudice character matching exercise

This resource is a matching exercise. Students need to match character descriptions and quotes to a range of key characters in the novel. There are about 80 boxes in the end so this resource is ideal for group work or a potential Speaking and Listening assessment. The answers file gives clues at the end to indicate how many descriptions and quotes there are for each character. This resource has been used with a student on a one-to-one basis and encouraged discussion of the plot, characters and themes. It also generated a useful revision resource once completed because the character matches are similar to mini-character profiles. Files in this resource: Pride and Prejudice character matching exercise answers - Word document - all boxes matched Pride and Prejudice character matching exercise activity - Word document - all jumbled up, ready to be cut up, with clues at the end of the document
AQA English Language Paper 2 practice

AQA English Language Paper 2 practice

This lesson is a mock paper to help prepare students for AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2 (Writers' viewpoints and perspectives). The sources for this paper explore Peter Kay and Obama's autobiographies; the writing section for this mock is about to write a speech describing a vivid memory. Lesson is designed for feedback as answers are written during class time, to help identify revision areas promptly. A generic mark scheme has been included for teachers reference. Alternatively, this PowerPoint could be converted to a Word document and presented as an actual mock exam. Files in this resource: English Language Paper 2 - PowerPoint of exam questions Source A - Word document of Source A Source B - Word document of Source B English Language Paper 2 generic mark scheme - PDF of mark scheme
Edexcel English Language Paper 1 practice

Edexcel English Language Paper 1 practice

3 Resources
Three mock exam papers that can be used in class or for homework to help prepare for Language Paper 1. Each lesson is designed for feedback as answers are written during class time, to help identify revision areas promptly. A generic mark scheme has been included for teachers reference. Alternatively, the PowerPoint could be converted to a Word document and presented as an actual mock exam. Paper 1 resources (Fiction and Imaginative Writing): The extracts are from 'War of the Worlds', 'Touching the Void' and 'Animal Farm'. Each resource can be easily adapted to a Homework task for students to prepare for the exam independently. The opening slides detail an overview of the exam and what skills are being assessed in this paper. This could be turned into a quiz to test your class's memory! Teacher judgement can be used for marking Section A. A generic mark scheme has been included for Section B, Writing, taken from one of Edexcel's Paper 1 example papers.
Edexcel English Language Paper 2 practice

Edexcel English Language Paper 2 practice

This lesson is a mock paper to help prepare students for Edexcel GCSE English Language Paper 2 (Non-fiction and Transactional writing). The sources for this paper are contrasting autobiographies (Peter Kay and Barack Obama) and the writing section has a choice of two questions. Lesson is designed for feedback as answers are written during class time, to help identify revision areas promptly. A suggested mark scheme has been included for Section A; a generic mark scheme has been included for teachers reference for Section B. Alternatively, this PowerPoint could be converted to a Word document and presented as an actual mock exam. Files in this resource: English Language Paper 2 - PowerPoint of exam questions Text 1 Peter Kay extract - Word document of Text 1 Text 2 Obama extract - Word document of Text 2 English Language Paper 2 generic mark scheme - PDF of mark scheme for writing section Section A Reading suggested mark scheme - Word document
'The Secret River' - Character analysis

'The Secret River' - Character analysis

Using the medium of Twitter, this lesson allows students to chart Thornhill’s development over ‘The Secret River’. This can be done over the course of reading the novel or at the end, and can be used as a helpful revision activity. Differentiation for this task includes the extent to which quotes are used for tweets, assigning characters other than Thornhill, and scaffolding key events to signpost students towards. In addition, homework tasks can be set for students to create a Twitter page for less major characters. Files in this resource: Character analysis - PowerPoint of lesson Twitter Template - Word document of Twitter template - this activity can then be completed by hand or electronically.
'The Secret River' - Mr Middleton

'The Secret River' - Mr Middleton

Exploring the character of Mr Middleton and his relationship with Thornhill, this lesson looks at three short passages, encouraging students to consider how Grenville presents this relationship and the influence it has on Thornhill. The lesson moves to an analysis of how Grenville presents Mr Middleton's death and what changes this signifies for Thornhill. The essay-style question for this lesson focuses on foreshadowing and Mr Middleton's death.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde extract analysis

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde extract analysis

Using the AQA English Literature Paper 1 as a guide, this lesson focuses on practice for how to answer an extract question. After outlining Paper 1 with a reminder of what is being assessed, students work in groups to analyse the extract from ‘Dr Jekyll’ and prepare a plan in response to an exam question. Following class feedback and a whole-group plan, students finish with writing their own response with peer assessment to help identify areas for improvement. An annotated copy of the extract is also included, along with an optional slide that helps to scaffold the second part of the essay question. I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. Files in this resource: Extract analysis - PowerPoint of lesson Extract analysis - Word document of extract Extract analysis annotated - Word document of annotated extract Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.
'The Secret River' - The Prologue

'The Secret River' - The Prologue

This lesson encourages students to explore the significance of the Prologue. Beginning with an analysis of the extract, students consider how the Prologue foreshadows later events in the novel. The lesson works towards pair planning an essay question which is then developed with further pair work. The question could then be completed as an assessment or Homework task. Files in this resources: Strangers - PowerPoint of lesson Strangers - Word document of Prologue
'The Secret River' - Collarbone's death

'The Secret River' - Collarbone's death

Focusing on Collarbone's execution, this lesson allows students to work in groups to annotate an extract, similar in length to what would be expected in the IGCSE English Literature paper. With key questions, students prepare a mini-presentation that the rest of the class use to take notes for, in preparation for a mock exam question. Further pair work is involved with planning a response and peer assessment for the plenary. This lesson could then be continued in a second session with students completing their essay response, or this could be written for homework. The lesson also reminds students of AOs and skills to demonstrate for a top level answer. I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. Files in this resource: Collarbone's death - PowerPoint of lesson Collarbone's death extract - Word document of extract **Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.**
'The Secret River' - Setting

'The Secret River' - Setting

Exploring setting in 'The Secret River', this resource allows students to consider language techniques and how setting is important to the development of the story. Likely to cover two lessons, students work in groups to annotate six different extracts from the novel. It is recommended that the teacher creates a booklet of these settings to allow students to have a comprehensive set of notes and annotations which will be useful for revision purposes. Each extract has line numbers to help with discussions and there is a range to allow access for different abilities. I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. Files in this resource: Setting - PowerPoint of the lesson Starter task - Word document 6x extracts for the main focus of the lesson - Word documents **Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.**
'The Secret River' - Essay Round Robin

'The Secret River' - Essay Round Robin

A lesson that allows group work and collaboration, with hopefully little teacher input! Ideal for classes revising 'The Secret River', this lesson allows students to tackle four different exam questions independently before having whole-class feedback. The lesson could be rolled over into a second session to allow for a detailed review of each question and could also be developed to use as an assessment piece. Alternatively, this resource becomes a useful essay bank for future tasks! I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. Files in this resource: Essay round robin - PowerPoint of the lesson Essay questions - Word document of the four essay questions to print for each essay **Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.**
Edexcel English Language Paper 2 practice

Edexcel English Language Paper 2 practice

This lesson is a mock paper to help prepare students for Edexcel GCSE English Language Paper 2 (Non-fiction and Transactional writing). The sources for this paper explore two experiences of Iraq during the war and the writing section has a choice of two questions. Lesson is designed for feedback as answers are written during class time, to help identify revision areas promptly. A generic mark scheme has been included for teachers reference. Alternatively, this PowerPoint could be converted to a Word document and presented as an actual mock exam. Files in this resource: English Language Paper 2 - PowerPoint of exam questions Text 1 - Word document of Text 1 Text 2 - Word document of Text 2 English Language Paper 2 generic mark scheme - PDF of mark scheme for writing section
'Of Mice and Men' Themes

'Of Mice and Men' Themes

Originally delivered to a weak KS4 class, this lesson acts as revision on the themes in 'Of Mice and Men'. Checking understanding of what a theme is, the lesson identifies the themes in the novel, leading to group work where students find evidence of their allocated theme. Whilst the plenary suggests class feedback, this could be extended for more able students, requiring them to answer a question on one of the selected themes. This task could also be used as a speaking and listening assessment opportunity. File in this resource: Themes PowerPoint of lesson
AQA English Language Paper 1 practice

AQA English Language Paper 1 practice

3 Resources
Three mock exam papers that can be used in class or for homework to help prepare for Language Paper 1. Each lesson is designed for feedback as answers are written during class time, to help identify revision areas promptly. A generic mark scheme has been included for teachers reference. Alternatively, the PowerPoint could be converted to a Word document and presented as an actual mock exam. Paper 1 resources (Explorations in creative reading and writing): The extracts are from 'War of the Worlds', 'Touching the Void' and 'Animal Farm'. All are used as the basis for Section B, writing. The resource can also be easily adapted to a Homework task for students to prepare for the exam independently. The opening slides detail an overview of the exam and what skills are being assessed in this paper. A detailed mark scheme has been included for Section A, Reading, with suggested answers for 'War of the Worlds'. This is a starting point and can be used as a guide. It includes the level descriptors for each question, taken from the AQA mark scheme. Teacher judgement can be used for marking 'Touching the Void' and 'Animal Farm' (to avoid resource duplication). A generic mark scheme has been included for Section B, Writing, taken from one of AQA's Paper 1 example papers.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and 2 practice

AQA English Language Paper 1 and 2 practice

6 Resources
Six mock exam papers that can be used in class or for homework to help prepare for Language Papers 1 and 2. Each lesson is designed for feedback as answers are written during class time, to help identify revision areas promptly. A generic mark scheme has been included for teachers reference. Alternatively, the PowerPoint could be converted to a Word document and presented as an actual mock exam. Paper 1 resources (Explorations in creative reading and writing): The extracts are from 'War of the Worlds', 'Touching the Void' and 'Animal Farm'. All are used as the basis for Section B, writing. The resource can also be easily adapted to a Homework task for students to prepare for the exam independently. The opening slides detail an overview of the exam and what skills are being assessed in this paper. A detailed mark scheme has been included for Section A, Reading, with suggested answers for 'War of the Worlds'. This is a starting point and can be used as a guide. It includes the level descriptors for each question, taken from the AQA mark scheme. Teacher judgement can be used for marking 'Touching the Void' and 'Animal Farm' (to avoid resource duplication). A generic mark scheme has been included for Section B, Writing, taken from one of AQA's Paper 1 example papers. Paper 2 resources (Writers' viewpoints and perspectives): The sources for one paper explore arranged marriages and the writing section for this mock is about parental control. The sources for the second paper explore two experiences of Iraq during the war and the writing section for this mock is about compulsory military conscription. The sources for the third paper are extracts from Peter Kay and Obama's autobiographies, with the writing section creating a speech to describe a vivid memory.