Millfield Science & Performing Arts College
Lancashire, United Kingdom
About Millfield Science & Performing Arts College
We are a small, happy school, in the heart of Thornton, with around 870 students on roll and have been oversubscribed for 13 years.
We pride ourselves on being known as Team Millfield and we follow The Millfield Way. Behaviour is outstanding. Students want to attend school and attendance and punctuality is excellent; students enjoy school and want to learn and do well. We have high expectations for our students, and we aim to create a culture of academic excellence and ambition for every student.
Students tell us that they are happy and looked after; they value being listened to and taking part in the wide range of careers and extracurricular opportunities our school has to offer.
Students have access to an ambitious rich, broad and balanced curriculum and a student-centered ambitious options package.
Parents report their children are happy, bullying is rare and swiftly dealt with if it does occur. Parents recommend our school to others and move into the area to ensure their child is in the catchment area.
We are on a journey to becoming a Dynamic Learning Community, where students and teachers learn through collaboration and instructional coaching, together our teachers develop and hone their teaching practice.
The vision is for the school to Be Exceptional in everything we do: curriculum; teaching; learning; challenge; behaviour for learning; progress and attendance, to ensure our students leave us as well-rounded individuals, equipped for the next stage of their journey. We aim to Create Bright Futures for all our students.