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Languages Made Fun

Useful worksheets and activities in French and Spanish that will make learning a foreign language more enjoyable and simpler for learners. These fun and meaningful worksheets are designed to help students grasp vocabulary and grammatical concepts easily so that they will ultimately develop a more positive attitude towards learning French or Spanish.




Useful worksheets and activities in French and Spanish that will make learning a foreign language more enjoyable and simpler for learners. These fun and meaningful worksheets are designed to help students grasp vocabulary and grammatical concepts easily so that they will ultimately develop a more positive attitude towards learning French or Spanish.
Saber vs Conocer - "to know" in Spanish

Saber vs Conocer - "to know" in Spanish

Are you looking for worksheets on saber and conocer? These will do the trick! There are lots of helpful activities on understanding the difference between these two verbs so that students get sufficient practice. In this document, you will find the following. Conjugation of saber and conocer Colour the correct conjugations Read the sentences and insert the correct form of the verb Circle the correct verb Rearrange the words to form grammatically correct sentences Indicate if the sentence is correct or not Make your own sentences using saber and conocer Crossword puzzle Solution is included.