England Lane Academy
Wakefield, United Kingdom
About England Lane Academy
Who Are We?
England Lane is a primary academy situated in Knottingley, West Yorkshire. There are approximately 187 pupils on role including 18 part time Nursery pupils. 31% are in receipt of Pupil Premium and the deprivation indicator is 0.36. The catchment area we serve is predominantly the Knottingley area.
At its most recent Ofsted inspection, March 2019, England Lane was judged to be good in all areas.
Why Join Our Academy?
At England Lane Academy everyone works together within a positive, calm and nurturing environment, insisting upon high aspirations for all pupils and staff. We believe that our children need to leave us with well-developed personal and social skills, independence, high self-motivation, healthy lifestyles, strong self-belief and secure basic skills in literacy and numeracy. At all stages, we promote these core aspects with parents, carers and the wider community. Our behaviour policy has transformed behaviours, including learning behaviours. Pupils are proud to come to England Lane. They feel safe, happy and are meeting the high challenge and expectations set by leaders and teachers.
Our team understands the importance of valuing all of our staff members and modelling the mutual respect we expect from our students. Adults within our academy lead by example, rising to challenges and enjoy reaping the many rewards that come from working with young people.