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Isabella F's teach worksheets

Online TEFL lesson worksheets, used by myself in class before being placed on my page

Online TEFL lesson worksheets, used by myself in class before being placed on my page
Riddles, Rhymes and Tongue Twisters

Riddles, Rhymes and Tongue Twisters

Lesson plan for Riddles, Rhymes and Tongue Twisters; this lesson is 1 hour + with extensions, resources and timings. Good for ESL students B1- C1 (intermediate to advanced) or KS2 - KS3. The lesson can be adapted depending on your students levels. There are 3 fun activities and lots of student-centred work. Each activity can be used as a stand alone in a seperate class or in this 1 hour long lesson plan. Lesson objectives: practice rhyming words, pronunciation and creative writing. I have used this lesson on ESL adults and teens; both groups enjoyed this class, and left looking enthuasastic and happy. The lesson can also be adapted to smaller or larger classes as it contains group/team work.
Murder mystery worksheet

Murder mystery worksheet

Fun and exciting murder mystery worksheet. Allow your students to be immersed in a murder mystery story; the worksheet includes 22 clues which can be discussed to solve the mystery, the worksheet also includes a small drawing game, and finally the solution, (in addition to this there is also an extra task (to write your own murder mystery). Can be used in a classroom setting or for 1to1 online classes.