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Christmas Quiz 2019

Christmas Quiz 2019

Round 1 - Celebrity Santa, 10 questions Round 2 - Christmas Trivia, 10 questions, multiple choice Round 3 - Naughty elves, 10 questions, vowels missing Round 4 - Christmas Intros, 10 questions Round 5 - Snow Globe Anagrams, 8 questions Round 6 - Christmas Movies, 10 questions Round 7 - Sweet tooth, 14 questions (Merry Christmas using brand names) Tie breaker Answers are provided at the end of each round to increase excitement.
Christmas Quiz 2020

Christmas Quiz 2020

7 rounds, bonus round, tie breaker Answers are at the end of each round. Christmas Trivia - 10 questions Celebrity Santa - 10 questions Naughty Elves (anagrams)- 10 questions Adverts - 5 questions Festive Phrases (alpha-numerical) - 10 questions Say what you see (Emoji Christmas songs) - 10 questions Sweet Tooth - recognising chocolate brands - 12 questions Unlock Christmas (code cracking) - 1 question Tie Breaker Questions
Christmas Quiz 2017

Christmas Quiz 2017

8 rounds with answers and embedded music quiz. Round 1 – Celebrity Santa – 10 questions Round 2 – Christmas Trivia – 10 questions Round 3 – Freeze Frame (movies) – 10 questions Round 4 – Christmas Covers (embedded in PowerPoint) - 10 questions Round 5 – Anagrams – 12 questions Round 6 – Sweet Tooth – 14 questions Round 7 – Christmas dingbats – 8 questions Round 8 – Christmas Traditions – 10 questions (multiple choice) Tie breaker
Easter Quiz 2016

Easter Quiz 2016

6 rounds with answers provided. Each round has 10 marks available, rounds include true or false, identifying the chocolate bar and a word puzzle.
Shape and Space Quiz

Shape and Space Quiz

Multiple choice quiz on shape and space. Includes area and circumference of a circle, perimeter and area of quadrilaterals, naming 3D shapes and their properties and plans and elevations.
Integrity Assembly

Integrity Assembly

A 20 minute PowerPoint on the topic of integrity. Links to resources in the notes section, along with the equipment for the interactive Cheerio’s Challenge. Christian story, prayer at the end. Tutor follow up work, based on promises, included.
nth term linear

nth term linear

A flip chart lesson starting from term to term rules, building up to nth term and then working out if a number is in a sequence. RAG questions with answers included. Scaffolded worksheet on finding the nth term. Starting from simple (2n+1) building up to subtraction (3n-6), and then negative terms (-2n+1).
Drawing Pie Charts

Drawing Pie Charts

12 questions on completing tables and drawing pie charts. Starts with simple multiplication such as 180 to 360. Then uses scaling to complete more difficult tables: i.e. 45 - 90 - 180 - 360 and then drawing the pie chart. Circle is drawn with radius for support.
Drawing and comparing frequency polygons

Drawing and comparing frequency polygons

Four page worksheet, where students draw two frequency polygons on one and compare the similarities and difference. Q1 and Q2 have the graph drawn for support. Q3 - Q6 the graph needs to be drawn.
Ratio 1:n and n:1

Ratio 1:n and n:1

16 questions on writing a ratio as 1:n and n:1. Example question, three levels of difficulty and an extension involving fractions on both sides. Answers provided.
Transforming Trigonometrical Graphs

Transforming Trigonometrical Graphs

14 Sine/Cosine graphs and their matching equations. Transformations include, y=-Sin x, y=Cos x - 2 and y = 2Cos x+1 Including an extension task. The word document is in answer form, so it may be worth cutting them prior.
Similar Calculations

Similar Calculations

Using multiplication facts to answer questions, for example 15 x 24 = 360, what is 150 x 24? Also includes some division questions and extension question on division of a fraction. Answers provided. Please rate!


A two page worksheet on drawing a locus around a point and around a line. Extension question involving scale. Suitable for lower ability.