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History Resource Hub

Resources for KS3 and KS4 secondary History Curriculum, designed by and for teachers in Secondary schools. all resources have been refined and honed by practice in the classroom over a number of years

Resources for KS3 and KS4 secondary History Curriculum, designed by and for teachers in Secondary schools. all resources have been refined and honed by practice in the classroom over a number of years
Year 7 Romans Scheme of Learning

Year 7 Romans Scheme of Learning

A series of lessons including student resource booklet, photocopiable worksheets and lesson plans appropriate for a Year 7 introduction to the Romans, Roman Britain and using interpretations. This series of lessons will introduce pupils to life in early Britain during the time of the Romans, including the teaching and development of basic historical skills. After an opening lesson setting out expectations, pupils will complete a baseline assessment. This will give the classroom teacher an indication of the pupils’ basic historical knowledge and writing skills. There will then be an introductory lesson on the Romans, emphasising key vocabulary associated with the Roman empire, pupils will place Roman Britain within the geographical and socio-political context of the ancient world. Pupils will then learn about chronological understanding through a lesson about timelines and the key events of Roman Britain. This will allow students to gain an understanding of the Romans influence on British History and put their influence into the context of wider British History as a whole. Lesson 5,6 and 7 will introduce pupils to the Roman Army and its importance, leading to a half term teacher assessment on ‘why was the Roman army so successful?’. In the second half term the scheme will then introduce the concept of historical interpretation through the story of Boudicca and her defeat by the Roman Army in. The final lessons will focus on the story of Boudicca and her opposition to the Romans. Following on from the lessons on Boudicca they will look at a variety of evidence to assess the ‘best’ representation of Boudicca. This links in with GCSE skills developed at KS4 through Controlled Assessment and Paper 3 Surgery. This will form the assessment for February
Crime and punishment revision

Crime and punishment revision

An extensive key word memory test that could be used to improve the short and long term memory recall of students. Differentiated for all abilities depending on how much you require them to answer. For example ask students to remember the first section (Anglo Saxon and Norman) as a starter or do as a whole class memory test (approx 25 minutes) Great for those students who struggle to write to achieve success! Includes: Knowledge grid (covering key words) Answer grid Score chart
Year 7 Medieval Realms

Year 7 Medieval Realms

A comprehensive booklet for Year 7 Medieval Realms unit (part 1). Includes resources, text and activities from The Norman Conquest to how William kept control of England. The colour booklet is really useful for saving teacher planning time and can be printed as a class set for pupils and teachers to use in class. Additional storyboard whorksheets also included for the lessons on the battles of Stamford Bride and Hastings
Civil Rights KS3 Scheme of Learning

Civil Rights KS3 Scheme of Learning

A bespoke booklet, including activities tracing the history and study of the Civil Rights movement in the USA. This is a perfect resource for those wishing to update KS3 schemes of work for the new Ofsted framework and includes: Information on each topic Activities for each topic within the booklet Knowledge recall/retrieval pratice sheet included in the booklet Perfect for the unit on the National Curriculum ‘Significant society or issue in world history and its interconnections with other world developments’ Activ Studio Flipchart for each lesson Various worksheets to accompany lessons attached