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Welcome! Bienvenido! 欢迎! Добро пожаловать! Hope you enjoy using these second language and EAL materials in your classroom, wherever in the world you are.
Spanish Flash Cards - The Colours / Los Colores

Spanish Flash Cards - The Colours / Los Colores

Free Spanish & English bilingual flashcards for teaching vocabulary, display in the classroom, or for self-study! This PDF document contains 10 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the Spanish and English keyword. Includes 2 versions: Spanish & English Bilingual version Spanish only version Topic: The Colors / Los Colores Vocabulary included: red - rojo yellow - amarillo green - verde blue - azul purple - morado orange - naranja pink - rosado black - negro white - blanco brown - marron gray - gris indigo - índigo gold - dorado silver - plateado colorful - vistoso Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc. Check out the Discover Languages Store for more Spanish teaching materials, including flashcards for teaching numbers, animals, family members, food and more! MORE SPANISH FLASHCARDS: ANIMALS - [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-flash-cards-animals-los-animales-12606677] FEELINGS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-flashcards-feelings-and-emotions-sentimientos-12624336 FRUITS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-flash-cards-fruits-las-frutas-12607814
Daily Writing Prompts Booklet 3 - Simple outlines for elementary English learners

Daily Writing Prompts Booklet 3 - Simple outlines for elementary English learners

This PDF document contains 5 short writing templates for beginner English students learning to write their own short compositions. I made these for my 3rd grade EFL students, who are able to read simple storybooks and can spell 1st and 2nd grade sight words, but struggle with writing in complete sentences, and are complete beginners to writing passages. I briefly explain the writing topic for the day, which we discuss orally, then I write any difficult to spell vocabulary words up on the board according to what we discuss orally. I can then allow the students to get on with writing their passage themselves. This is the third booklet we have used, with more to come. The topics get progressively more difficult, allowing students to practice different vocabulary and sentence structures, with more and more freedom to compose what they want to express independently. You can download the first booklet for free here! Topics in Booklet 3 are: My Birthday (Months of the year, and expressing “I would like…”) Superhero (Superpowers, can/can’t, what one looks like) My Favourite Books (Book genres, author, summarizing a plot) Playtime (Favourite toys and games) In the Morning (Ordinal words, “first, then, after,” etc.) I am making more of these to use with my class at the moment, so if you enjoy the product, please leave a review and let me know which topics you’d like to cover in the next upload! Document is 3 A4 pages, which can be cut in half to make a 5 page A5 booklet with a cover page.
English ESL Telling Time Flashcards

English ESL Telling Time Flashcards

English EAL ESL EFL TEFL picture flash cards for learning time vocabulary and telling time expressions! Practice reading both digital and analog clocks. Perfect for reviewing, wall displays, small group activities and matching games! Contains: 57 vocabulary words/phrases, a total of 171 individual image tiles Analog Clocks version Digital Clocks version Topic: Telling the Time, What time is it? Time phrases one o’clock two o’clock three o’clock four 'clock five o’clock six o’clock seven o’clock eight o’clock nine o’clock ten o’clock eleven o’clock twelve o’clock half past one half past two half past three half past four half past five half past six half past seven half past eight half past nine half past ten half past eleven half past twelve quarter past one quarter past two quarter past three quarter past four quarter past five quarter past six quarter past seven quarter past eight quarter past nine quarter past ten quarter past eleven quarter past twelve quarter to one quarter to two quarter to three quarter to four quarter to five quarter to six quarter to seven quarter to eight quarter to nine quarter to ten quarter to eleven quarter to twelve five past six ten past seven twenty past eight twenty-five past nine twenty-five to twelve twenty to one ten to three five to four ten to twelve Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, etc.
Italian Flashcards - Animals - Animali

Italian Flashcards - Animals - Animali

Beginner Italian picture vocabulary flashcards for learning farm animals and zoo animals vocabulary. This PDF printable download includes both English Bilingual, and Italiano only versions. Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study! This PDF document contains 35 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, Italian word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and Italian only Single-sided version with the Italian word under the picture on the same image English and Italian words only version, without pictures Topic: Animals / Animali Vocabulary included: il gatto - cat il cane - dog il coniglio - rabbit il maiale - pig la pecora - sheep il pollo - chicken il topo - mouse la mucca - cow l’anatra - duck la capra - goat il toro - bull il tacchino - turkey il gallo - rooster il cavallo - horse l’asino - donkey l’elefante - elephant la giraffa - giraffe l’Ippopotamo - hippopotamus il leone - lion il gorilla - gorilla la scimmia - monkey la tigre - tiger la zebra - zebra il canguro - kangaroo il coccodrillo - crocodile il cammello - camel lo struzzo - ostrich il rinoceronte - rhino l’antilope - antelope la pantera - panther Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Italian Flashcards for Beginners - Stationery & Classroom Objects

Italian Flashcards for Beginners - Stationery & Classroom Objects

Beginner Italian picture vocabulary flash cards for learning classroom objects, office supplies and stationery. This PDF printable download includes both English/Italian bilingual versions and Italian only versions. Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study! This PDF document contains 28 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, Italian word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and Italian only Single-sided version with the Italian word under the picture on the same image English and Italian words only version, without pictures Topic: Stationery, Office Objects, Classroom Supplies Vocabulary included: la matita - pencil la gomma - eraser la penna - pen le forbici - scissors il temperino - sharpener il pennello - paintbrush la graffettatrice - stapler la colla - glue le matite colorate - colour pencils la carta - paper la puntina - pin la cartella - folder il righello - ruler il nastro - tape il quaderno - notebook l’evidenziatore - highlighter la graffetta - paper clip la lavagna - chalkboard il globo - globe la libreria - bookshelf il laptop - laptop il microscopio - microscope il tablet - tablet il proiettore - projector Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc. If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time! Leaving a quick review is very much appreciated by the Teacher-Authors who share materials. :)
Italian Flashcards - Body Parts - Parti del Corpo

Italian Flashcards - Body Parts - Parti del Corpo

Beginner Italian picture flash cards for learning body parts & facial features vocabulary! Flashcard Italiane - parti del corpo! This PDF printable download includes both English/Italian bilingual versions and Italian only versions. Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, roleplays, dialogues or for self-study! This PDF document contains 25 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, Italian word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and Italian only Single-sided version with the Italian word under the picture on the same image English and Italian words only version, without pictures Topic: My body, parts of the body, my face Vocabulary included: il corpo - body la testa - head gli occhi - eyes le orecchie - ears il naso - nose la bocca - mouth la braccia - arms le gambe - legs il gomito - elbow la mano - hand il dito - finger il pollice - thumb il ginocchio - knee i piedi - feet le dita dei piedi - toes i denti - teeth le labbra - lips la lingua - tongue la schiena - back le spalle - shoulder lo stomaco - stomach Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
French Flashcards - Illness and Seeing the Doctor - Les Maladies

French Flashcards - Illness and Seeing the Doctor - Les Maladies

Beginner French (and French / English bilingual) picture flash cards for learning illness and sickness vocabulary for visiting the doctor! A printable PDF document perfect for games, matching activities, classroom decoration and wall displays, or for self-study! Cartes Flash Français et anglais - Les Maladies - visiter le médecin This PDF document contains 21 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, French word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and French only Single-sided version with the French word under the picture on the same image English and French words only version, without pictures Topic: Illness, Sickness, Disease, Accidents Vocabulary included: a headache a stomachache a toothache a broken bone a cough a fever a runny nose a rash an earache a sore throat diarrhea a cold to vomit an allergic reaction an eye infection a nosebleed a cut a bruise These flashcards can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc. If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time! Other French Flash Card Topics: COLOURS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733240 ANIMALS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733243 HOW ARE YOU? - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735667 DAYS OF THE WEEK - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735678 MONTHS OF THE YEAR - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735678
Beginner French Flashcards - Vehicles & Transportation vocabulary

Beginner French Flashcards - Vehicles & Transportation vocabulary

Beginner French (and French / English bilingual) picture flash cards for learning different types of vehicles, transportation and things that go - Le Vehicules! A printable PDF document great for games, matching activities, dialogues role-play prompts, classroom decoration and wall displays, or for self-study! This PDF document contains 28 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, French word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and French only Single-sided version with the French word under the picture on the same image English and French words only version, without pictures Vocabulary: car bus airplane taxi train boat sailboat hot air balloon forklift van helicopter truck bicycle scooter skateboard rollerblades go-kart motorcycle segway tricycle excavator police car ambulance firetruck These flashcards can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc. If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time!
Beginner French Flashcards - Body Parts - Le Corps

Beginner French Flashcards - Body Parts - Le Corps

Beginner French language picture flash cards for learning parts of the body vocabulary - Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study! Both English and French Bilingual version, and French only. This PDF document contains 46 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, French word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and French only Single-sided version with the French word under the picture on the same image English and French words only version, without pictures Topic: Body Parts, Parts of the Body, Doctor, Hospital Vocabulary included: le corps - the body la tête - the head les oreilles - the ears les yeux - the eyes la bouche - the mouth le nez - the nose les bras - the arms les jambes - the legs le coude - the elbow la main - the hand le doigt - the finger le pouce - the thumb le genou - the knee le pied - the foot les orteils - the toes les dents - the teeth les lèvres - the lips la langue - the tongue le dos - the back L’épaule - the shoulder le ventre - the belly Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc. If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time! Other French Flash Card Topics: COLOURS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733240 ANIMALS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733243 HOW ARE YOU? - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735667 DAYS OF THE WEEK - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735678 MONTHS OF THE YEAR - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735678 FAMILY - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735714 NUMBERS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/beginner-french-flashcards-numbers-nombres-12787075 CLOTHING - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/beginner-french-flash-cards-clothes-cartes-flash-fran-ais-v-tements-12787218
Beginner French Flash Cards - Fruit

Beginner French Flash Cards - Fruit

Simple French language picture flash cards for learning fruit vocabulary - PDF Download - Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study! Both Bilingual English version, and French only versions. This PDF document contains 35 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, French word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and French only Single-sided version with the French word under the picture on the same image English and French words only version, without pictures Topic: Fruit Vocabulary included: la pomme - the apple l’orange - the orange la poire - the pear la pastèque - the watermelon le citron - the lemon le kiwi - the kiwi la banane - the banana les raisins - the grapes la fraise - the strawberry la grenade - the pomegranate l’avocat - the avocado la noix de coco - the coconut la carambole - the starfruit la mangue - the mango l’ananas - the pineapple la pêche - the peach la cerise - the cherry la papaye - the papaya la framboise - the raspberry la prune - the plum le mangoustan - the mangosteen Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc. If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time! Other French Flash Cards: COLOURS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733240 ANIMALS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733243 EMOTIONS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735667
Beginner French Flash Cards - Animals / Animaux

Beginner French Flash Cards - Animals / Animaux

Beginner French language picture flash cards for learning animal vocabulary, both common farm animals and zoo animals - Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study! Both English and French Bilingual version, and French only. This PDF document contains 35 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, French word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and French only Single-sided version with the French word under the picture on the same image English and French words only version, without pictures Topic: Farm animals, Zoo animals, Animaux Vocabulary included: le chat - the cat le chien - the dog le lapin - the rabbit le cochon - the pig le mouton - the sheep le poulet - the chicken la souris - the mouse la vache - the cow le canard - the duck la chèvre - the goat le taureau - the bull la dinde - the turkey le coq - the rooster le cheval - the horse l’âne - the donkey l’éléphant - the elephant la girafe - the giraffe l’hippopotame - the hippo le lion - the lion le gorille - the gorilla le singe - the monkey le tigre - the tiger le zèbre - the zebra le kangourou - the kangaroo le crocodile - the crocodile le chameau - the camel l’autruche - the ostrich le rhinocéros - the rhinocerous l’antilope - the antelope la panthère - the panther Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc. If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time! Also, check out these French Flash Cards which cover the colours! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733240
Beginner French Flashcards - Weather and Seasons

Beginner French Flashcards - Weather and Seasons

Beginner French language picture flash cards for learning the seasons and the weather - Printable PDF - Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study! Both English Bilingual, and French only versions included! This PDF document contains 21 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, French word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and French only Single-sided version with the French word under the picture on the same image English and French words only version, without pictures Topic: The Weather, How’s the weather, What’s the weather? Seasons of the year Vocabulary included: le printemps - the Spring l’été - the Summer l’automne - the Autumn l’hiver - the Winter il fait du soleil - It’s sunny c’est nuageux - It’s cloudy il pleut - It’s rainy en partie ensoleillé - partly sunny il neige - It’s snowy l’orage - the storm neige fondue - sleet il y a du vent - It’s windy il fait chaud - It’s hot il fait froid - It’s cold c’est chaleureux - It’s warm c’est frais - It’s cool la grêle - the hail l’arc en ciel - the rainbow If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time! Other French Flash Card Topics: COLOURS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733240 ANIMALS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733243 HOW ARE YOU? - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735667 DAYS OF THE WEEK - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735678 MONTHS OF THE YEAR - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735678
Beginner French Vocabulary Flash Cards Bundle

Beginner French Vocabulary Flash Cards Bundle

16 Resources
1500+ Beginner French Picture Flash Cards and French / English bilingual vocabulary flashcards in printable PDF documents - Cartes Flash Français! Perfect for teaching basic French vocabulary, group games, matching activities, wall displays and classroom decoration, or for self-study! This growing bundle currently contains 16 topics, 393 vocabulary words, in four different formats for a total of 1,572 flash cards, in easy-to-print PDF documents. Purchasing the bundle now, at its current price, will gain you access to all flashcard topics added in the future at no extra cost! Each of these 16 topics is an easy-to-print PDF containing: a Double-sided version with the - picture, French and English text a Double-sided version with the pictures and French text only a Single-sided version with the French text under the picture in the same image a English and French text only version, without pictures TOPICS INCLUDED: Animals Colours Clothing Days and Months of the Year Feelings and Emotions Fruits Family Body Parts Numbers Shapes Weather and Seasons Sports Illnesses Telling the Time Stationary and Classroom objects Vehicles and Transportation Each PDF document is formatted as A4 sized pages with 6 images per page - a colourful picture on the left-side image, alongside an image with the text. They can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, word wall displays, flash card games, etc.
French Fruit Vocabulary worksheets, word search activity and posters

French Fruit Vocabulary worksheets, word search activity and posters

PDF printable French language posters featuring basic fruit vocabulary, a fill in the blank worksheet, a word search activity and answer key. This resource is for beginners and contains 5 pages: A colourful A4 bilingual poster with pictures of 12 common fruits, the French vocabulary, French article and English translation printed underneath. The same colorful poster with the French vocabulary only. A document with the 12 fruits and blank spaces for students to try to write the words themselves. A wordsearch activity with the 12 fruit words hidden inside (minus the articles and accented characters) An answer key for the word search You may also fine the FRUIT flash cards in this bundle helpful for teaching and playing vocabulary games for this topic: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12920785 If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time! Leaving a quick review is very much appreciated by the Teacher-Authors who share materials, and can earn you Free Credits to use towards future purchases! New French, English and other language learning products are always discounted or FREE when first added to the store, so don’t forget to follow Discover Languages if you don’t want to miss out!
Italian Flashcards - My Family - La Famiglia

Italian Flashcards - My Family - La Famiglia

Beginner Italian picture flash cards for learning immediate family members and extended relatives of the family - la famiglia! This PDF printable download includes both English/Italian bilingual versions and Italian only versions. Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study! This PDF document contains 25 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, Italian word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and Italian only Single-sided version with the Italian word under the picture on the same image English and Italian words only version, without pictures Topic: My Family, Mia Famiglia, relatives, immediate and extended family members Vocabulary included: family - la famiglia mother - la madre father - il padre sister - la sorella brother - il fratello baby - il bambino older brother - il fratello maggiore younger sister - la sorella minore grandma - la nonna grandpa - il nonno uncle - il zio aunt - la zia nephew - il nipote niece - la nipote cousins - i cugini parents - i genetori husband - il marito wife - la moglie son - il figlio daughter - la figlia pet - l’animale domestico Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
French Months of the Year Worksheet and Printable Poster

French Months of the Year Worksheet and Printable Poster

Beginner French reference printable poster and fill in the blank worksheet to learn les mois l’année - the Months of the Year! This printable PDF includes: 12 colorful pictures with the French vocabulary which can be used as a reference sheet or wall display. The 12 pictures with space for students to write the vocabulary words themselves. You may also find these Days and Months Flash cards helpful to teach this topic: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/beginner-french-flash-cards-days-and-months-jours-et-mois-12735678 If you found this product useful, please leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time! Leaving a quick review is very much appreciated by the Teacher-Authors who share materials!
German Valentine's Day Vocabulary Worksheet, Word Search & Poster

German Valentine's Day Vocabulary Worksheet, Word Search & Poster

Colorful poster with 12 Valentine’s Day German language vocabulary words, a spelling worksheet and word search activity for German beginner and intermediate learners! This printable PDF document includes: A colourful poster with 12 pictures and the German vocabulary printed underneath A fill-in-the-blank worksheet with these 12 pictures and space for students to spell out the words A word search activity with the 12 vocabulary words hidden inside The answer key to the word search Vocabulary included: hearts gift flowers jewelry card chocolates love letter candles balloon teddy bear padlock cupid
Turkish / English Flashcards SET 2 - 10 Topics for Beginners

Turkish / English Flashcards SET 2 - 10 Topics for Beginners

This set of 120 Turkish Flash Cards comes in a PDF document of 242 A4 sized pages, a colorful picture followed by the Turkish word in a large font, with the English translation underneath, to create double sided flashcards. When printing you can change the size of the cards by printing 2 or more per page. This set is perfect for beginner Turkish learners, or Turkish speakers who are starting to learn English! SET 2 Contents: Toys: toys, ball, bicycle, teddy bear, toy car, toy truck, toy plane, hula hoop, ukulele, kite, skipping rope, robot, building blocks Birthday Party: happy birthday, how old are you?, invitation, party, cake, candles, balloon, party hat, birthday card, clown, music, present Hobbies: dance, sing, swim, walk, run, jump, play the piano, paint, play football, play basketball, play badminton, martial arts, athletics The Week: the week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the weekend, the workdays Jobs: doctor, teacher, firefighter, artist, nurse, astronaut, police officer, dentist, business person, scientist, construction worker, magician, chef, driver, musician, actor Prepositions: in, on, under, by, behind, in front of, above, between Rooms of the House: house, living room, bedroom, bathroom, dining room, kitchen, office, garage, attic, garden, balcony Daily Routine: get up, shower, get dressed, have breakfast, brush (my) teeth, go to school, have lunch, workout, have dinner, do homework, wash (my) face, go to bed Classroom Objects: table, chair, pencil, pen, eraser, sharpener, ruler, pencil case, bookcase, door, window, floor, computer, blackboard, whiteboard Shapes: circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle, star, heart, diamond, pentagon, hexagon For more colourful picture flashcards, and more beginner topics, check out the others in this series: Turkish / English Flashcards - SET 1: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12597908 Search Terms: Turkish, turkish flash cards, turkish vocabulary, turkish language, learn turkish, study turkish, turkish classroom, turkish teacher, teach in turkey, english learning, beginner turkish, beginner english, english for turks, Türkçe, İngilizce
Dutch / English Flashcards - Colours - FREE Picture cards

Dutch / English Flashcards - Colours - FREE Picture cards

Download this FREE PDF document for teaching the colour words. Each page is A4 sized, a colourful picture followed by the color word in Dutch with the English underneath. Images and word pages can be laminated back to back to create double-sided flash cards, or used separately for wall displays, matching activities, memory pair games, etc. For more Dutch / English Flashcards, you check out Dutch / English Flashcards SET 1 here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/dutch-english-flashcards-10-easy-topics-12598292 This covers the topics of Greetings, Feelings, Colours, Animals, Numbers, Clothes, Fruit, Weather and Seasons, Family Members, Body Parts and Food! Perfect for beginner learners of Dutch, or Dutch native speakers who are starting to learn English.
Daily Writing Prompts Booklet 1 - For ESL Beginners

Daily Writing Prompts Booklet 1 - For ESL Beginners

This PDF document contains 5 short writing templates for beginner English students learning to write their own short compositions. I made these for my 3rd grade EFL students, who are able to read simple storybooks and can spell 1st and 2nd grade sight words, but struggle with writing in complete sentences, and are complete beginners to writing passages. I briefly explain the writing topic for the day, which we discuss orally, then I write any difficult to spell vocabulary words up on the board according to what we discuss orally. I can then allow the students to get on with writing their passage themselves. The topics include: Who are you? (Introducing oneself and a friend) What colour is it? (The apple is red…) How many are there? (There is/are … in the classroom.) What can we do? (I can/can’t… You can/can’t…) Our Favourite Food (I like/don’t like… He/She likes/doesn’t like…) For more Daily Writing Prompts visit: Booklet 2 - [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/daily-writing-prompts-booklet-2-for-esl-beginners-12599157] Booklet 3 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/daily-writing-prompts-booklet-3-simple-outlines-for-elementary-english-learners-12599169 This is the first booklet we used, with many more to come. The topics get progressively more difficult, allowing students to practice different vocabulary and sentence structures, with more and more freedom to compose what they want to express independently. Document is 3 A4 pages, which can be cut in half to make a 5 page A5 booklet with a cover page. I am making more of these to use with my class at the moment, so if you enjoy the product, please leave a review and let me know which topics you’d like to cover in the next upload!