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Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com




Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com
(French A1) Vocabulary: the face (le visage)

(French A1) Vocabulary: the face (le visage)

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF and DOCX format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: the face (Le visage). You will find the following words: la bouche, les lèvres, la langue, les dents, le visage, les cheveux, l’oreille, le nez, l’œil, le menton, le sourcil, le cou, les cils, la joue, le front, la barbe, la moustache, la fossette, les rides, les taches de rousseur. This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
(French A1) Vocabulary: clothes (les vêtements)

(French A1) Vocabulary: clothes (les vêtements)

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF and DOCX format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write under the appropriate image The theme here is: clothes (Les vêtements). Word list: des gants – un pantalon (jean) – un bonnet – des chaussettes – des bottes – une casquette – un chapeau – une écharpe – un pull à col roulé – un T-shirt – un manteau – une ceinture. This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
[French A2, B1] "Lettre d'une étudiante à Paris" (letter of a student in Paris)

[French A2, B1] "Lettre d'une étudiante à Paris" (letter of a student in Paris)

Ce document comporte une lettre (fictive) d’une étudiante à Paris, adressée à une amie. Après le texte de la lettre, vous trouverez d’abord une explication de certains mots et expression. Après un exercice de vocabulaire (assembler 11 expressions avec leur bonne explication), ce sont quatre questions de compréhension à choix multiples auxquelles il faudra répondre. Puis, deux questions d’expression : qu’est-ce que l’étudiante apprécie dans sa vie à Paris, et qu’est-ce qu’elle n’apprécie pas ? Enfin, dans la dernière partie, il s’agira de rédiger une lettre de réponse au courrier adressé. Cet exercice est utile pour les apprenants de niveau A2-B1 voire B2. Il leur aidera à mieux s’exprimer, tant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit. De plus, les apprenants pourront apprendre quelques mots et expressions bien utiles. Un corrigé est joint à l’exercice. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version This document contains a (fictitious) letter from a student in Paris, addressed to a friend. After the text of the letter, you will first find an explanation of some words and expressions. After a vocabulary exercise (assemble 11 expressions with their correct explanation), there are four multiple choice comprehension questions to answer. Then, two questions of expression: what does the student appreciate in her life in Paris, and what does she not appreciate? Finally, in the last part, the students will have to write a letter in response to the letter sent. This exercise is useful for A2-B1 level learners. It will help them to express themselves better, both orally and in writing. In addition, learners will learn some useful words and expressions. An answer key is attached to the exercise. The document can be downloaded in PDF format.
Chiffres, nombres et heures (figures, numbers and time - French basics)

Chiffres, nombres et heures (figures, numbers and time - French basics)

This exercise (PDF + DOCX) will help your students become familiar with figures, numbers, and time writing. In the first exercise, simply copy the words designating numbers (from 1 to 20). In the second exercise, you will have to spell out the numerical time indicated (example: 17h15 > Il est dix-sept heures quinze). This exercise is suitable for learning to read and write, for both young and old (level A1.1). We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). Thank you!
[French Writing] Répondre à une annonce sur leboncoin (Reply to an ad)

[French Writing] Répondre à une annonce sur leboncoin (Reply to an ad)

Leboncoin est le site internet de petites annonces le plus connu en France. Nous avons donc eu l’idée de faire un exercice d’expression écrite pour permettre aux étrangers d’apprivoiser cette plate-forme très utilisée dans l’Hexagone. Il s’agira donc de répondre à une annonce de logement, en l’occurrence une chambre en colocation. Après le texte de l’annonce, vous trouverez un espace de texte où l’apprenant devra proposer un e-mail de réponse, en respectant certaines indications (poser des questions supplémentaires, proposer un rendez-vous…). Cet exercice est idéal pour les apprenants FLE A2 ou B1, mais on peut aussi le donner aux apprenants de niveaux supérieurs (B2 voire C1). Ce sera l’occasion d’améliorer leur rédaction. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF ainsi qu’au format DOCX. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). ENGLISH VERSION BELOW Leboncoin is the most famous classified ads website in France. We therefore had the idea of doing a written expression exercise to allow foreigners to get to know this platform, which is widely used in France. They will have to answer an advertisement for accommodation, in this case a shared room. After the text of the ad, you will find a text space where the learner will have to propose a response e-mail, respecting certain indications (ask additional questions, propose an appointment…). This exercise is ideal for FLE A2 or B1 learners, but it can also be given to learners at higher levels (B2 or even C1). It will be an opportunity to improve their writing. The document can be downloaded in PDF format as well as in DOCX format.
[French Writing A2, B1] Donner des conseils (advising someone)

[French Writing A2, B1] Donner des conseils (advising someone)

Ce document contient 1 page, avec 10 phrases exclamatives ou déclaratives qui appellent une réponse : J’ai mal aux dents ! Je suis fatigué ! Je suis triste… J’ai mal au ventre… J’ai mal à la tête… Je voudrais maigrir. J’ai faim ! J’ai soif ! Je veux réussir mes examens ! Je voudrais trouver du travail. L’exercice consiste à écrire des réponses et donner des conseils relativement à ces phrases. Ces exercices ont été élaborés à destination du niveau A2 et B1. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF et DOCX. Un corrigé est inclus. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version below This document contains 1 page, with 10 exclamatory or declarative sentences that require a response: I have a toothache! I am tired! I’m sad… I have a stomachache… I have a headache… I would like to lose weight. I am hungry… I am thirsty. I want to pass my exams! I would like to find a job. The exercise consists in writing answers and giving advice about these sentences. These exercises have been designed for A2 and B1 level. The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX format. An answer key is included.
[French A1 A2 written comprehension] Sortie au musée (trip to the museum)

[French A1 A2 written comprehension] Sortie au musée (trip to the museum)

Dans cet exercice pratique de FLE, il faudra restituer des informations à partir du programme du site internet d’un musée (en l’occurrence, il s’agit du Musée Carnavalet situé à Paris). La feuille est construite en 2 parties : Informations diverses : accès au musée, téléphone, jours et horaires d’ouverture, lignes de métro utilisable et prix de l’entrée. Questions : huit questions de restitution d’informations. L’apprenant devra bien étudier les éléments de compréhension et écrire les réponses appropriées. Ce travail est destiné aux apprenants de niveau A1 et A2. Il peut être donné aussi à des écoliers ou collégiens (CM1 à 6ème). L’exercice est téléchargeable au format PDF et DOCX (si vous souhaitez le modifier, par exemple). Un corrigé est inclus. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version below In this practical exercise of FFL, you will have to give information from the program of the website of a museum (in this case, it is the Carnavalet Museum located in Paris). The sheet is built in 2 parts: Miscellaneous information: access to the museum, telephone, opening days and times, usable metro lines and entrance fee. Questions: eight questions on information retrieval. The learner will have to study the elements of understanding and write the appropriate answers. This work is intended for A1 and A2 level learners. It can also be given to schoolchildren (CM1 to 6ème). The exercise can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX format (if you wish to modify it, for example). An answer key is included.
[French Vocabulary A2, B1] Niveaux de langue (Levels of language)

[French Vocabulary A2, B1] Niveaux de langue (Levels of language)

Ce document contient 8 pages : une leçon, 4 pages d’exercices et un corrigé de 3 pages, sur le thème des niveaux de langue (aussi appelés registres de langue). 1er exercice : Indiquer le niveau de langue de 23 phrases différentes (soutenu, courant ou familier). 2ème exercice : Placer les 22 mots et expressions dans la colonne appropriée. 3ème exercice : Compléter un tableau en écrivant les deux mots manquants de chaque ligne. 4ème exercice : Réécrire 22 phrases du langage familier au langage courant. Ces exercices ont donc une difficulté graduelle et sont utiles pour mieux maîtriser les nuances des différents registres. Ils sont avant tout destinés aux adultes, mais vous pouvez aussi l’utiliser avec des enfants (je vous conseille de modifier certaines phrases dans le document Word, si vous souhaitez que l’exercice soit plus profitable au jeune public). En outre, les exercices ont été conçus pour être le plus proche du vocabulaire parlé par les Français (France métropolitaine) afin de rester terre-à-terre. Ces exercices ont été élaborés à destination du niveau A2 et B1. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). ENGLISH VERSION BELOW This document contains 8 pages: a lesson, 4 pages of exercises and a 3-page answer sheet, on the theme of language levels (also called language registers). Exercise 1: Indicate the language level of 23 different sentences (formal, informal or colloquial). Exercise 2: Place the 22 words and expressions in the appropriate column. Exercise 3: Complete a table by writing the two missing words in each row. 4th exercise: Rewrite 22 sentences from colloquial to everyday language. These exercises have a gradual difficulty and are useful to better master the nuances of the different registers. They are primarily intended for adults, but you can also use them with children (I advise you to modify some sentences in the Word document, if you want the exercise to be more beneficial to a young audience). In addition, the exercises have been designed to be as close as possible to the vocabulary spoken by the French (metropolitan France) in order to remain down to earth. These exercises have been designed for A2 and B1 level. The document can be downloaded in PDF format.
[French A1] Comprendre des plaques professionnelles - Understand business signs

[French A1] Comprendre des plaques professionnelles - Understand business signs

Grâce à cet exercice pratique de FLE, vos élèves sauront comprendre des informations à partir de plaques professionnelles. À gauche : des plaques professionnelles, fictives ou réelles ; À droite : un ou plusieurs personnages représentant un métier. Ce travail de 2 pages est destiné aux apprenants de niveau A1. Il peut être donné aussi à des écoliers (CP, CE1). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version below With this practical FFL exercise, your students will be able to understand information from business signs. On the left: real or fictional business signs; On the right: one or more characters representing a profession. This worksheet (2 pages) is intended for A1 level learners. It can also be given to school children (1st grade, 2nd grade - France cursus).
[French written comprehension A2] Sarah est infirmière (Sarah is a nurse)

[French written comprehension A2] Sarah est infirmière (Sarah is a nurse)

Voici un document A4 avec un texte de compréhension écrite qui présente Sarah, une infirmière. Elle raconte son quotidien. En-dessous du texte de 12 lignes, vous trouverez 12 questions adaptées au niveau A1+ et A2. Adapté pour des élèves de niveau CE1 voire CE2 avec difficultés. Le document est téléchargeable en PDF et DOCX (pour modification). English version: Here is a worksheet with a reading comprehension text that presents Sarah, a nurse. She talks about her daily life. Below the 12-line text, you will find 12 questions adapted to A1+ and A2 level. Suitable for students with difficulties at 2nd or 3rd grade level. The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free worksheets) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 20 books on various topics).
[French writing] 13 incorrect sentences to correct, with answer key (series 5)

[French writing] 13 incorrect sentences to correct, with answer key (series 5)

Here are 13 sentences containing recurrent errors made by non-French speaking learners. They are sentences related to everyday life. A detailed answer key is included. The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX format. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 20 books on various topics).
Written comprehension - Dental care (English / ESL)

Written comprehension - Dental care (English / ESL)

This easy, no-prep activity will help your students understand why a good dental hygiene is so important. They will get familiar with unusual words such as gingivitis, tooth decay, gums, dental floss… The text has 15 gaps which have to be filled with the words from the word list. You will also find 7 pictures to illustrate the text. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A one-page printable and modifiable DOCX, and a printable PDF Two worksheets on a single page: eco-friendly and practical. Complex text for close reading Tools to understand why a healthy mouth is good for the overall health ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
[French FFL B2-C1] Bisphénol : un danger invisible (dangers of bisphenol)

[French FFL B2-C1] Bisphénol : un danger invisible (dangers of bisphenol)

Voici un texte et des exercices (5 pages A4) sur le thème du bisphénol, une substance chimique présente dans le plastique et qui est dangereuse pour la santé. Vous trouverez les parties suivantes : Un texte qui traite de l’utilisation des bisphénols dans divers produits courants, et des effets néfastes que cela peut avoir sur la santé. Il mentionne aussi l’interdiction du bisphénol A (BPA) dans les contenants pour bébés (depuis 2010), mais précise que le BPA est encore présent dans de nombreux produits commercialisés, et que les substituts au BPA ne sont pas exempts de tout danger. Exercice de vocabulaire où il faudra trouver la définition de 15 mots du texte, à partir d’une liste proposée. 3 exercices de compréhension écrite : 4 questions type QCM 1 question avec rédaction 4 questions VRAI/FAUX avec justification Identification des zones du corps exposées aux dangers du BPA (à noter près de l’image d’un corps). Exercice de conjugaison : réécrire un paragraphe au présent Exercice d’expression écrite avec trois sujets au choix. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF et DOCX. Un corrigé complet est inclus (3 pages). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 20 books on various topics). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version: *Here is a worksheet (5 pages) for French learners (B2-C1) on the subject of Bisphenol, a chemical substance present in plastic and which is dangerous to health. You will find the following parts: A text that discusses the use of bisphenols in various common products, and the harmful effects this can have on health. It also mentions the ban in the European Union on Bisphenol A (BPA) for baby containers (as of 2010), but points out that BPA is still present in many products on the market, and that BPA substitutes are not without danger. Vocabulary exercise where you will have to find the definition of 15 words in the text, from a list. 3 reading comprehension exercises: 4 MCQ type questions 1 question with writing 4 TRUE/FALSE questions with justification Identification of the areas of the body exposed to the dangers of BPA (to be noted near the image of a body). Conjugation exercise: rewrite a paragraph in the present tense Writing exercise with three topics to choose from. The document can be downloaded in PDF format. A complete answer key is included (3 pages).*
[French Grammar FFL FLE] Grammaire - Valeurs du présent

[French Grammar FFL FLE] Grammaire - Valeurs du présent

This grammar worksheet teaches the different uses of the present indicative in French. There are 3 parts: Lesson: the present tense can be used to express an immediate action, a general truth, a habitual action, an action in the near future and a conditional future fact. Exercise 1: Match 20 sentences with the corresponding use of the present tense, indicating the corresponding letter (A, B, C, D or E) in brackets. Exercise 2: In the second part, learners are asked to write five sentences, each corresponding to one of the five types of present tense mentioned in the lesson. This worksheet is suitable for learners of French as a foreign language (FLE) levels B1 to B2, as well as for CM1 and CM2 pupils (or even 6ème for a refresher course). There are 2 exercises on a single page (ink savings). Downloadable in PDF and DOCX. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
FRENCH (1st, 2nd grade, A1) Months of the year + Seasons. 4 exercises

FRENCH (1st, 2nd grade, A1) Months of the year + Seasons. 4 exercises

Here is a one-page worksheet with 4 small exercises on the theme of months and seasons (100 % in French). In the first exercise, you will have to number the 12 months of the year in chronological order. In the second exercise, you will have to write in order the twelve months of the year. In the third exercise, you will have to link each picture to the corresponding season and circle your favorite season. Finally, in the last exercise, you will have to answer the following questions: What month were you born? What month is it? What is your favorite season? In general, what do you do in the summer and in the winter? This worksheet is suitable for adults and children (French A1.1, A1, 1st grade and 2nd grade), and is a good introduction to learning to write the months and seasons. This document can be downloaded in PDF & DOCX format. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
[French writing] 13 incorrect sentences to correct, with answer key (series 2)

[French writing] 13 incorrect sentences to correct, with answer key (series 2)

Here are 13 sentences containing recurrent errors made by non-French speaking learners. They are sentences related to everyday life. A detailed answer key is included. The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX format. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
[French writing] 13 incorrect sentences to correct, with answer key (series 4)

[French writing] 13 incorrect sentences to correct, with answer key (series 4)

Here are 13 sentences containing recurrent errors made by non-French speaking learners. They are sentences related to everyday life. A detailed answer key is included. The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX format. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
French (1st, 2nd grade, A1) Choose and copy the right word: Electronic devices

French (1st, 2nd grade, A1) Choose and copy the right word: Electronic devices

In this worksheet (PDF + DOCX), on the theme of electronic devices, you will have to choose the right word from the list and write it below the corresponding image. You will find the following words: a camera - a headset - a keyboard and mouse - a USB key - a game console - wireless headphones - a printer - a controller - a connected watch - a smartphone - a laptop - a remote control (une caméra – un casque – un clavier et une souris – une clé USB une console de jeux – des écouteurs sans fil – une imprimante – une manette – une montre connectée – un smartphone – un ordinateur portable – une télécommande) This exercise is suitable for children of CP-CE1 level (1st, 2nd grade - A1.1 minimum). You will find the answers in the document. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
[French FFL A2 comprehension] French culture: truth or prejudice?

[French FFL A2 comprehension] French culture: truth or prejudice?

In these FFL worksheets (2 pages), you will find a text entitled “French culture: truth or prejudice?” for adults learners, level A2/B1. The text deals with the way of life of the French people, and addresses the prejudices that stick to them. The following questions are raised: Do the French like snails and frog legs? Do they really always eat cheese? Are they lazy? After this text, you will find five written comprehension questions, quite simple. Then comes a vocabulary exercise in MCQ: you will have to find the definition of the words hautain, rude, fainéant, démodé, viennoiserie and patrimoine. Finally, you will find a written expression subject: How do you find life in France? If you have never been there, how do you imagine it? This work is adapted to A2 level but can be used with B1 level learners to consolidate their knowledge of the French language. An answer key is included. The document can be downloaded in PDF and editable DOCX. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
[French A2, B1] - Describing everyday situations from pictures. Theme: family (1)

[French A2, B1] - Describing everyday situations from pictures. Theme: family (1)

This worksheet includes one single page with 6 color pictures, which are on the theme of family activities. You will find space on the right to write sentences related to the image. This exercise is useful for A2-B1 French learners. A complete answer key is attached to the document. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (200+ worksheets) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).