Rosewood Free School
Southampton, United Kingdom
About Rosewood Free School
Rosewood Free School is a day school for pupils aged 2-19 years with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD). The school accepts pupils from Southampton and Hampshire. Pupils attending Rosewood Free School either have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or they attend on an assessment placement. The school population consists of pupils from a range of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
The school has a needs led approach to education. Each child is assessed in five key skill areas: Communication, Cognitive Development, Environmental Control, Physical Skills and Personal, Social and Emotional Wellbeing. Targets are set in each of these areas and are taught throughout the school day, providing a truly personalised approach to learning.
At Rosewood Free School we believe that the child should be at the centre of the learning process and their needs determine the provision and opportunities we provide.