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Special educational needs SEND IEP template/Pupil Learning Passport

Special educational needs SEND IEP template/Pupil Learning Passport

The file included is an updated/new IEP template which is renamed ‘Pupil Learning Passport’. It is used successfully in conjunction with face-to-face parental meetings once per term. We allocated 20-25 minutes each for the Autumn term parental meetings and 10-15 minutes each for the Spring and Summer term meetings, although longer may be needed depending on the nature of the outcomes, progress made as well as the individual circumstances surrounding the pupil . Pupil Learning Passports (PLPs) can be used for SEND, LAC and disadvantaged pupils. What does it do? Outlines personal details and SEND category/categories Links to SEND ranges Outlines the pupil’s strengths, achievements and interests ( pupil discussions are held once a year prior to the first parental meeting). Outlines external agencies involved Outlines background information (status, medical and external agencies) Incorporates pupil voice - ‘barriers to learning’ and ‘I learn best when’ States outcomes and learning targets (Autumn, Spring and Summer) Outlines provision (intervention, resources, strategies and what I can do at home to help Tracks attainment and progress data Reviews outcomes Incorporates parent views Includes details of transition Why is it more effective? One document that is updated each term for one year and the follows the pupil into future year groups One document that tracks pupil progress for their whole school career from Reception to Y6, or whenever they join your school In-line with the SEND Code of Practice 2015, incorporating parent and pupil voice and views Sections are written in conjunction with the pupil It combines IEPs and Pupil Passports removing the need for two separate documents Links directly to SEND Provision Map Saves teachers time having ‘tick box’ options in various sections All relevant information needed for referrals is in one place All relevant information in one place to ensure all staff involved with the child is aware of provision, needs, resources and strategies Acts as a transition document (class to class/teacher to teacher, across Key stages and to new schools) Overall, it replaces a lot of singular documents and creates one meaningful and multi-purpose document for SEND pupils.
2017 Key Stage 2/KS2 SATS Maths Revision Bundle

2017 Key Stage 2/KS2 SATS Maths Revision Bundle

6 Resources
LESS THAN HALF PRICE FOR RUN UP TO SATS! As fellow year 6 teachers we have developed these 6 essential revision aids for the last few days before Key stage 2 SATs tests. Includes fact mats to fill in, PPT with all key facts and knowledge for reasoning tests and PPT consolidating exam technique and annotation skills. Although perfect for the last couple of weeks, these resources can be used all-year-round and are therefore a great investment!
2017 KS2/Key Stage 2 SATS Arithmetic Paper Bundle

2017 KS2/Key Stage 2 SATS Arithmetic Paper Bundle

4 Resources
MORE THAN HALF PRICE SALE IN THE RUN UP TO SATS! Essential last minute revision resources for the arithmetic paper. Developed by Year 6 teachers, resources include top tips for solving arithmetic paper questions as well as example questions to consolidate methods. Train your Brain activities include multiplying /dividing by 10/100/100, doubling and halving key numbers and times tables.
 Reasoning Paper Handy Hints

Reasoning Paper Handy Hints

This resource gives handy hints, test technique pointers, example test questions and consolidation questions linked to several current (2016) test paper themes. Ideal for consolidation throughout the year. Covering the following areas: ordering time, calculating time intervals, using the inverse, reading time, coordinates, negative numbers, number lines, pie charts, rounding, symmetry and nets.
KS2/Key Stage 2 Spag Test- Grammatical Term Reminders

KS2/Key Stage 2 Spag Test- Grammatical Term Reminders

With over 60 slides, this last-minute revision power-point includes a definition of all grammatical terms for the new 2016 SPAG test. It then has several examples of questions from previous papers for the children to quickly test their knowledge. Ideal for final cramming!
2017 KS2/Key Stage 2 Spelling races/lists

2017 KS2/Key Stage 2 Spelling races/lists

Sets of 10 words at a time from the Year 5 and 6 New Curriculum Spelling lists. The word grids can be used with a partner to test each other or could be used independently. I have also provided incorrect spelling races where children must correct each spelling within a time frame. An alternative game is to have them checked by an adult then sent to alter spellings which are still incorrect either for house points or against the clock.
Essential handy hints for KS2 Reasoning Papers

Essential handy hints for KS2 Reasoning Papers

Here are a few more practical tips for particular topics from the reasoning papers. Each slide has a SATs qu with handy hints box and annotations. Slides: Ordering mixed unit length Ordering mixed decimals and fractions Measuring Angles in shapes Reading scales perimeter Bar charts Line graphs VENN diagrams Counting area Fractions of shapes Reasoning
KS1 SPAG Test Starters and Plenaries

KS1 SPAG Test Starters and Plenaries

With over 50 slides, this power-point includes a definition of all the punctuation, sentence types and grammatical terms for the KS1 SPAG test. It then includes several examples of questions based on the current test for the children to quickly test and consolidate their knowledge. Ideal for starters and plenaries throughout the year.
 KS1 Maths Reminders

KS1 Maths Reminders

A comprehensive 30 slide power-point presentation, which goes through all the key maths concepts that children need to know for the current KS1 reasoning paper including: Halving/doubling; odd and even; fractions of shapes and amounts; 2D and 3D shapes; direction and right angle turns; symmetry, data, symbols and counting forwards and backwards in steps. It can be used throughout the year to practise and revisit themes covered in units of work. There are also great opportunities for children to answer questions to develop their reasoning paper skills. This resource is also great value for money, as it can be used year upon year. Certain slides can be selected for teaching /revision sessions or it can be used for starters/plenaries.
Year 6 Spelling Revision

Year 6 Spelling Revision

An ideal last-minute set of spelling revision worksheets. They can quickly be made into booklets which the children can revise with at home, or during small windows of time in the classroom. The 20 sets of 10 spellings cover all of the Year 5 and 6 New Curriculum word lists, as well as common tricky words which are highly likely to come up in the 2017 SPAG test.
Year 6 Tables Revision

Year 6 Tables Revision

I have used this resource in KS2, to either consolidate general tables knowledge, or to teach particular times tables. I have more recently used it to revise tables for SATs in Year 6!
 Daily mental maths for Y5/6 (5  weeks)

Daily mental maths for Y5/6 (5 weeks)

These 5 Notebooks (which can be used daily over 5 weeks) are great, ready-made resources to use as a starter, plenary or extension activity in your maths lessons. Linked to objectives and questions covered on KS2 maths tests, they cover a wide range of maths topics from converting measures, multiplying and dividing, working out areas and perimeters of compound shapes and much more. Ideal for quick-fire practise, consolidation and new learning across mental maths.
KS2 Spelling Revision and Spelling Races

KS2 Spelling Revision and Spelling Races

This essential- last minute revision- spelling presentation includes over 30 slides, containing word lists of all the major spelling rules and patterns for Year 6. Also included are 14 fun spelling races that the children can complete in small groups, pairs or individually. The children must work together to correct the spellings. You can either give the children clues as to which ones they need to correct, or just tell them how many correct answers they have! The children in my Year 6 class love competing against each other for house points. The races are a much more fun way of revising spellings than an actual test. I usually award from 5 house points to 1 house point for the first 5 groups. It is excellent for highlighting to teachers which spellings all groups continue to find tricky. The spelling races can be adapted for any set of words.
KS2/Key Stage 2 Reasoning Paper Reminders -Revision

KS2/Key Stage 2 Reasoning Paper Reminders -Revision

A comprehensive 40 slide power-point presentation, which goes through all the key maths concepts that children need to know for the 2 reasoning papers this year. It covers all aspects of the maths curriculum from shape and space to factors and prime numbers. It would be an ideal revision aid for the last two weeks before SATS, when all mathematical general knowledge needs to be revisited and consolidated.
Roald Dahl Day/Week Treasure Hunt

Roald Dahl Day/Week Treasure Hunt

This resource is a fun activity to do as part of Roald Dahl day/week celebrations. The activity includes 3 sets of questions about Roald Dahl stories and the author himself. To aid pupils, a fact-file is included in the resources, so it's a great way of getting the children doing a bit of reading comprehension too! As an extra challenge, each question has a letter at the bottom, which creates an anagram for 3 separate Roald Dahl book titles. All answers are provided! I'm going to put the questions up around the school as part of a carousel of activities one morning.
Y5 Adding decimals lesson plan

Y5 Adding decimals lesson plan

Tried and tested Y5 lesson plan, main teaching SMART Notebook and resources for adding decimals by counting up. OUTSTANDING grade achieved and accelerated progress was highlighted in feeback.
KS2/Key Stage 2 End of the Year Quiz

KS2/Key Stage 2 End of the Year Quiz

A perfect activity for either transition day or for the last couple of weeks of term. The resources include a colourful power-point with visual clues, a power-point with answers and a team answer sheet for children. This fun and engaging Quiz has 10 rounds with 10 questions per round. The topics include: SPORT MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT GEOGRAPHY SCIENCE AND NATURE GENERAL KNOWLEDGE and MORE!