Stockport School
Stockport, United Kingdom
About Stockport School
Stockport School has a rich history and tradition which dates back over 135 years. Stockport School first opened in 1888, before moving to the beautiful traditional school buildings on its present site on Mile End Lane in 1938. During those years, the school has played a crucial role in shaping the lives of thousands of Stockport boys and girls - teaching them academic and practical skills to prepare them for life’s journey.
Stockport School has since become very much part of the 21st century. With almost 1350 students on roll, it is a thriving, dynamic and successful school, and continues to be one of the most popular and over-subscribed schools in Stockport.
The original Latin school motto, which it still retains today, is “Velis et Remis” which translates to “with Sails and Oars”. It describes going ‘all out’ or ‘pulling out all the stops’ to accomplish a feat. The meaning of the original motto is still very much evident in the culture of high expectation, dedication and commitment that our staff and students display in their work and study.
As a school, we insist on personal best as a consistent goal, and take pride in everything that we do. Our students are taught to be responsible citizens and to develop an understanding of the difference that they can make to the world around them. Our school community is respectful, caring and supportive, and as such, creates an environment where students are prepared and ready to excel in everything that they do.
Stockport School was judged by Ofsted in May 2018 as ‘Better than Good’ and then again most recently in December 2019. Ofsted commented that:
“Senior leaders, including governors, lead the school well.” The school is “well-run and oversubscribed” and “leaders have high expectations of their pupils”. “Leaders aim to provide a first-rate and all-round education. They want to set pupils up for life.”
“The headteacher’s and deputy headteachers’ actions are guided by pupils’ best interests. These leaders have also won the support of the staff. Teachers and other staff work well to do the best that they can for pupils.”
Stockport School has “…successfully brought about very rapid and sustainable improvement in students’ achievement and the quality of teaching.”
“Students show interest and enthusiasm for learning in most lessons. This has a positive impact on the good progress that they make and their good achievement.”
“Pupils study an academic and ambitious curriculum” and “Pupils arrive to lessons on time. They are ready to learn and try hard in lessons. They usually behave well around school. Pupils say that they feel happy and safe at school. They say school is a good place to make friends and to learn.” As a result “Pupils achieve well, across most subjects, in national examinations.”
“Inspection evidence from school data, lesson observations, analyses of students’ work and discussions with students confirms that the upward trend in achievement is set to continue unabated.”
Our Offer of a Distinctive and Relevant Education for All
‘The innovative and enriched curriculum reflects our vision and ethos and meets the needs and aspirations of students’
Stockport School is a thriving and very successful Local Authority, non-denominational, co-educational, comprehensive secondary school catering for almost 1350 students aged 11 to 16 year old.
Stockport School offers a broad, distinctive and predominantly academic education for boys and girls from 11 to 16 years of age. The school aims to continue to build on its long standing reputation for excellent results and high quality pastoral care for all students.
The innovative and enriched curriculum reflects our vision and ethos and meets the needs and aspirations of students.
Strong and inspiring leadership and management by the senior leadership team sets clear goals for success for all. Staff work together to promote high achievement, inclusion and full participation in the enrichment programme. Students too have an active role in the life of the school.
Parents and carers are actively encouraged to work in partnership with staff enabling all students to make good progress year on year and achieve their personal best.
Stockport School places a high premium on providing excellent care to ensure this becomes a reality for all. Personal and social achievements are fully recognised.
As a British Council recognised International School, the international dimension is a significant part of our students’ education, giving them the confidence and the competence to play a full part in a global society. Our students have opportunities to gain an insight into the languages, cultures and traditions of other countries through online contacts and exchange visits.
Investors in People
As a school we work hard to achieve positive outcomes and do so by having clear values and by investing in our community. The school recently won the ‘Manchester Evening News – Community School of the Year Award’ and was also a finalist, for the prestigious ‘Manchester Evening News - Secondary School of the Year Award’.
We are proud to be recognised as an Investors in People organisation, with IIP noting that the school is delivering continuous improvement and sustainable success, stating that:
“Across the whole school, from the senior leadership team through the managers to the staff, there was a culture of continuous improvement being driven”.
“It was clear during the assessment that Stockport School has invested considerable time and effort in ensuring a focus on future priorities. People across the organisation were vocal in confirming the school was an excellent place to work. This was further reinforced through the employee survey results”.
“Overall, people described the school as being a great place to work”.
Joining our Ambitious & High Achieving Team
If you are interested in becoming part of our team and helping us to continue our drive for further success then we would be pleased to hear from you.
Headteacher - Mr Ian Irwin, BA (Hons), MSc, NPQH, NPQEL