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Wipeout game

Wipeout game

Pupils come to board to click on an item of FOOD. If they click on an item which is not food, they get a 'WIPEOUT'. 3 x wipeouts = game over!!! :(
PRESENT, PAST + FUTURE tense recognition

PRESENT, PAST + FUTURE tense recognition

You'll have to invest in some sets of mini-jenga (I found them for a couple of quid each on Amazon). Put a number (1-48) on each block. Pupils play Jenga in groups - one pupil is &'in charge&'; and has the question / answer sheet. If pupil successfully pushes out a block, questionmaster asks them the relevant question and gives them a point if they can a) recognise the tense b) say what it means in English. If question is in English, they must say the verb in French for 2 points. Have fun! 'Ave it!!!
Wipeout game

Wipeout game

Practises food vocabulary - categorising healthy and unhealthy foods.
Global warming

Global warming

Text with multiple choice questions. List of key vocab for pupils to research.
Plenary game - find out what they've learned!

Plenary game - find out what they've learned!

2 teams - boys v. girls. Teacher asks question to 1st team. If correct, team chooses a number from grid. Teacher clicks on number and points scored as follows: NUMBER = team awarded that number of points 2 ARROWS = teams must swap their scores (watch their faces!! Priceless!!!) MONKEY = team loses all their points. All credit to my wonderful colleague Helen Patterson who created then shared this resource. ENJOY!!! :)
Types of house and area - cover lesson

Types of house and area - cover lesson

Had to leave work for my year 7 class starting House and Home topic. This worksheet introduces them to key vocab to talk about types of houses and areas they might live in. 'Ave it!!! :)
Battleships game on personal qualities

Battleships game on personal qualities

Pupils say a sentence in French, choosing a beginning from the top row and an ending from the left. They must then say what it means in English in order for teacher to click on the square they have chosen to see if there is a battleship there! Could also make them pronounce it perfectly if you are really mean.....er....I mean if you are a really good teacher!!!!! :)
Describing actors

Describing actors

Middle to low ability worksheet which supports pupils in writing their own description. Stolen from a colleague - hands up!!!! :)
GROUP / PAIR WORK on school day + time

GROUP / PAIR WORK on school day + time

Instructions are on last page - sorry, no idea how to re-order pages in Word!!! 'Ave it! Objective is that pupils teach themselves how to tell time and we all get lots of brownie points from Ofsted!!!!! :)