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Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com




Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com
"Annette est veuve" - French comprehension and writing

"Annette est veuve" - French comprehension and writing

This document (all in French) is about a sensitive topic: old age and death. It deals with an old lady facing the death of her husband, and how she recovered from it. After having read the text, you can ask your students to answer the questions. Then, they will have to reflect on the situation by writing a short text. I like this subject as it helps the young people comprehend the difficulties of life, and to put themselves in the place of persons facing hard times. It is aimed for average and advanced students. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (docx) and the same in pdf An exhaustive answer sheet ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
[French written expression & drawing] Crée ton pays ! (Create your country!)

[French written expression & drawing] Crée ton pays ! (Create your country!)

Dans cet exercice de français, vous dessinerez la carte d’un pays fictif, puis présenterez ce pays en écrivant les informations clés (nom, drapeau, capitale, population, langue parlée, culture, plats, devise, relief, avantages et désavantages, religion…) Cet exercice permet de travailler l’imagination, le dessin et l’expression écrite. Convient aux enfants comme aux adultes. Disponible en PDF et en DOCX. English version: In this FFL worksheet, you will draw the map of a fictitious country, then present this country by writing the key information (name, flag, capital, population, spoken language, culture, dishes, currency, relief, advantages and disadvantages, religion…) This exercise allows you to work on your imagination & written expression, and to draw. Suitable for children and adults. Available in PDF and DOCX. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
[French cursive handwriting] Vehicles and means of transportation

[French cursive handwriting] Vehicles and means of transportation

Cette page au format PDF contient un exercice de recopiage, puis un exercice d’écriture. Description de l’exercice (nouvelle version) Il s’agit d’abord de recopier 5 mots simples, d’après un modèle : une voiture, un bus, un tank, une moto, un vélo. Ensuite, vous trouverez 11 images de véhicules : l’élève devra essayer de trouver la bonne graphie de chaque mot. Les véhicules sont : bus, ambulance, voiture, voiture de police, (voiture de) taxi, moto, van, train, camion, cabriolet, tramway. Cet exercice peut-être donné à des élèves de niveau CP voire CE1, ainsi qu’aux apprenants FLE de niveau A1.1 et A1. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). English version below: This PDF worksheet contains a handwriting exercise (copy), then a writing exercise. First, the student has to copy 5 simple words, according to a model: a car, a bus, a tank, a motorcycle, a bicycle. Then you will find 11 pictures of vehicles: the student will have to try to find the right spelling of each word. The vehicles are: bus, ambulance, car, police car, cab, motorcycle, van, train, truck, convertible, streetcar. This exercise can be given to students at 1st grade or 2nd grade, as well as to FFL learners at A1.1 and A1 level.
[French cursive handwriting] Insects and small animals

[French cursive handwriting] Insects and small animals

Voici une feuille d’exercice au format PDF sur le thème des insectes et petites bêtes. Elle est focalisée sur la lecture et l’écriture, et est à destination des niveaux CP, CE1, ainsi que FLE A1.1 et A1. 12 insectes et petites bêtes : papillon, coccinelle, guêpe, blatte (cafard), abeille, moustique, chenille, mouche, fourmi, libellule, araignée, sauterelle Écriture scripte et cursive 5 mots proposés à chaque fois L’enfant / apprenant devra lire les mots et entourer celui qui convient Nous avons utilisé plusieurs polices d’écriture pour familiariser l’élève aux différentes graphies 1 espace en dessous de chaque image, pour écrire le bon mot We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). English version below: Here is a PDF exercise sheet on the theme of insects and small animals. It is focused on reading and writing, and is intended for 1st grade, 2nd grade, and FFL A1.1 and A1 levels. 12 insects and small animals: butterfly, ladybug, wasp, cockroach, bee, mosquito, caterpillar, fly, ant, dragonfly, spider, grasshopper Handwriting and script 5 words proposed each time The child/learner will have to read the words and circle the appropriate one We have used several fonts to familiarize the student with the different spellings 1 space below each image, to write the right word
[French Writing A2, B1] Mon pays d'accueil (host country)

[French Writing A2, B1] Mon pays d'accueil (host country)

Ce document à destination des apprenants adultes en FLE comporte 5 sujets de rédaction à propos du pays d’accueil. Les 5 sujets de rédaction sont : Quel est votre pays d’origine et quel est votre pays d’accueil ? Quand êtes-vous arrivés dans votre pays d’accueil et comment ? Qu’est-ce que vous appréciez dans votre pays d’accueil ? Qu’est-ce que vous n’appréciez pas dans votre pays d’accueil ? Quelles sont les choses qui vous manquent par rapport à votre pays d’origine ? Ce travail est adapté aux niveaux A2 et +. Cet exercice est téléchargeable aux formats PDF et DOCX. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 20 books on various topics). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version below This document for adult FFL learners includes 5 essay topics about the host country. The 5 essay topics are: What is your country of origin and what is your host country? When did you arrive in your host country and how? What do you like about your host country? What do you dislike about your host country? What do you miss about your home country? This worksheet is suitable for French as a Foreign Language levels A2 and above. This worksheet can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX.
[French Writing A2, B1] Mon pays d’origine (native country)

[French Writing A2, B1] Mon pays d’origine (native country)

Ce document à destination des apprenants adultes en FLE comporte 8 espaces à remplir, à propos du pays d’origine de l’étudiant. Voici les informations à compléter : Nom du pays Capitale Nombre d’habitants Fête nationale Votre ville d’origine Spécialités culinaires et traditions du pays Avantages du pays Inconvénients du pays Ce travail est adapté aux niveaux A2 et +. Cet exercice est téléchargeable aux formats PDF et DOCX (pour pouvoir le modifier à votre guise). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version below This document for adult learners of French as a foreign language has 8 spaces to be filled out about the student’s country of origin. Here is the information to be completed: Name of the country Capital Number of inhabitants National holiday Your home town Culinary specialties and traditions of the country Advantages of the country Disadvantages of the country This exercise is suitable for levels A2 and above. This exercise can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX formats (so you can modify it as you wish).
[French grammar A1] Prepositions (place)

[French grammar A1] Prepositions (place)

Cet exercice de grammaire comporte 10 images, avec 3 choix de prépositions de lieu à chaque fois. Il faut choisir la bonne préposition, et ensuite former une phrase décrivant l’image Ce travail est adapté aux apprenants de niveau A1, ainsi qu’aux élèves de niveau CP et CE1. Il est disponible en écriture cursive et scripte, et téléchargeable en PDF et DOCX (4 fichiers au total) We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). English version below: This grammar exercise has 10 pictures, with 3 choices of prepositions of place each time. You have to choose the right preposition, and then form a sentence describing the picture. This work is suitable for A1 level learners, as well as for CP and CE1 level students. It is available in both cursive and scribal writing, and can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX (4 files).
[French text + Writing] Santé – Comment rester en forme ? – Bonnes et mauvaises habitudes

[French text + Writing] Santé – Comment rester en forme ? – Bonnes et mauvaises habitudes

Ce document contient 1 page sur le thème de la santé, avec un court texte intitulé : Comment rester en forme ? et deux sujets d’expression écrite : Quelles sont vos bonnes habitudes ? Quelles sont vos mauvaises habitudes ? Le texte contient quelques conseils pour être en bonne santé : Manger beaucoup de fruits et légumes Éviter le sucre blanc Avoir des apports équilibrés Ne pas boire d’alcool ni fumer, et éviter le stress Sortir chaque jour Faire de l’exercice physique Se reposer suffisamment On pourra lire le texte en classe, en discuter, puis demander aux apprenants de répondre aux deux questions. Cet exercice a été élaboré à destination des niveaux A2, B1 et B2. Vous pouvez adapter cet exercice pour les écoliers et collégiens (en modifiant le passage sur l’alcool et le tabac). Le document est téléchargeable aux formats PDF et DOCX. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 20 books on various topics). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version below This worksheet includes a one-page A4 document on the topic of health, with a short text entitled: “How do you stay in shape?” and two written expression topics: What are your good habits? What are your bad habits? The text contains some tips for good health: Eat lots of fruits and vegetables Avoid white sugar Have a balanced diet Don’t drink alcohol or smoke, and avoid stress Go out every day Exercise every day Get enough rest The text can be read to the class, discussed and then learners can be asked to answer the two questions. This exercise was developed for levels A2, B1 and B2. You can adapt this exercise for schoolchildren (by modifying the passage on alcohol and tobacco). The document can be downloaded in PDF format as well as in DOCX format.
[French] Business card: understand its information (carte de visite)

[French] Business card: understand its information (carte de visite)

Dans cet exercice pratique de FLE A1-A2 (1p. A4), il faudra restituer des informations à partir d’une carte de visite. Ici, c’est la carte de visite d’un électricien-dépanneur. Le document est téléchargeable en PDF et DOCX. Vous trouverez 10 questions : certaines sont des QCM, d’autres sont de la restitution d’informations. Enfin, un encart propose 3 activités possibles. Ce travail est destiné aux apprenants de niveau A1 et A2. Il peut être donné aussi à des écoliers (CE1, CE2 voire CM1). Vous pouvez l’adapter à votre façon, en téléchargeant le fichier Word proposé (DOCX). Vous pouvez aussi télécharger l’exercice directement en PDF. Vous trouverez 2 versions : 1 originale et 1 allégée We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free worksheets) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). English version below: In this worksheet for FFL A1-A2 (1 page), you have to give information from a business card. Here, it is the business card of an electrician. The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX. You will find 10 questions: some are MCQ, others are information restitution. Finally, an insert proposes 3 possible activities. This work is intended for A1 and A2 level learners. It can also be given to schoolchildren (2nd, 3rd, 4th grade). You can adapt it to your needs by downloading the Word file (DOCX). You can also download the worksheet directly in PDF. You will find 2 versions: 1 original and 1 light
[French] Compréhension A1 - Quel temps fait-il ? (weather)

[French] Compréhension A1 - Quel temps fait-il ? (weather)

In this free worksheet (1p. A4), you will have to link each of the 7 pictures with the corresponding words and expressions. The theme is the weather. This worksheet is suited for FFL learners, level A1 and A2, and 1st or 2nd grade (France curriculum). Dans cet exercice gratuit (1p. A4), il faudra relier chacune des 7 images avec les mots et expressions correspondantes. Le thème est la météo. Cet exercice est adapté aux apprenants de niveau FLE A1 et A2, et CP voire CE1. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free worksheets) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
Carte de l'Europe : identifie les pays et les monuments (Europe map & monuments)

Carte de l'Europe : identifie les pays et les monuments (Europe map & monuments)

In this short activity, students will be able to study the map of Europe (all in French). They will be able to better locate the countries, and familiarize themselves with some monuments (the Brandenburg Gate, the Colosseum, Big Ben, the Atomium, the Alhambra, Notre Dame Cathedral). What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) + its PDF equivalent A two-page answer sheet Details: As a first step, it will be necessary to indicate the States bordering France, from the proposed list. Then, the students will be asked to write on the map the European countries they know. Then, in a writing exercise, the students will have to write which European countries they have already visited. Finally, 6 photos of monuments are presented: the students will have to write the name of the corresponding monument and the city where it is located. If you want some more :) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our exercise book in French (140 pages) and our Author page on Amazon (more than ten books on various topics). Thank you!
"La météo et les capitales" (Weather and capital cities), lesson + 4 exercises with crossword puzzle

"La météo et les capitales" (Weather and capital cities), lesson + 4 exercises with crossword puzzle

This activity (all in French) is about weather and capital cities. You will find a lesson and 4 various exercises (on 4 pages in total). There are a crossword puzzle and many illustrations to make the learning more appealing. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A four-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) with 4 exercises (including a writing exercise and a crossword puzzle). Its PDF equivalent A two-page answer sheet. Details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… First, you will find a lesson page, with a lot of vocabulary related to the weather, as well as expressions (examples: un temps de chien, il pleut des cordes, il fait moche…), In the first exercise, students will have to fill in a wind rose, with the directions to indicate (nord, sud, est, ouest, nord-est, etc.), In the second exercise, you will have to read a weather report from 20 cities around the world, and answer 10 questions (true or false), In the third exercise, a crossword puzzle must be filled in by finding the names of countries corresponding to capitals. Example: Nairobi is the capital of KENYA, Finally, in the last exercise, students will have to write a weather report in French, based on a map that is given. Students will be able to use the lesson to write their text. If you’re interested… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our exercise book in French (140 pages) and our Author page on Amazon (more than ten books on various topics). Thank you!
French activity about rest, sleep and dreams - 3 exercises + answers

French activity about rest, sleep and dreams - 3 exercises + answers

This activity (all in French) is about rest, sleep and dreams! Many new words and expressions to learn, some of them frequently used by French speakers! The worksheet consists of 3 different exercises. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + its PDF equivalent) with 3 exercises (including a writing exercise), A complete answer sheet (2 pages) Details: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… In the first exercise, you will have to complete the empty spaces of the text (15 words from the list: baille, cauchemars, couche, dormir, endormi, endormir, fatigue, insomnies, lève, matinal, met au lit, oiseau de nuit, réveil, réveille, siestes) In the second exercise, you will have to find the meaning of 8 sentences related to sleep, among three possible choices. Example: “faire la grasse matinée”, “dormir à poings fermés”, “être dans les bras de Morphée”, “c’est une histoire à dormir debout”… Finally, in the last exercise, the learner will have to answer a question about his sleep: does he sleep a lot? On your back or on your side? Does he have a light sleep or a rather heavy sleep? The answers are complete and include examples for written expression. If you’re interested… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our exercise book in French (140 pages) and our Author page on Amazon (more than ten books on various topics). **Thank you! **
"Culture français : préjugés ou vérité ?" - Question prejudices about the French!

"Culture français : préjugés ou vérité ?" - Question prejudices about the French!

This activity will allow you to question prejudices about the French: do they really eat snails and frog legs? Are they so lazy and rude? This text, written by a Frenchman living near Paris, is accompanied by two exercises and an answer sheet. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + its PDF equivalent) with 2 exercises (including a writing exercise). An answer sheet. Details: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… In the first exercise, students will be asked to answer 5 questions about the text. In the second exercise, they will have to find the definition of four words (haughty, harsh, lazy, old-fashioned), among the proposed choices. If you want more… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our exercise book in French (140 pages) and our Author page (more than ten books on various topics). Thank you!
"J'apprends à lire et à écrire" - 100-page illustrated book for illiterate wanting to learn French

"J'apprends à lire et à écrire" - 100-page illustrated book for illiterate wanting to learn French

With the book “J’apprends à lire et à écrire”, you will help illiterate people to learn French. This book was designed after my experience as a teacher of French as a foreign language (FLE). I experienced the learning difficulties of an audience that suffered from not being able to read French well. The approach adopted is intended to be progressive and “reassuring”, in particular by evoking words from everyday life. We first insist on the recognition of simple and then complex syllables. Then, many copying exercises allow the learner to get used to the drawing and writing. Often, word prints are present so that the student is not left without a reference point. Then come word and sentence recognition exercises. It will be a matter of making the right choice and, sometimes, filling in empty spaces. Finally, comprehension exercises at the end of the book allow the learner to practice concrete applications of what he or she has learned (in particular with the study of the verbs ÊTRE -to be- and AVOIR -to have). This book is ideal for people who have not yet mastered the basics of reading and writing French. It is aimed at adults and young adults (newcomers, A1.1 and A1), as well as children who need reinforcement of their skills (CP, CE1 = 1st, 2nd grade). He will provide a definite help to pass the DILF (Diplôme Initial de Langue Française). You can also buy the book here: Livre "J’apprends à lire et à écrire" We hope you will enjoy our work!
La personnalité des gens : adjectifs utiles (Personality - French worksheet)

La personnalité des gens : adjectifs utiles (Personality - French worksheet)

This easy, no-prep activity will help your students improve their vocabulary in French, by learning several adjectives used to describe the personality of a person. You will get used to words like: honnête, altruiste, impulsif, sympa, perfectionniste, drôle, orgueilleux, patient, généreux, timide, maladroit, désagréable, optimiste, généreux, peureux, prudent, enfantin, dangereux, sensible, malhonnête… What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX), and its PDF equivalent, containing: An exercise with gaps to fill from the words of the list, Another exercise where you have to circle the right word between two, for each of the sentences. An exhaustive answer sheet.
"Que font-ils ?" (What are they doing? Describe the activity - French worksheet)

"Que font-ils ?" (What are they doing? Describe the activity - French worksheet)

This easy, no-prep activity will help your students express themselves in French by describing what the characters are doing. It contains a two-page table with characters doing activities on the left. Below, words are written. They will help students write complete sentences: on the right, they must describe what each character is doing. This is a funny way to write short and useful sentences in French. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) with 16 sentences to write. Its PDF equivalent A complete answer sheet (2 pages)
French Interrogative Pronouns - Worksheet (22 sentences with gaps to fill + answers)

French Interrogative Pronouns - Worksheet (22 sentences with gaps to fill + answers)

Interrogative pronouns, primarily used for asking questions, are very important in French. In this worksheet, you will find 22 sentences where the students need to find the appropriate interrogative pronoun (qui, que, où, comment, quoi, quand, combien, à qui) for each gap. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable DOCX, and a printable PDF A complete answer sheet
"La routine de Thierry" (Thierry's daily routine). Activities about daily life, 4 exercises+answers

"La routine de Thierry" (Thierry's daily routine). Activities about daily life, 4 exercises+answers

This illustrated activity will help students learn vocabulary related to daily routine and free time. They will have to read a text and understand its meaning, and then develop a reflection based on it. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + its PDF equivalent) with 4 exercises (including a writing exercise) A complete answer sheet Details: In the first exercise, Thierry explains his daily routine. You must fill in 12 empty spaces from the words in the list. In the second exercise, several French words are mentioned (from the text: work, society, concentrated, generally, attempt, banal, license…), and the meaning must be found from the proposed choice. In the third exercise, the student will be asked to answer questions about the text. Finally, in the fourth exercise, the learner will have to write on two topics: (1) is Thierry’s routine boring? and (2) what do you like to do in your spare time? We hope you will find this activity useful :)
Parlez de vos goûts ! - Talk about your tastes! (French worksheet)

Parlez de vos goûts ! - Talk about your tastes! (French worksheet)

This easy, no-prep activity will help your students express themselves in French and speak about their taste, what they like, etc. The preliminary activity deals with 6 verbs that needto be conjugated (adorer, aimer (bien), apprécier, ne pas aimer, détester, haïr). Then, a writing exercise will ask student to explain what they like or dislike. They have examples of activities and need to write a short text below the instructions. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) and its PDF equivalent. A complete answer sheet, with 10 examples of sentences for the writing exercise.