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French Year 8 KO Food

French Year 8 KO Food

Knowledge organiser based on the topic: Food aimed for the 2nd unit taught in year 8. This resource matches the SOW available to buy. Includes vocabulary to answer the questions: • Qu’est-ce que tu manges et bois? What do you eat and drink? • Quelle est ta nourriture préférée? What is your favourite food? • Quel est ton restaurant préféré ? What is your favourite restaurant? • Qu’est-ce que tu as mangé pour ton dernier anniversaire ? What did you eat on your last birthday?
French Year 8 KO Holidays

French Year 8 KO Holidays

Knowledge organiser based on the topic: Holidays aimed for the 3rd unit taught in year 8. This resource matches the SOW available to buy. Includes vocabulary to answer the questions: • Tu preferes quelles types de vacances? What type of holidays do you prefer? • Tu fais quoi normalement en vacances? What do you normally do on holiday? • Tu es allé où en vacances l’année derniere? Where did you go on holiday last year? • Quelles sont tes vacances de rêve? What are your dream holidays?
French Year 8 KO Sports and Hobbies

French Year 8 KO Sports and Hobbies

Knowledge organiser based on the topic: Sports and Hobbies aimed for the 4th unit taught in year 8. This resource matches the SOW available to buy. Includes vocabulary to answer the questions: • Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire comme sports et activitiés ? What sports and activities do you like to do? • Est-ce que tu préfères écouter de la musique ou regarder la télé? Do you prefer to listen to music or watch TV? • Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire après l’école? What do you do after school?