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I'm a Geography teacher with experience educating at various levels, ranging from mainstream schools, SEN and extra-curricular tuition. I also have experience in teaching humanities, English and PSHE topics. My resources are designed primarily as schemes of works for mainly Geographical topics with all levels considered




I'm a Geography teacher with experience educating at various levels, ranging from mainstream schools, SEN and extra-curricular tuition. I also have experience in teaching humanities, English and PSHE topics. My resources are designed primarily as schemes of works for mainly Geographical topics with all levels considered
Supporting Those With Dyslexia Booklet

Supporting Those With Dyslexia Booklet

This booklet gives information about dyslexia and how teachers and teaching assistants can support student's within the classroom. The booklet includes: - A quiz to show understanding - Explains what dyslexia is and why its important to identify - How it effects reading and writing, amongst other information
Geography Baseline Unit

Geography Baseline Unit

This booklet allows teachers to assess students on different aspects of Geography. Included are: map skills, using photographs, places, processes and environmental issues


This poster shows hoe apostrophes should be used in both the omission and possession with clear examples
Tribes Of The Arctic

Tribes Of The Arctic

Living within the freezing Arctic Circle isn’t everyone’s idea of home, however about 4 million people do, with 400,000 of these having indigenous origins. These worksheets look specifically at the Inuit People’s homes, involving building a sugar cube igloo, their clothing, beliefs, and how to encourage future generations keep their traditions alive. A range of individual and group activities are incorporated within these worksheets, including, gathering research from video, drawing a story board, annotating their thoughts, and ideas. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation, Instagram @willsoneducation and Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Dark Tourism

Dark Tourism

Dark tourism has been around for many hundreds, if not thousands of years, but is only now coming to the fore. Dark tourism refers to the specific locations’ tourists visit due to their links to death or tragedy. There are many theories as to why people are attracted to these places. This worksheet is a simple introduction to the topic looking at how similar destinations advertise themselves, whether it is thought right to advertise these places as ‘attractions’ and whether there is a location they would like to visit of the same genre. These questions could be an interesting way to begin a unit on a tragic episode in our planets history and explain how we could learn from our past. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation or Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Coasts (KS 3 & 4)

Coasts (KS 3 & 4)

This 28 page booklet allows students to study how our coastlines are formed, the conflicts with may arise along them and their management. Topics include: Coastal Processes Erosional Landforms Depositional Landforms Coastal Features On Maps Coastal Management Coastal Assessment - Dorset – Its Landforms, Uses And Conflicts
Russia's Culture

Russia's Culture

The culture of a group of people is their way of life. It includes their customs, hobbies, foods, fashions, beliefs and traditions; these are dependent of the country they live in, family background, sex and age. Many parts of the world are multicultural which means many different groups of people live alongside one another as a result of moving to new areas to live ad bringing their cultures with them. This is a chance for your students to get out of your seats and, sensibly, move around the classroom gathering evidence with their classmates to learn about Russia’s culture
Russian Cuisine

Russian Cuisine

Just as with its history Russian cuisine keeps you warm in the winter and helps you stay fresh in the summer. Food is made with simple, naturally grown ingredients but is surprisingly comforting. These worksheets give students the opportunity to try five different foods from Russia and to use their sences to describe them
Indian Food

Indian Food

This lesson allows students to identify different fruits and vegetables which originate from India. They sample the foods and give a detailed description of specific fruits. They also have the opportunity to compare differences between ours and traditional Indian meal times
The Yanomami Tribe

The Yanomami Tribe

Living in the rainforests and mountains of northern Brazil and southern Venezuela, the Yanomami are the largest relatively isolated tribe in South America. Today their population stands at around 32,000 and their territory covers 9.6 million hectares, twice the size of Switzerland. These worksheets help the students to explore the set up of the Yanomami village, the daily lives and rolls of the girls/mothers and boys/fathers, as well as investigating the use of paint to decorate their faces and bodies.
The Kayapo Tribe

The Kayapo Tribe

The Kayapo are the indigenous people of Brazil. They live in the plains of the Mato Grosso and Para south of the Amazon Basin and along the Rio Xingu and its tributaries. They call themselves ‘Mebengokre’, which translates to ‘people of the wellspring’. These worksheets have the students explore the Kayapo’s beliefs, examine the differences and simalarities between us and them, as well as giving them an opportunity to research the tribe by answering their peers questions about them
Using Quadrats

Using Quadrats

These worksheets help students to understand how to use quadrats within their work and coursework with simple clear instructions and examples
Hinduism - Brahman And Other Hindu Gods

Hinduism - Brahman And Other Hindu Gods

There are thousands of gods and goddesses whom Hindus may worship, all with their own special individual characteristics, which allow followers to choose their own deities. Many believe all these gods and goddesses are different aspects of the unchanging ultimate supreme Brahman. Individually, or in groups, the students will create a poster which can come together to show as many of the Hindu god and goddesses as possible – possibly about 30 depending in the size of your class (!). A brief description and image of the gods Ganesh, Shiva, Durga, Lakshmi and Vishnu are included. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation, Instagram @willsoneducation and Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Hinduism - Four Stages Of Life

Hinduism - Four Stages Of Life

Hindus believe life is divided into four stages called ‘ashramas’: student, householder, wise person and old person. Each stage is different and has its own set of duties. These worksheets discuss the four stages and their importance, giving the students the opportunity to create their own modern versions. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation, Instagram @willsoneducation and Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Hinduism - A Mysterious Beast, Brahman And Other Hindu Gods

Hinduism - A Mysterious Beast, Brahman And Other Hindu Gods

The best way to illustrate the diversity of Hinduism is through the story of ‘A Mysterious Beast,’ where an elephant comes to the Land of the Blind and the king sends his courtiers to find out what it is. Each man describes a different part of the elephant, all are correct in what they describe, but only in part in comparison to the whole Students learn, as with the elephant, Hinduism is made up of many parts. There are thousands of gods and goddesses whom Hindus may worship, all with their own special individual characteristics, which allow followers to choose their own deities. Many believe all these gods and goddesses are different aspects of the unchanging ultimate supreme Brahman. These worksheets include a game which explains how each part of the elephant is described by the blind men and asks the students to explain how this is linked to the Hindu religion. Then, individually, or in groups, the students will create a poster which can come together to show as many of the Hindu god and goddesses as possible – possibly about 30 depending in the size of your class (!). A brief description and image of the gods Ganesh, Shiva, Durga, Lakshmi and Vishnu are included. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation, Instagram @willsoneducation and Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Measuring Litter

Measuring Litter

These worksheets help students to develop their understanding of measuring litter and how to use this information to generate tables and graphs of their findings with simple clear instructions and examples
Maths Booklet - Handling Data

Maths Booklet - Handling Data

This 9 page booklet is designed to help students and parents when with mathematical questions within their class and homework be it in Maths, Science, Geography, etc.. Topics Include: Tables Bar Graphs Line Graphs Scatter Graphs Pie Charts Averages
Coastal Management - Conflict of Interest

Coastal Management - Conflict of Interest

Coastal management depends on the understanding and pulling together of the different people who use the coastline to cope with the physical processes impacting on the area. The different techniques used will have positive and negative impacts depending on their interests. Tourism, industry, fishing, trade and transport are all land uses along the coastline but with varying interests. These worksheets helps students to understand these different interests and how they can cause problems to one another. The different types fo hard and soft enginerring techniques are discussed as well as whether they think our coastlines should be protected or left to develop naturally.
Types of Tourism

Types of Tourism

These three worksheets look at how tourism can be divided into differednt categories such as destination, inbound/ outbound for example. The area of dark tourism is also discussed in respect to what destinations are included in this and why they attract so many visitors.
The Hydrological Cycle

The Hydrological Cycle

The water cycle is the never ending movement of water between the ocean, atmosphere and land. Some of the water may be stored in the ocean, on the land or in the atmosphere. This water will be transferred (moved) around the cycle. These worksheets allow students to understand the basic parts of the water cycle using a poem to help order these correctly. They then show their learning through writing a piece which personifies a water droplet trough the cycle.