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KS3 Natural Hazards / Tectonics / Restless Earth - Full Unit with All Resources

KS3 Natural Hazards / Tectonics / Restless Earth - Full Unit with All Resources

KS3 Natural Hazards / Tectonics / Restless Earth - Full Unit with All Resources, including support for lower ability students and stretch (extensions) for higher ability students. Covers: Earth structure Types of plate boundaries Fold mountains and ocean trenches Human uses of The Alps - Case Study Types of volcanoes Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions - Eyjafjallajokull 2010 Eruption Case Study Supervolcanoes Earthquakes - formation and detection, including data exploration activity Kobe, Japan - HIC Case Study Haiti - LIC Case Study Comparing earthquakes - literacy practice The 3 P’s - Prediction, Preparation and Protection Tsunamis
KS3 Coasts - Coastal Processes and Landforms - Full Unit with All Resources

KS3 Coasts - Coastal Processes and Landforms - Full Unit with All Resources

KS3 Coastal Processes and Landforms - Full Unit with All Resources, including support for lower ability students and stretch (extensions) for higher ability students. Covers: Waves (constructive and destructive) Weathering and Mass Movement Erosional Processes Transportation and Longshore Drift Landforms of Erosion (bays; caves, arches, stacks and stumps) Landforms of Deposition (spits and bars) Coastal Erosion Case Study - Holderness Hard and Soft Engineering Managed Retreat Holderness Coastal Management Coastal Sand Dunes (Formation, Habitats and Management at Studland) Sea Level Rise - Causes, Effects and Management
KS3 Population Change and Migration - Full Unit with All Resources

KS3 Population Change and Migration - Full Unit with All Resources

KS3 Population Change and Migration - Full Unit with All Resources, including support for lower ability students and stretch (extensions) for higher ability students. Covers: Population Density Global Population Change The Demographic Transition Model (DTM) Population Pyramids Population Pressures (Overpopulation and Underpopulation) Population Control (Pro and Anti-Natal policies) China’s One Child Policy Ageing Populations Migration - Push and Pull Factors Migration within the EU Migration into the EU UK Population Issues
KS3 Rivers, Flooding and Water Resources - Full Unit with All Resources

KS3 Rivers, Flooding and Water Resources - Full Unit with All Resources

KS3 Rivers, Flooding and Water Resources - Full Unit with All Resources, including differentiated support for lower ability students and stretch (extensions) for higher ability students. Covers: Introduction to Rivers and the Hydrological Cycle The Upper River Course (features and processes) The Middle and Lower River Course (features and processes) Flood Hydrographs Flash Flooding in Boscastle - HIC Case Study Flooding in Bangladesh - LIC Case Study River Basin Management Water Supply, Demand and Management in the UK