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Coastal Assessment

Coastal Assessment

This lesson is an assessment based around coasts, designed for year 8's. This includes the assessment and all associated resources, in addition to a marking grid, and the feedback lesson, which also includes action points sheets (these will allow students to improve on certain areas, based on the weaknesses in their test). NOTE - MGO1 is equivalent to the AO1 and AO2 objectives at GCSE. These have then been broken down into what I expect year 8 students to be able to achieve.
Coastal Fieldwork

Coastal Fieldwork

This lesson aims to allow students to conduct fieldwork based around the coast. This lesson contains 3 individual lessons: Lesson 1 is a preparation lesson, where students think about what could be investigated at a coastal location, what methods and sampling could be used, in addition to coming up with a hypothesis. This lesson would need to be followed by conducting the fieldwork in a coastal location. Included in this lesson is an activity book that can used at a coastal location with groynes. Lesson 2 is an assessment based lesson which gets students to present their findings, analyse their findings, before drawing conclusions of their findings. Lesson 3 is then the feedback element where students are encouraged to improve their fieldwork skills. NOTE - This lesson is based around Southend but is easily adaptable for any location with a groyne. Also note that MG03 is based around AO4 on the GCSE specification, but this has been reduced to what is expected from a year 8 student.
A Question A Day - AQA Geography

A Question A Day - AQA Geography

This contains a question a day, starting on the first day back after February half term, up until the 3rd paper. It covers all topics with the exception of the Pre-Release. The optional topics covered are: Hot Deserts Coastal Landscapes River Landscapes Energy Each topic is covered equally to ensure that students are well prepared for the real exam, along with a range of questions to ensure students are practicing a variety of skills and marks. Each question is colour coded to represent a different topic, which allows students to know what unit they are revising.
A Major UK City - Birmingham

A Major UK City - Birmingham

3 Resources
This bundle contains all the lessons required to teach 'Urban change in cities in the UK leads to a variety of social, economic and environmental opportunities and challenges'. This is found in the AQA GCSE specification.
A Major LIC or NEE City

A Major LIC or NEE City

4 Resources
This bundle contains all lessons required to cover the Urban growth creates opportunities and challenges for cities in LICs and NEEs, located in the AQA GCSE Specification.
Water and Carbon Cycles

Water and Carbon Cycles

7 Resources
All lessons and resources needed to teach the Water and Carbon Cycle unit. The only element missing is the 2 case studies.
River Landscapes in the UK

River Landscapes in the UK

6 Resources
This bundle contains all but 2 lesson required to teach the River landscapes in the UK unit, which is part of the new AQA GCSE Specification. The lessons missing are an example of a river valley in the UK to identify its major landforms of erosion and deposition and the example of a river mangement scheme. I have included the first lesson of the unit for free so that you can get a feel for the style of lessons.
AQA Geography Paper 1 Revision Booklet

AQA Geography Paper 1 Revision Booklet

This is a comprehensive revision booklet based around AQA Geography Paper 1 exam. The idea of this booklet is for students to complete a range of activities in a bit to aid their revision, before their exam. I originally created this booklet for PP students, however this this is more than suitable for anyone to complete. Please note all case studies and examples can be edited to match the ones you use. Inside the booklet you will see activities for the following units: The challenge of natural hazards The living world (Rainforests and Hot deserts) Physical Lanscapes of the UK (Coasts and Rivers)
AQA Geography Paper 2 Revision Booklet

AQA Geography Paper 2 Revision Booklet

This is a comprehensive revision booklet based around the AQA Geography Paper 2 exam. The idea of this booklet is for students to complete a range of activities in a bit to aid their revision, before their exam. I originally created this booklet for PP students, however this this is more than suitable for anyone to complete. Please note all case studies and examples can be edited to match the ones you use. Inside the booklet you will see activities for the following units: Ubran Issues and Challenges The Changing Economic World The Challenge of Resource Management (Resources and Energy)
Glaciation and Rivers

Glaciation and Rivers

This resource contains all the materials to teach a full unit titled Glaciation and Rivers. This is designed for year 7’s however could easily be edited to cater for slightly older year groups. This resource contains all powerpoints, resources, homeworks and assessment materials. Lesson titles are as follows: Lesson 1 - Glaciation Lesson 2 - Glacial Processes Lesson 3 - Erosional Landforms Part 1 Lesson 4 - Erosional Landforms Part 2 Lesson 5 - Transportational and Depositional Landforms Lesson 6 - Using Glacial Landforms Lesson 7 - Mid Unit Assessment Lesson 8 - The Water Cycle Lesson 9 - Drainage Basin Lesson 10 - Fluvial Processes Lesson 11 - Upper Course Landforms Lesson 12 - Middle Course Landforms Lesson 13 - Causes of Flooding Lesson 14 - River Management Lesson 15 - End of Unit Assessment Plus 2 additional pieces of material: Mid Unit Feedback End of Unit Feedback
Asia Unit of Work

Asia Unit of Work

9 Resources
This bundle includes all of the lessons required for a unit of work titled Asia. These lessons include: Where is Asia Asia’s Importance Aral Sea Monsoon Tourism in Thailand North and South Korea China vs India Globalisation End of Unit Assessment


9 Resources
This bundle contains a whole unit of work for coasts. This unit is designed for year 8's and aims to give them the basic knowledge and skills in the lead up to GCSE's. In addition to lessons, this bundle contains assessments and fieldwork that can be carried out.
Extreme Environments

Extreme Environments

8 Resources
A variety of lessons that cover the unit Extreme Environments. This bundle contains 8 lessons and focuses on Hot Arid and Polar Regions, which are the key focus of the AQA GCSE specification.
AQA GCSE GeographyRevision Bundle

AQA GCSE GeographyRevision Bundle

2 Resources
In this Bundle you will get 2 workbooks covering the AQA GCSE Geography exam. It covers the following topics: Paper 1: Challenge of Natural Hazards Living World - Tropical Rainforest and Hot Deserts Physical Landscapes in the UK - Coasts and Rivers Paper 2: Urban Issues and Challenges Changing Economic World Challenge of Resource Management - Resources and energy Please note that this is full editable so that you can change the case studies/examples to match those that you teach.
Making Connections - Welcome to Geography

Making Connections - Welcome to Geography

11 Resources
This bundle contains a complete unit of work titled Making Connections. This is aimed for year 7's and is an ideal unit to begin the academic year. It looks at the different types of geography, the UK's physical and human features, locating continents and oceans, how to use an Atlas and some fieldwork based within your own school grounds.
Living World

Living World

11 Resources
This bundle contains all lesson required to teach the Whole of the Living World Unit, which is part of the new AQA GCSE Specification. This contains the compulsory element of Tropical Rainforests and the optional unit of Hot Deserts. I have included the deforestation lesson of the unit for free so that you can get a feel for the style of lessons.
Contemporary Urban Environments - AQA A Level

Contemporary Urban Environments - AQA A Level

This resources contains all lessons for the AQA A Level unit of Contemporary Urban Environments. All resources are provided except for a geofile on air pollution in Beijing. Pages referenced are for the Human Geography Book created by Oxford University Press.
Urban Issues and Challenges

Urban Issues and Challenges

12 Resources
This bundle contains every lesson required to teach the urban issues and challenges unit located in the AQA GCSE specification. It comes complete with lessons, activities, resources and worksheets. Please note that there is reference to a textbook, this is the Cambridge book. However all resources have a fact file attached that provides all the information required to complete the activities.