Ron Dearing UTC
Kingston upon Hull, United Kingdom
About Ron Dearing UTC
Ron Dearing UTC is an Ofsted outstanding school for 14-19 year olds situated in Hull city centre.
Backed by Hull University and the region’s leading employers, the UTC provides young people with an employer-driven academic, technical and vocational education that significantly improves their higher education and employment opportunities and fast-tracks them into the careers of their dreams.
Ron Dearing UTC supports regional economic growth, developing tomorrow’s workforce through innovative and pioneering education. As a distinctive learning community, we ensure that all students are motivated and inspired to become confident, skilled, employable and entrepreneurial professionals in particular in the UTC’s specialisms of digital technology and mechatronics.
We provide a high quality education to ensure our students acquire the academic and professional qualifications and the personal and employability skills they need to give them the edge in our rapidly evolving digital world.
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