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Primary Deputy Head Teacher with over 20 years experience sharing my resources to make your life a bit easier. Currently teaching in Year 1 with experience across EYFS, KS1 and KS2.

Primary Deputy Head Teacher with over 20 years experience sharing my resources to make your life a bit easier. Currently teaching in Year 1 with experience across EYFS, KS1 and KS2.
Writing for a Purpose: Balanced Argument

Writing for a Purpose: Balanced Argument

“Writing for a Purpose: Balanced Arguments” is a learning resource designed to help Key Stage 2 children comprehend the key elements and objectives of writing a balanced argument. This resource offers a comprehensive explanation of balanced arguments and their main features. A balanced argument is a form of writing that presents two or more perspectives on a topic, providing evidence and reasoning to support each perspective. The key components of this type of writing include presenting opposing viewpoints, providing supporting evidence, and presenting a conclusion that takes into account all perspectives. The resource also includes a sample balanced argument to illustrate how these elements can be utilised in practice. The argument features multiple perspectives, supporting evidence, and a conclusion that takes into account all perspectives. This resource can be used in English lessons to introduce children to the genre of balanced arguments and provide guidance on creating an effective argument. Teachers can utilise this resource to introduce the topic, offer guidance on how to write a balanced argument, and provide examples for children to follow. Moreover, this resource can be used to encourage scaffold writing across the curriculum. For example, children can apply the knowledge and skills they have learned from creating a balanced argument to write similar pieces for other subjects, such as science or social studies, by presenting multiple perspectives on a scientific or historical issue. In summary, “Writing for a Purpose: Balanced Arguments” is a valuable resource that can aid children in developing their writing skills and understanding different writing genres.
Writing for a Purpose: Non-Chronological Report Overview

Writing for a Purpose: Non-Chronological Report Overview

“Writing for a Purpose: Non-Chronological Report” is a learning resource designed to support Key Stage 2 students in understanding the features and structure of non-chronological report writing. Non-chronological reports are a type of informative writing that present factual information on a specific topic, but not in chronological order. This resource breaks down the main features of a non-chronological report, such as the use of headings, subheadings, facts, and technical vocabulary, and explains how they should be used. The resource includes a real-life example of a non-chronological report to help students identify the features and structure of the genre. The resource can be used as a tool during English lessons to introduce students to non-chronological report writing and teach them how to write their own reports. Teachers can use the resource to model how to structure a non-chronological report and highlight the importance of factual information, clear organisation, and technical language. Students can then practice writing their own reports on a range of topics, applying what they have learned from the resource. In addition to English lessons, “Writing for a Purpose: Non-Chronological Report” can also support scaffold writing across the curriculum. Students can use non-chronological reports to present information in science, history, geography, and other subjects. This resource can help students understand how to structure and organize their writing in a clear and informative way. Overall, “Writing for a Purpose: Non-Chronological Report” is an excellent learning resource for Key Stage 2 students to develop their informative writing skills and understand the features of non-chronological reports. It provides clear explanations, examples, and practice opportunities to support students in their writing across the curriculum.
Writing for a Purpose: Postcards

Writing for a Purpose: Postcards

“Writing for a Purpose: Postcards” is a learning resource designed to help Key Stage 1 children understand the basics of writing and sending postcards. The resource provides a clear explanation of what postcards are and how they are used to communicate with others. Postcards are a simple way to send a short message to someone who is far away. They often feature a picture on one side and a brief message on the other. The resource includes an example of a postcard and demonstrates how to write a simple message. This resource can be used in English lessons to introduce children to the concept of postcards and provide guidance on how to write one. Teachers can use this resource to explain the purpose of postcards, provide examples of how to write a message, and encourage children to create their own postcards. In addition, this resource can be used to encourage cross-curricular writing. For example, children can apply their knowledge of postcards to write messages to historical figures or characters in stories, using their imaginations to bring the past or fictional worlds to life.
Modal Verbs - Shades of Modality

Modal Verbs - Shades of Modality

“Shades of Modality,” is the perfect visual aid resource for Key Stage 2 students who want to master the art of using modal verbs! Our resource features an eye-catching and colorful design that includes a visual thermometer to represent the different types of modality. This visual aid helps students understand the nuances of using modal verbs to express different degrees of obligation, permission, possibility, and more. The resource includes clear definitions, examples, and exercises to help students practice using modal verbs in context. Students will also enjoy the engaging and interactive design, which makes learning grammar fun and accessible. Whether you’re a teacher looking for a tool to support your grammar lessons or a student who wants to improve their writing skills, Shades of Modality is the perfect visual aid resource for you.
Writing for a Purpose: Advert

Writing for a Purpose: Advert

“Writing for a Purpose: Advert” is a learning tool designed to help students comprehend the essential components and purposes of advertisements. This resource provides a comprehensive explanation of advertisements and their main features. An advertisement is a form of persuasive writing that aims to promote a product, service, or idea to a target audience. The key elements of this type of writing include a catchy headline, persuasive language, visual imagery, and a call to action. In addition, the resource offers a sample advertisement to illustrate how these components can be applied in practice. This resource can be utilised in English lessons to introduce learners to the genre of advertising and provide guidance on creating an effective advertisement. Teachers can use this resource to introduce the topic, offer guidance on how to write an advertisement, and provide examples for learners to follow. Furthermore, this resource can be applied to encourage and scaffold writing across the curriculum. For instance, learners can apply the knowledge and skills they have gained from creating an advertisement to write persuasive adverts for other subjects, such as Design Technology or History , by utilising the elements of an advertisement to promote a product, idea or a cause. Overall, “Writing for a Purpose: Advert” is a valuable tool that can aid students in developing their writing skills and understanding persuasive writing genres.
Writing for a Purpose: Diary Recount Overview

Writing for a Purpose: Diary Recount Overview

“Writing for a Purpose: Diary Recounts” is a learning resource designed to assist Key Stage 2 children in comprehending the essential elements and objectives of writing a diary recount. This resource offers a thorough explanation of diary recounts and their main features. A diary recount is a form of writing that narrates personal experiences or events as they occurred, often in a chronological order. The key components of this type of writing include using first-person point of view, describing events in detail, including personal thoughts and feelings, and creating a sense of time and place. The resource also includes a sample diary entry to illustrate how these elements can be utilised in practice. The recount features a first-person narrative, detailed descriptions of events, personal reflections, and a clear sense of time and place. This resource can be used in English lessons to introduce children to the genre of diary recounts and provide guidance on creating an effective recount. Teachers can use this resource to introduce the topic, offer guidance on how to write a diary recount, and provide examples for children to follow. Moreover, this resource can be used to encourage and scaffold writing across the curriculum. For example, children can apply the knowledge and skills they have learned from creating a diary recount to write similar pieces for other subjects, such as science or social studies, by using the elements of a diary recount to describe an experiment or a historical event. In summary, “Writing for a Purpose: Diary Recounts” is a valuable resource that can aid children in developing their writing skills and understanding different writing genres.
Writing for a Purpose: Fairy Tales KS2+

Writing for a Purpose: Fairy Tales KS2+

“Writing for a Purpose: Fairy Tales” is a learning resource designed to help Key Stage 2+ children comprehend the essential elements and purposes of writing fairy tales. This resource includes a detailed explanation of the features of a fairy tale, such as good vs evil, the presence of magic, and the inclusion of a moral or lesson. Fairy tales often involve characters who must overcome obstacles to achieve their goal, and they typically have a happy ending. The resource provides an exemplar fairy tale to demonstrate how these components can come together in a story. Teachers can use this resource in English lessons to introduce children to the genre of fairy tales and guide them on how to create an effective story. They can provide examples of fairy tales and help children understand the elements that make up a good story. Furthermore, this resource can also be used to encourage and scaffold writing across the curriculum. For example, children can apply the knowledge and skills they have learned from creating a fairy tale to write similar pieces for other subjects, by using their imagination and creativity to incorporate the elements of a fairy tale. “Writing for a Purpose: Fairy Tales” is a valuable resource that can support children in developing their writing skills and understanding of different genres.
Exploring Fairy Tales - a complete unit of work

Exploring Fairy Tales - a complete unit of work

This resource pack for teaching fairy tales to Years 5 and 6 includes six lessons with detailed planning and resources for teachers and students. Lesson 1: What Makes a Fairy Tale This lesson focuses on the features of a fairy tale, such as the use of magic, good vs evil, and the presence of a moral lesson. Lesson 2: Fairy Tale Characters This lesson explores common character archetypes in fairy tales, such as the hero, the villain, and the magical helper. Lesson 3: Describing Characters Using the writing technique of ‘show, don’t tell’, this lesson teaches students how to describe characters in detail. Lesson 4: Introducing a Character In this lesson, students will learn how to introduce a fairy tale character effectively, using the elements of setting, atmosphere, and motive. Lesson 5: Fairy Tale Lands This lesson focuses on creating a vibrant fairy tale world with multiple settings, such as enchanted forests, castles, and markets. Lesson 6: Author’s Choice - Describing a Setting The final lesson explores the importance of an author’s choice of language in describing a setting. The pack includes 6 lesson plans, visual aids, templates, and task resources. This resource pack provides a comprehensive and engaging way to teach fairy tales to Years 5 and 6, with a range of exciting and stimulating tasks to keep students engaged and inspired.
Writing for a Purpose: Non-Chronological Report KS1

Writing for a Purpose: Non-Chronological Report KS1

“Writing for a Purpose: Non-Chronological Report” is a learning resource designed to assist Key Stage 1 children in understanding the basics of writing and structuring non-chronological reports. The resource provides a clear explanation of the features of non-chronological reports are and how they are used to provide information about a specific topic. Non-chronological reports are a form of writing that presents information about a subject without following a time sequence. The resource includes an example of a non-chronological report and demonstrates how to organise information using headings and subheadings. It also provides tips on how to use descriptive language and facts to engage the reader. This resource can be used in English lessons to introduce children to the concept of non-chronological reports and provide guidance on how to structure one. Teachers can use this resource to explain the purpose of non-chronological reports, provide examples of how to organise information, and encourage children to create their own reports. In addition, this resource can be used to encourage cross-curricular writing. For example, children can apply their knowledge of non-chronological reports to research and report on topics in science, history, or geography.
Lego Therapy Visual Prompts

Lego Therapy Visual Prompts

Lego Therapy is a type of play therapy that helps children improve their social skills and emotional regulation by building Lego models with others. In this therapy, children work in pairs or small groups and take turns being the Builder, the Engineer, and the Supplier. Each child has a specific role to play and follows a set of rules to ensure a positive experience for everyone. The rules include listening to each other, taking turns, using kind words, staying on task, and asking for help when needed. The therapy aims to enhance communication, problem-solving, and teamwork skills, while also promoting positive social interactions and self-esteem. This resource includes the rules for the group and each role.
Writing for a Purpose: Instructions KS1

Writing for a Purpose: Instructions KS1

“Writing for a Purpose: Instructions” is a learning resource created to assist Key Stage 1 children in understanding the essentials of writing instructions. The resource provides a clear explanation of what instructions are and how they are used to guide people to do things. Instructions are a set of steps that people follow to complete a task, such as making a sandwich or playing a game. The resource includes an example of simple instructions and demonstrates how to write them using the given features. It also provides tips on how to use clear and concise language when writing instructions. This resource can be used in English lessons to introduce children to the concept of instructions and provide guidance on how to write them. Teachers can use this resource to explain the purpose of instructions, provide examples of how to write them, and encourage children to create their own instructions. In addition, this resource can be used to encourage cross-curricular writing. For example, children can apply their knowledge of instructions to write and follow directions for creating art projects or conducting science experiments.
Writing for a Purpose - Film Review Overview

Writing for a Purpose - Film Review Overview

“Writing for a Purpose - Film Review” is a learning resource designed to help students comprehend the essential elements and objectives of writing a film review. This resource offers a comprehensive explanation of film reviews and their main features. A film review is a type of writing that critiques a film, often including information about the plot, characters, cinematography, and overall impression of the film. The key components of this type of writing include providing a summary of the film, offering insights into its strengths and weaknesses, and offering an overall assessment of the film. The resource also includes a sample film review to illustrate how these elements can be utilised in practice. The review features a detailed summary of the film, critical analysis of the performances and cinematography, and an overall assessment of the film. This resource can be used in English or media studies lessons to introduce students to the genre of film reviews and provide guidance on creating an effective review. Teachers can utilise this resource to introduce the topic, offer guidance on how to write a film review, and provide examples for students to follow. Moreover, this resource can be used to encourage and scaffold writing across the curriculum. For example, students can apply the knowledge and skills they have learned from creating a film review to write similar pieces for other subjects, such as analysing a literary work or critiquing a scientific article. In summary, “Writing for a Purpose - Film Review” is a valuable resource that can aid individuals in developing their writing skills and understanding different writing genres.
Multiplying by 2 Digits Explainer

Multiplying by 2 Digits Explainer

Looking for a visual aid resource to help your Key Stage 2 students master the concept of multiplying a 4-digit number by 2 digits? Look no further than “Multiplying by 2 Digits Explainer”! This resource provides clear and step-by-step explanations of how to use both the Area Model (Grid Method) and the written column method to solve multiplication problems. The visual aid is designed to be interactive and engaging, with colour-coded examples and illustrations that help students understand the concepts in a fun and accessible way. With “Multiplying by 2 Digits Explainer,” students will learn how to multiply numbers using the traditional written column method, including how to carry over and place numbers correctly in the answer. They will also learn how to use the Area Model (Grid Method) to clearly represent the multiplication process. This resource is perfect for both teachers who want to support their math lessons and students who want to improve their multiplication skills.
Writing for a Purpose: Tourism Advert Overview

Writing for a Purpose: Tourism Advert Overview

“Writing for a Purpose: Tourism Advert” is a learning resource designed to support children in Key Stage 2 in understanding the main features and purposes of creating a tourism information poster. The resource includes a detailed explanation of the type of writing and its main features. It explains that a tourism information poster is a visual and informative representation of a particular tourist destination, designed to attract visitors and provide them with the necessary information about the location. The main features of this type of writing include using persuasive language to engage the reader, clear and concise information about the destination, appealing visuals such as images and graphics, and an overall attractive layout. The resource also includes a ‘real-life’ example of a tourism information poster to demonstrate how the features of this type of writing should look like in practice. The example poster includes appealing images of the destination, clear and concise information about the location, and persuasive language to encourage visitors to explore the destination. The resource can be used as a tool when learning about the genre of writing in English lessons, as it provides a clear understanding of the key features of tourism information posters, and how to create an effective poster. Teachers can use the resource to introduce the topic, provide guidance on how to create a poster and provide examples for children to follow. Additionally, this resource can also be used to support scaffold writing across the curriculum. For example, children can use the knowledge and skills they have learned from creating a tourism information poster to create similar posters for other subjects, such as science or geography, by applying the key features of a tourism poster to create a visual and informative representation of a scientific concept or a geographical location. Overall, “Writing for a Purpose: Tourism Advert” is a valuable resource that can support children in developing their writing skills, as well as their understanding of the different genres of writing.
Historical Enquiry Questions Prompts

Historical Enquiry Questions Prompts

Introducing “Historical Enquiry Questions” an engaging and comprehensive learning resource designed to captivate young minds and foster a deep understanding of history. This thoughtfully crafted set of questions prompts is meticulously organized into five thematic categories: events, evidence, people, artifacts, and historical periods. Perfect for educators and parents alike, this resource is tailored to support children on their historical learning journey. Themes: Events: Explore pivotal moments in history with questions that prompt critical thinking about the causes, consequences, and significance of various events. Evidence: Encourage the development of analytical skills by delving into the sources of historical information, teaching children to evaluate and interpret evidence. People: Bring history to life by focusing on the individuals who shaped the course of events. Discover the stories of historical figures and their impact on the world. Artefacts: Uncover the past through tangible objects. These prompts guide children in examining artifacts, fostering a connection between the present and the historical contexts in which they originated. Historical Periods: Dive into different eras with questions that prompt exploration of the characteristics, developments, and societal norms of various historical periods. Clear and Eye-Catching Prompts: The prompts in “Historical Enquiry Questions” are designed with clarity and visual appeal in mind. Vibrant visuals and concise language make these prompts accessible and enticing for young learners. Each question is a gateway to a world of historical discovery, ensuring that children stay engaged and curious. Versatile Usage: Whether displayed in the classroom, used for group activities, or integrated into on-screen teaching, “Historical Enquiry Questions” adapts seamlessly to various learning environments. Foster collaborative learning with group discussions or inspire independent exploration as children navigate the prompts at their own pace. Promoting Critical Thinking: This resource goes beyond memorization, encouraging critical thinking and inquiry-based learning. By posing questions that spark curiosity and reflection, “Historical Enquiry Questions” nurtures the development of analytical skills essential for a well-rounded understanding of history. Unleash the Power of Inquiry: Equip children with the tools to unravel the mysteries of the past with “Historical Enquiry Questions.” Ignite a passion for history and empower young learners to become historians in their own right. Purchase this resource today and embark on a captivating journey through the annals of time!
Read it! Digestive Discovery (The Digestive System)

Read it! Digestive Discovery (The Digestive System)

Enhance your students’ reading comprehension and skills with the “Read it!” resource pack. Each "Read it! provides a carefully curated text that will keep your students hooked and wanting more, with accompanying questions that are designed to encourage critical thinking and build comprehension skills. ‘Read it! Digestive Discovery’ is specifically tailored for Year 4 and focuses on Professor Crankpot’s adventure as he shrinks down and enters the digestive system. Through the engaging text, students will explore and learn about the digestie system, and the accompanying questions will test their comprehension and analytical skills. With “Read it!”, you can expect to see an improvement in your students’ reading skills, critical thinking, and overall engagement with reading and well as helping grasp a clear understanding of the digestive system.
Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 Explainer

Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 Explainer

“Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 Explainer” – the perfect visual aid resource for Key Stage 2 students who want to master the art of multiplying by 10, 100, and 1000! Our resource provides clear and step-by-step explanations of how to use the place value grid to multiply numbers by 10, 100, and 1000. The visual aid is designed to be engaging, with colour-coded examples and illustrations that help students understand the concepts in a fun and accessible way. With “Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 Explainer,” students will learn how to multiply numbers by moving digits to the left or right depending on the multiplier. This resource is perfect for both teachers who want to support their math lessons and students who want to improve their multiplication skills.
Writing for a Purpose: Instructions

Writing for a Purpose: Instructions

“Writing for a Purpose: Instructions” is a learning resource designed to assist Key Stage 2 children in understanding the essential elements and objectives of writing instructional texts. This resource offers a comprehensive explanation of instructional writing and its main features. Instructional writing is a form of writing that provides step-by-step guidance on how to perform a task or achieve a goal. The key components of this type of writing include clear and concise language, a logical sequence of steps, the use of imperative verbs, and the inclusion of any necessary warnings or precautions. The resource also includes a sample set of instructions to illustrate how these elements can be utilised in practice. The instructions provide a clear and concise explanation of how to make a simple craft project, with a logical sequence of steps and the use of imperative verbs. This resource can be used in English lessons to introduce children to the genre of instructional writing and provide guidance on creating an effective set of instructions. Teachers can utilise this resource to introduce the topic, offer guidance on how to write instructional texts, and provide examples for children to follow. Furthermore, this resource can be used to encourage and scaffold writing across the curriculum. For instance, children can apply the knowledge and skills they have learned from creating a set of instructions to write similar pieces for other subjects, such as science or technology, by using instructional writing to explain a scientific experiment or how to use a new piece of technology. In summary, “Writing for a Purpose: Instructions” is an invaluable resource that can aid children in developing their writing skills and understanding different writing genres.
Writing for a Purpose: Comics

Writing for a Purpose: Comics

“Writing for a Purpose: Comics” is a learning resource designed to help Key Stage 2 children understand the essential elements and purposes of creating a comic. The resource provides a detailed explanation of this type of writing and its key attributes. A comic is a form of visual storytelling that uses illustrations and dialogue to convey a narrative. The primary elements of this type of writing include character development, plot, pacing, visual composition, and dialogue. The resource includes a real-life example of a comic to demonstrate how these components can come together in a comic to support well-developed characters, an engaging plot, balanced pacing, visually appealing compositions, and appropriate dialogue. This resource can be used as a tool when learning about the comic genre in English lessons. It provides a clear understanding of the essential features of a comic and how to create an effective one. Teachers can use the resource to introduce the topic, provide guidance on how to create a comic, and offer examples for children to follow. Moreover, this resource can also be used to support and scaffold writing across the curriculum. Children can apply the knowledge and skills they have learned from creating a comic to create similar visual narratives for other subjects, such as science or history, by using visual storytelling to explain a scientific concept or historical event. In conclusion, “Writing for a Purpose: Comics” is a valuable resource that can support children in developing their writing skills and understanding of the different genres of writing, particularly the comic genre.
My Task Organiser - A planner for children

My Task Organiser - A planner for children

‘My Task Organiser’ is a fun and engaging sheet designed to help children plan and organise their school work and tasks. It is especially helpful for children who find it difficult to plan how to tackle their work. The sheet is colourful and attractive, with bright illustrations and clear instructions. The organiser includes several sections to help children plan and execute their tasks. The first section is an ‘I will’ statement, where the child can write down their goal for the task. This could be something like “I will complete my maths homework tonight.” This helps the child focus on what they want to achieve and gives them a sense of purpose. The next section is a step-by-step plan. The child can write down the steps they need to take to complete the task, starting with ‘start by’, ‘next’, ‘then’, and ‘last’. This helps the child break down the task into manageable chunks and gives them a clear plan of action. The organiser also includes icons the child can tick to show which resources they will need to complete the task, such as a pencil, ruler, or calculator. There are also spaces to add additional resources specific to the lesson or task. ‘My Task Organiser’ can be completed independently or with adult support. It is an excellent tool for children who struggle with organisation and planning, as it provides a clear framework for completing tasks. The colourful design and fun illustrations make it engaging and appealing to children, encouraging them to refer to it regularly during the task.