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Sue Russell's Shop

Average Rating3.55
(based on 46 reviews)

I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!




I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!
Second World War School Assembly or Class Play

Second World War School Assembly or Class Play

Second World War School Assembly or Class Play What was the Blitz? What was it like to be an evacuee? What did Morrisons have to do with bomb shelters? Why did Americans call the first 6 months the ‘phoney war’? (Also available, set of 5 guided reading play scripts, with quizzes - Background/Beginnings of War, The Course of the War, Evacuation, the Blitz and War-time Life/Rationing; plus a collection of First World War scripts - Remembrance Day Assembly, First World War Assembly and First World War Poets Assembly) SAMPLE TEXT Second World War or World War II Assembly Evacuee 5: I was lucky. Although I got separated from my brother, I was looked after by a very kind couple .. and didn’t want to go back to the grimy old city I’d left. Evacuee 1:I was so home sick. But my Mum said she could only visit once a month. Evacuee 2: I wanted to go home too. But it was for our own safety. (All walk off. Sound of bombs and air raid siren. Air Raid Warden rushes on). Warden: (grabbing child): Quick! It’s an air raid! If you’re not quick, you’re dead! Get yourself into a shelter now! Narrator: Yes, once those sirens went on, you really didn’t want to be out in the open. Best be (pointing at 2 adults and 2 children under table) snuggled together, indoors, under your Morrisons Shelter. Mum (brandishing Morrisons bag). Two for one, this week only! ________________________________________ TEACHING ‘COVERAGE’ 6. Unit 9 Second World War Assembly (i) Whose was to blame? (ii) Timeline: 1914 – 1945 - Origins in First World War - Chamberlain’s Appeasement Policy - Fates of different countries - Battle of Britain - Blitz - V.E. Day - Hiroshima/Nagasaki - V.J. Day (iii) Who was involved (location on map) (iv) Evacuees (v) Air Raids/Shelters (vi) Recreation (vii) Rationing (viii) Role of Army, RAF and Navy (ix) Women’s role (x) Anne Frank (xi) Remembrance Sunday (In Flanders Fields) (xii) Today’s World Situation (United Nations) (xiii) Lessons learnt. MUSIC 1. Land of Hope and Glory 2. Run rabbit, run rabbit, run run run 3. Dad's Army theme 4. Pack up your troubles 5. Imagine -John Lennon
World Cup 2018 Assembly

World Cup 2018 Assembly

World Cup 2018 Assembly Cast Size – 33 as this includes Referee plus 32 competing nations - but speaking parts can be doubled up, to the number required. Duration - Around 20 minutes (not including music) A referee's job is never the easiest in the world - but put him in charge of 32 teams from across the world - all together, at the same time ..... Does he have his work cut out or does he have his work cut out?! Join him plus 32 nations in this celebration of the World Cup - all lining up for one of the greatest sporting events on the planet! Sample Text: Referee: Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. What are we here celebrating today? Whole Cast: (Shouting louder) THE WORLD CUP! (Referee blows whistle) Referee: OK. OK. Sit down everyone. Don’t let’s get too excited! It is, after all, only football! English Fan: (In outrage) Pardon? Have you never heard what the great Bill Shankly had to say? Referee: No. But I’ve a feeling I’m going to! English Fan: He said “Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. I’m very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that”! Referee: (Shrugging) And there was me, thinking it was just sport! So, let’s find out a little more about the World Cup, starting with where it’s going to be held this year, 2018. Russia: In Russia! We, as the host nation, (turning to cast) are happy to welcome you all! (Everyone cheers) Referee: Thank you, Russia. Tell me. How many countries are there competing this year? Russia: Thirty two! Referee: Let’s meet them! In Group A (Each country, represented by a fan dressed in his team colours, stands and waves national flag in turn before sitting down again) Russia: Russia! We’re the host nation Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia. The first team to take on the host nation in the opening match! Egypt: Egypt! Referee: Welcome back! Egypt: Yes, it’s been 28 years since our last appearance in a world cup, in 1990. Uruguay: Uruguay! We were the very first host, in 1930.
Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation Assembly or Class Play

Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation Assembly or Class Play

Baghdad Early Islamic Civilization Assembly Cast size: 30 - easily adaptable up or down as, besides the Narrator, the speaking parts are just numbered 1 - 29. Duration: Around 15 minutes reading time (not including music suggestions) This assembly is intended as a celebration of learning and toleration. And it is to this end that the focus is on the work of the individual scholars, working in unison in Baghdad, during this Golden Age. Included is a brief comparison of ‘East and West’– comparing London and Baghdad. Also available from Sue Russell: • Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation Guided Reading Scripts 5 scripts, 6 speakers each, plus quiz for each script. Approximately 5 minutes reading time for each (not including the quiz) 1. When? 2. Where? 3. The Story of Muhammed 4. Beliefs of Islam 5. World Religions And • An Assembly on Islam which tells the story of Muhammed and gives a brief outline of Islamic beliefs Sample Text: Music 1 Golden Years – David Bowie; or Imagine – John Lennon (Children file in, taking places along two rows of 15, facing the audience) Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our assembly on Whole cast: (Together) Baghdad and Early Islamic Civilisation (Child 1, 2 and 3 stand up with 3 banners: Golden Age, Learning and Tolerance) Narrator: Aha! And when was this Golden Age? Child 1: It was between the seventh and thirteenth centuries. That is, around six to twelve hundred A.D. Narrator: That’s a long time (looking towards Child 2 and 3) to be learned and tolerant! Child 4: Oh. You’d be surprised what mankind is capable of when the conditions are right! Narrator: (Looking at cast) Well. I think we need to find out what these ‘conditions’ were, don’t you? (Narrator ushers Child 2 and 3 with banners Learning and Tolerance to front of ‘stage’) After all, aren’t Learning (Child 2 waves banner) And Tolerance Child 3 waves banner) Two of the most important ingredients to a happy and stable society? Child 4: And a happy and stable school! Child 5: Yes, we (gesturing to cast) have all learned a huge amount about the importance of Learning and Tolerance Child 6: Just by doing this assembly! Narrator: How so? Child 7: Well, we’ve learned all about this amazing civilisation that we knew nothing about before Child 8: And we’ve learned how it actually was, and is, possible to work together for the greater good.
The Gorgons Head Lesson Plan and Guided Reading Script and Quiz

The Gorgons Head Lesson Plan and Guided Reading Script and Quiz

The Gorgons Head Lesson Plan and Guided Reading Script and Quiz Each 'package' consists of lesson plan plus guided reading script (6 speakers) plus quiz/reading comprehension. Lesson Plan (Around 20 – 30 minutes) The lesson time can be reduced to 20 minutes by e.g. omission of quiz/discussion. The script takes around 5 minutes reading time. The quiz takes around 5 – 10 minutes. These resources accommodate both small group and all class engagement. As explained in the lesson plan, whilst a group of six speakers read the script, the rest of the class (divided into teams) follows in order to answer questions that follow. There are also some ideas for follow up discussion, time permitting. Time allowance is flexible - from 20 to 30 minutes, depending on how much of the package is used. This script, along with four others (Theseus and the Minotaur, Odysseus and the Cyclops, Pandora's Box and The Tale of Two Spinners) is available as one product - The Ancient Greek Myths Guided Reading Scripts Sample Text Polydectus: Women! Nothing but trouble! Perseus: I’d be careful what you say, if I were you! I think we’re a bit out- numbered here today! Medusa: Correct! I, Medusa, am here today representing my two immortal Gorgon sisters, Stheno and Euryate. Shame I wasn’t! Athene: Well, don’t go expecting any sympathy from me! Messing around in my temple, with that Poseidon! You deserved what you got! Beauty is only for those who deserve it! You certainly didn’t! Medusa: And you made sure no one would look twice in our direction! Danae: What! With all those snakes for hair! I’d say not! Athene: Plus that other one small detail – that once someone did look in their direction, they didn’t make the same mistake again! They couldn’t! Quiz Sample 1. Who wanted to marry Danae? 2. Who was the son of Danae? 3. Why was Polydectes apparently so annoyed at his wedding? 4. What did Polydectes trick Perseus into saying? 5. What did he ask for? 6. Why did he want Perseus out of the way?
Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II - A Celebration of Her Life

Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II - A Celebration of Her Life

A Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II and A Celebration of Her Life It was with a sense of shock I heard the news of Queen Elizabeth’s death, early yesterday evening, September 8th, 2022. Even though she was 96 years old, she was always there as a constant in our lives - somehow invincible, an eternal presence. And I, like many others I suspect, feel a deep sense of loss. I offer the following script as tribute to an amazing lady. Cast of 30 (easily adaptable up or down) Duration: around 15 minutes Sample Text: Speaker 24: Like at the celebration of the Queen Mother’s one hundredth birthday. What a party that was for the nation! Speaker 25: Sadly, her death followed all too soon, in 2002 with that of the queen’s sister, Margaret. Speaker 26: But then along came the 2002 Golden Jubilee – another grand celebration of fifty years’ rule – the queen at seventy-six years of age showing no signs of slowing down. Speaker 27: Then two lovely weddings! The wedding of Charles and Camilla in 2005 Speaker 28: And the wedding of William and Kate in 2011; the queen now at 85 enjoying surely one of the happiest days of her life. Narrator: It is wonderful to look back and see her beautiful smile on such happy family occasions. Speaker 29: But let us not forget what an important role she played elsewhere. For example, making that state visit to Northern Ireland, the first of its kind by a British monarch. Narrator: Indeed. Although her power as a constitutional monarch was limited, she proved a brilliant role model for our country, personifying all the best of the United Kingdom on the world stage. She was a shining example – in the case of Northern Ireland, of such qualities as reconciliation. Speaker 1: And then another celebration in 2012! This time, the Diamond Jubilee – sixty years on the throne!
India  Assembly

India Assembly

India Assembly Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - minimum 10 minutes reading time - this, as explained in Production Notes, could be increased to 30 minutes plus The cast (should that be caste?!) of this Indian Assembly or Class Play is anything but equal with the appearance of three gods - two with 4 arms and the other with 4 heads - which one is the narrator supposed to address? Just one of the many problems facing our narrator - the main one being sheer volume of music, colour, joy and .. well everything that makes India such a vibrant country! Sample Text: Music 2 (Shiva dances across ‘the stage’) (Narrator tries to stop him but is confused by the number of arms – four) Narrator: Er, em, excuse me … but who are you and what are you doing? Shiva: What am I doing? Isn’t it obvious? I’m dancing, of course! Narrator: Well, I think we can all see that. But who are you? Shiva: (Exploding) Who am I? Who am I? Narrator: Well, if you put it like that – yes, who are you? (Whole cast gasps in horror) (Child 7 goes over to Narrator) Child 7: (Aside) Surely you know who this is? Narrator: (Irritably) Well, do you really think I’d be asking if I did? Child 7: It’s Shiva – the Destroyer! (Narrator gasps) Narrator: Oh no! Not that god with the power of life and death? Child 7: That’s the one! Narrator: (To Shiva) Oh I am most dreadfully sorry! I had no idea that it was you, Shiva! Shiva: Oh I’ll forgive you! I guess I do look (waving arms around) pretty ‘armless! Narrator: Well, I wouldn’t say that! I mean, I think I counted … four arms? Shiva: Oh that’s nothing! When you compare it with number of names I have! Narrator: And they are? (Holds up fingers to start counting on) Now, let’s see. Starting with Shiva … Shiva: Er, I don’t think we have time to run through the others – there are over one thousand of them! This is one of several assemblies written by Sue Russell on different countries. Others include England, Scotland, Wales, Great Britain, Holland, Australia, France, Spain, Malta and India plus ‘Around the World in 20 Minutes’. Other Indian scripts: Divali and the Story of Rama & Sita (as a play within a play - a little like Midsummer Night’s Dream!) plus scripts on Gandhi and on the Indus Valley Civilisation.
Midsummer Night's Dream Assembly or Class Play

Midsummer Night's Dream Assembly or Class Play

Midsummer Night’s Dream Assembly or Class Play This version of A Midsummer Night's Dream is directed, as a school assembly, by William Shakespeare's own son, Hamnet. Written for cast of 16-30, running time approx. 40 minutes, this play follows the original plot, but has some interesting twists along the way. And as if four confused lovers isn't enough to contend with on stage plus some very non-cooperative fairies - our poor director, Hamnet also has his playwright father to deal with! Sample Text Helena: You are teasing me! You still love Hermia! Lysander: How can you say such a thing? How I do repent, the tedious minutes I with her have spent! Helena: Lysander! This is not the time for bad poetry! Stop your teasing now! Lysander: But why would I not change a raven for a dove? Please, Helena! Come with me now! Let us leave hideous Hermia! Believe me (looking over at the snorting Hermia), you'd be doing me a big favor! Helena: (Sarcastically) So romantic! Men! Who'd have them? (Helena storms off) Lysander: Hmm. I can see I may need another trip to that Charm School! (Turning to Hermia) I've hung around with this one quite long enough. What did I ever see in her? What a sight! I'm off to honor Helena and to be her knight! (Exit) (Hermia wakes, screaming, from a nightmare) Hermia: Lysander! Help me! My worst nightmare ... (Frantically searching through suitcase) Please don't say I've left my make-up bag behind? Other Shakespeare scripts written by Sue Russell: Assemblies: • Macbeth • Different Midsummer Night’s Dream alternative ‘Nightmare’ versions! • Romeo & Juliet – Valentines Assembly • Romeo & Juliet in Love … Well, weren’t they? Guided Reading scripts: • Shakespeare Plays (8 mini condensed versions) • Set of 4 alternative Shakespeare scripts - Hamlet, Macbeth, Midsummer Night's Dream and Romeo & Juliet (incl. detailed synopses and lesson plans) • Alternative Hamlet script plus lesson plan • Alternative Macbeth script plus lesson plan • Alternative Midsummer Night's Dream script plus lesson plan • Alternative Romeo & Juliet script plus lesson plan Alternative fairy tales – Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty – which are in the PSHE section of the website. Plus • Take a Book – Different Genres of Writing Assembly • Great British Writers Assembly. This short small cast assembly - 6 speakers (with adaptations for whole class) focuses on the writers *Roald Dahl, C.S. Lewis, A.A. Milne, Lewis Carroll and J.K. Rowling and their books. • Roald Dahl Assembly
Leavers' Assembly for Year 6s

Leavers' Assembly for Year 6s

Leavers' Assembly for Year 6s This end of year assembly, for Year 6s, is a light-hearted romp through what they have learnt - with reference to The Big Three (Core Subjects) and not forgetting the Nine Foundation Subjects! The focus is on history (Romans through to the present day) but there are plenty of cross-curricular links along with 'mandatory' reference to Literacy and Numeracy Strategies (which ones?!) and other equally 'important' matters - such as what the dinner ladies are serving up! Cast: Written for a year group of around 90, 3 classes - speaking parts for all, but easily adaptable to smaller year group or fewer classes. Duration: The reading time is relatively short (around 10/15 minutes) so favourite poems or extracts from favourite stories could be added - for children to read or recite. Likewise with favourite Art and D.T. projects (evidence for which may still be at home!). Sample Text Shakespeare: What ho? Methinks this principal should learn a few principle facts himself! Like (embracing himself) "Some are born great, some achieve greatness" .... (pauses, pointing towards Principal) but alas "Some have greatness thrust upon them"! Principal: (Striding towards Shakespeare) Now look here, Bill! I'm the one running this show, today. You and your plays can go ... Music 5 Food Glorious Food - Oliver (Loud outburst of "Food Glorious Food" sung by Oliver and boys. Shakespeare and Drake exit, holding their ears) Principal: And who might this scruffy looking lot be? They wouldn't get into my school looking like that! Oliver: (With bowl held out to Principal) More! Please sir, can I have some more? Principal: (Yelling) More?! (Principal looks inside bowl, sniffs and pulls back in disgust) Principal: Ugh! I don't remember this being on the cafeteria menu this morning? (Line of dinner ladies file on, each holding a different dish, and offering food to Oliver, who samples each in turn) Production Directions This assembly was written for a year group consisting of 3 classes (around 30 for each). Thus, there are 3 groups: Like, Dislike and Not Sure (reflecting feelings about school); these then change into the 3 core subjects; and finally the 9 foundation subjects are added. This arrangement can be changed - dividing one class into three or two classes into three. Because of the primary focus being on history, this subject has the greatest number of speakers (52) - the other subjects just having a handful. Other Leavers Assemblies by Sue Russell: • Our School's Got Talent Leavers' Assembly • Olympics Leavers Assembly • School's Out Leavers' Assembly • It’s Good to be Me Leavers Assembly
Australia Assembly

Australia Assembly

Australian Assembly In celebration of Australia Day - joint narration by Pom and Swagman - an interesting mix of language and culture! tapping into this great country's history, geography and culture. Cast Size 24 but easily adjustable up or down (information can be split up between several more children taking cast size to 30) Duration Around 10 minutes reading time – this does not include music suggestions and ‘song performances’ Following is a review from publisher contact: A short play giving a lot of information about the land down under: some history, some wildlife, some music and some facts and figures to round it all out. This is another well-presented assembly from Sue Russell. There is the usual large cast size to accommodate a class group, with the many, small parts offset by having the two main characters who are onstage for the majority of the production. There are regular musical interludes to add interest, and any passages that contain recitation of facts, figures or histories are balanced by changing the speakers or having the characters react – I particularly liked the Swagman complaining there was too much dry information. To conclude: a bright, fast overview of a big, big country and a good introduction to a school topic. Sample Text Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our assembly on Australia. (Swagman strolls nonchalantly onto stage, looking around and ‘sizing' everyone up, before going over to Narrator, who is eyeing him cautiously) Swagman: G'day, mate! So what's all this about? Narrator: (Politely) Begging your pardon .. Swagman: (Interrupting) Ah! A Pom! Now how did I guess? Narrator: (Defensively) Something to do with me speaking the Queen's English? And as one of her loyal servants Swagman: (Interrupting) Don't tell me! You're gonna tell all these good folks about life ‘Down Under'? Well, allow me to help out a little. (Turning to Cast) What says you to us livening things up a little around here? (Whole cast nods enthusiastically, relaxing former ‘standing on ceremony' posture) (Swagman walks over to CD player and turns on ‘Down Under' - chorus, children singing and dancing, whilst Narrator looks on in horror) Music 2 - Down Under by Men at Work Narrator: (To Cast) Cut! (To Swagman, irately) Hey! Just what do you think you are doing? I'm in charge here! Swagman: No worries, mate! No need to chuck a wobbly! I was only trying to help. (Pointing to Cast) These guys and Sheilas just looked like they'd enjoy a little taste of the real Oz. Narrator: What? As delivered by a .. by a ... Swagman: Swagman, that's me! And here (taking off bag from his back) .. Meet Matilda!
Queen's 90th Birthday Party Assembly or Class Play

Queen's 90th Birthday Party Assembly or Class Play

The Queen’s 90th Birthday Party Assembly Special half price to celebrate Her Majesty's Big Day! Whilst 'gracing this assembly' with her presence, the 'party lady' seems just a little reluctant to join in the festivities. So what can our narrator and supporting cast do to change this situation? Well, did someone say it was Her Majesty's 90th birthday? Then, let's hear it for those 90 reasons to celebrate! Sample Text Music 1 Rule Britannia or Land of Hope and Glory (Cast files in with Music 1 in background; all take their seats) Music 2 National Anthem – God Save Our Queen (All stand up) Queen: (To Audience) Do be seated! Ah, how wonderful to be surrounded by my loyal subjects on my birthday! 90 years! Not bad, eh? Narrator: Well, some of us haven’t been around quite that long, your Majesty! But we are here today to celebrate your birthday with you! Queen: Oh I wouldn’t worry too much about that! Narrator: Oh? And why’s that? Queen: (Wistfully) Oh I don’t know. Once one has had as many birthdays as one has .. Narrator: You mean, you’re bored of birthdays? Queen: Well, I’m not quite the party creature I used to be! Narrator: Nonsense! And you know what? That’s what we’re here to prove to you today! Queen: Oh really! Well .. (Queen looks uncertain, shaking her head) Narrator: (To Cast) OK. Time to make Her Majesty’s day! Queen: (Sighing) You can try .. Narrator: Well, with ninety reasons to celebrate your birthday I don’t see how we can go wrong! Whole cast: (Exclaiming together) Ninety? Narrator: You heard! Ninety! And if we’re going to fit those ninety into the next (looks at watch) fifteen minutes, we’d better get a move on! Off we go! Queen: Well, you don’t mind if I make myself comfortable on this here throne? (Queen ‘settles herself comfortably’ onto throne) Queen: Ah that’s better. Do start! Narrator: Well, there are quite a few perks to being Queen, I think you’ll agree? (Queen nods) Child 1: For starters, you get to have two birthdays a year! Can’t be bad! That’s your real one on 21st April and another official one in June!
Chocolate Assembly

Chocolate Assembly

Chocolate Assembly (Also available in Key Stage I version) Cast of 30 though easily adaptable up or down. Duration around 15 - 20 minutes. This script on Chocolate covers all subjects of the curriculum i.e. it's a class theme. And how can it not be a popular one when there are so many of everyone's favourite indulgence in it - CHOCOLATES! While covering a few of these (make that 32 - and that doesn't cover the box contents!) there is ample coverage of chocolate's 2,000 year old history - way back to the ancient Mayan culture, .. and not forgetting the amazing Mr Cadbury of course! As chocolate is 'the class theme' there are cross curricular links - covering all primary school subjects - this great challenge rewarded by a generous dose of .... you've guessed! Chocolate! I'm guessing of all my assemblies this one will go down best with both cast and audience! Don't miss out! Sample Text: Child 2: (To Head) And I believe you have a box or two, hidden away, for your staff? (Head turns to Music Teacher) Head: Oops! It seems our secret is out! Child 2: No secret! We only had to look at all the weight our teachers were putting on! (Head reluctantly hands box of Roses chocolates to Child 2) Child 2: Thank you! Ah! (Rubbing tummy) That’s better! Head: (Grunting) Don’t tell me! This is the P.S.H.E. part! Child 2: Correct! Whole cast: (Rubbing tummies) Chocolate makes you feel so good! Child 3: And then there are all those lovely colours, flavours and pretty wrappers. Take this box of Cadburys Roses for example. (Each child holds up the sweet they are naming) Child 4: Strawberry Dream! Child 5: Golden Barrel! Child 6: Tangy Orange Crème! Child 7: Brazilian Darkness! (Child 8 walks over and takes a box of Milk Tray from protesting Head; the opened box is then offered to Child 9 - 12 in turn, calling out names as they take them)
Great Mysteries of the World Assembly

Great Mysteries of the World Assembly

Great Mysteries of the World Assembly In the hands of the great Sherlock Holmes, how can there be so many great mysteries of the world still unsolved? Read on! Cast of 30. Reading time around 10 minutes. Mysteries (7): • King Arthur • Building of Ancient Egyptian Pyramids • Stonehenge • Lost Minoan Civilization • Eldorado • Loch Ness Monster • Bermuda Triangle Sample Text: (Silence ensues as Narrator, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson await next ‘mystery’) Narrator: (Impatiently) Next! (More silence) (Narrator looks through his notes in agitation) Narrator: Now, let’s see. That Minoan Civilization! Where have they got to? Sherlock: Er, I think that’s just the point! You see, they disappeared around 1450 BC. Narrator: What do you mean, disappeared? Sherlock: (Mimicking waving a wand) Vamoosh! Gone! Narrator: OK so can we lose the crazy wizard act? Or did Arthur leave his Merlin behind? (Enter Arthur Evans) Arthur Evans: Well, luckily for us, much of the great palace at Knossos remained so we can at least find out lots about how the Minoans lived. Narrator: And you are? Arthur Evans: Archaeologist, Arthur Evans! Sherlock: Ah, an earthy detective! Arthur Evans: Yes, you could say that! Not afraid to get my hands dirty! Watson: All that scrabbling around in the ground – not quite my cup of tea! Arthur Evans: Ah but the rewards are great! To unearth all 1,500 rooms of that Minoan palace – to say nothing of the fact that Crete is a delightful Greek island on which to vacation! Sherlock: Hmm. I guess it beats the dirt and grime of our Victorian back streets! Arthur Evans: Indeed. And such a lovely climate. You know Narrator: (Interrupting impatiently) Gentlemen! Gentlemen! We are not here to discuss possible holiday destinations! What I want to know is, what happened to the people who built and lived in this great palace that you speak of?
Seaside Assembly Key Stage I

Seaside Assembly Key Stage I

Seaside Assembly Key Stage I - based on Unit 4 Geography: Going to the Seaside and *Unit 3 History: What were seaside holidays like in the past? Cast of 30: Teacher, Class plus 'helpers' - in case of Grandpa Brown, not entirely clear who is helping who! Duration: Around 15 - 20 minutes including music suggestions. This assembly takes us from the classroom, onto the coach, to the seaside - and back again! Granny and Grandpa Brown provide us with some insights into 'trips to the seaside in their time'. And there is the usual smattering of great songs ... and extremely bad jokes! If you're planning a trip to the seaside, jump on board this one for some useful tips! Sample Text: Child 17 (boy): Sharks! (Some of the girls start screaming) Teacher: Stop! Enough, boys! (To girls) They’re just teasing! Nothing for you to worry about! And you won’t be going anywhere near the sea anyway. Why is that? Child 18: Coz it’s too cold, this time of year, Sir? Child 19: Coz you forgot your swimming trunks, Sir? Teacher: (Impatiently) No, no. Nothing like that! Think ‘safety’, children! Child 20: There could be nasty strong currents, sir! Grandpa Brown: Currants? Mmm! And raisins? Oh, yes please. I am feeling a little peckish! Teacher: (Clutching head in exasperation) No, currents as in moving water! (To Child 20) You’re right! We have to be careful not to go in the water Child 21: Because of sharks? (Girls start screaming again) Teacher: No, no, no! No sharks! We’ll be staying on the beach
Dinosaur Assembly

Dinosaur Assembly

Dinosaurs Rock Assembly or Class Play Ever wondered which dinosaur was the *biggest, the smallest, the most heavily armoured, the brightest, the fastest, the deadliest, the weirdest ..... Read on and find out! Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - around 10 minutes not including music Also available, set of guided reading dinosaur scripts Sample Text Music 2 - We Will Rock You - Queen (Enter Seismosaurus, Mamenchisaurus, Giganotosaurus, Spinosaurus, and Carcharodontosaurus) (Everyone shaking in seats) Narrator: What's happening? Is it an earthquake? Seismosaurus: Sorry! That would be me! I'll try not to move - all 120 feet of me! They don't call me ‘earth-shaking lizard' for nothing! Mamenchisaurus: But when you've got necks as long as us, you really don't need to move that far! My neck alone was 46 feet long! Gigantosaurus: And I, Gigantosaurus, was the daddy of the meat-eaters! All 8,000 kilograms of me! Carcharondontaurus: And I sure had a mean pair of ‘choppers' - no prizes for guessing where my name ‘shark-tooth lizard' came from! Spinosaurus: Well, take a look at my jaws! I, Spinosaurus, was called spiny lizard because of these spines on my back, but nobody was going to argue with these (snapping crocodile-like jaws, open and shut) For optional poetry addition see The Dinosaurs That Time Forgot by David Harmer and Paul Cookson. Writer, Sue Russell, has included information from recent discovery of 'the largest' as per Telegraph article "Giant of giants rises from the desert" May 18 2014
Stone Age to Iron Age Assembly or Class Play

Stone Age to Iron Age Assembly or Class Play

Stone Age to Iron Age Class Play Cast of 30 – easily adjustable up or down Duration: 15 to 20 minutes not including music suggestions This is one of two scripts written by Sue Russell and was written for upper Key Stage II (9 – 11 year olds). The second, Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age - also available off this website - was written as a simplified version of this one, for lower Key Stage II i.e. 7 – 9 year olds. This script has a truly wide-ranging cast that includes a hunter gatherer, a farmer, some guys with ropes from Stonehenge, a 'Rolling Stone', a caveman, ape, cast of Ice Age, a Celt, Iron Man ... and a Narrator and Archaeologist that just can't seem to get on! Starting 9 million years ago and running through all three 'ages': Stone, Bronze and Iron (yes, the play does take 'ages'!) this is an informative but, as usual, fun romp through history - with one long-suffering narrator! I chose to try to explain a little about evolution and how Stone Age Man 'came about' so as to put the aforementioned Ages into context. There is a phenomenal amount of information to cover in this 'Unit' but I hope I have covered the most important changes in this class play. The guided reading scripts, which can be read in the classroom, to accompany this class play, will I hope offer a more comprehensive coverage of the subject, with the usual quizzes to assess knowledge gained. Sample Text: Whole Cast: (Together) The Stone Age! Narrator: Ah! There we are! Now, that’s progress for you! (Enter Hunter Gatherer) (Narrator looks him up and down) Narrator: Hmm. Well, maybe not that much progress! (Exit Hunter Gatherer, shrugging his shoulders) Child 9: (To Narrator, angrily) Patience! Evolution takes time! It doesn’t just happen overnight, you know! Narrator: (Looking at his watch) I’m beginning to realise that. Now, where are we on that timeline? Child 8: (To Narrator, impatiently) Around 2 and a half million years ago! Weren’t you listening? When man starting using stone tools! That’s why it’s called Whole cast: (Together) The Stone Age! Narrator: OK! We got that! But how do we know that’s when stone tools were used? (Enter Archaeologist) Archaeologist: (To Narrator) You asking more questions again? Narrator: Well, Archaeologist: (Interrupting) That’s OK! That’s why I’m hired to do my job! To give people like you evidence!
Robin Hood Assembly or Class Play

Robin Hood Assembly or Class Play

Robin Hood Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down. Duration - around 15 minutes reading time. This does not include *music suggestions/dance routines which could potentially double the length of the performance. So, are those Merry Men about to have their smiles turned upside down? Never! Not even in the face of those brutish Guards? Double never! Not when you've got some neat tricks/moves up the sleeves of your tunic! See how good triumphs over evil without any blood being shed - it is a family show! *Sample Playlist • Bad – Michael Jackson • I Need a Hero – Bonnie Tyler • Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting – Carl Douglas • Happy – Pharrell Williams Sample Text Narrator: Hey! You might think you’re a hero! Peasant 1: But you haven’t done anything yet! Narrator: Right! All that dancing and prancing! Peasant 2: You need to demonstrate to us that you’re a hero! Narrator: No more theatrics! Peasant 3: Prove yourself! Narrator: Stop all this lovey dovey stuff – that can wait til later! Peasant 4: It’s our futures you need to change! Peasant 5: Show us you’re the man you say you are! Peasant 6: Take on those baddies! Peasant 7: Be our hero! Robin Hood: Hey! Steady on! I may be pretty good with this bow and arrow Maid Marion: (Sighing) The best, or so I’ve heard! Robin Hood: But taking on the whole of Prince John’s crowd? Whoa! That’s a tall order! (Enter Little John, squaring up to his great height) Little John: Well, I, Little John, am more than up to the challenge! (Enter rest of Merry Men) Friar Tuck: And you can count me, Friar Tuck, in! Alan-a-Dale: And me, Alan-a-Dale! Will Scarlet: And me, Will Scarlet! Much the Miller’s Son: And me, Much the Miller’s Son! Narrator: (Clutching head) Oh wow! That’s some fighting force you have there, Robin! An overweight man of the church, a minstrel, an ex-soldier and a miller’s son! Peasant 1: (Sarcastically) Wonderful! Peasant 2: More than enough to take on Prince John’s men! Peasant 3: They won’t know what’s hit them! Peasant 4: The friar’s belly Peasant 5: The minstrel’s lute Peasant 6: The ex-soldier’s rusting sword Peasant 7: Or the miller’s son’s bag of flour! Peasant 1: Some army! Come on, folks. Let’s leave this lot to their fantasies! (Exit Peasants, muttering sadly) (Enter Prince John, Sheriff of Nottingham and Sir Guy of Gisborne plus Guards) Sir Guy of Gisborne: (To Robin Hood) Aha! The villain himself! Seize him, guards! (Guards seize Robin Hood) Maid Marion: Why you cowards! Seven against one! I’d hardly say that was fair! Sheriff of Nottingham: (Laughing) But hadn’t you heard, sweet lady? Nothing is fair around here!
The Royal Wedding Assembly Harry and Meghan

The Royal Wedding Assembly Harry and Meghan

Royal Wedding Assembly Harry and Meghan Duration: around 10 minutes (not including music suggestions) A cast of 30. The content of this production focuses on Harry's ancestors and leaves one wondering if Meghan has been fully 'prepped' on the royal family - with all its highs (Alfred the Great?) and lows (toss-up between King John and Richard III maybe!). Maybe it’s just as well she isn't fully acquainted with her predecessors - or she might think twice about that walk down the aisle! Script comes with a complete listing of the English Monarchy Duration: around 10 minutes (not including music suggestions) Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our assembly on The Royal Wedding. Now, we all know what a busy time this is for the royal couple – especially for Meghan. With all that looking for the right dress, booking the hairdresser, finding the best flower lady …. My, has she got her work cut out! So, we thought - there’s no way this royal bride will find time to read up about the family she is marrying into. That’s why we took it on ourselves to do the hard work for her! Don’t you think she’ll be pleased? I mean, who knows what Harry might not have said about his ancestors? And don’t we all agree, a girl does have the right to know - certainly before she takes that long walk down the aisle? So, for those of you, along with Meghan, interested in the royal family, start listening now! You’ll be amazed at what you’ll learn! This morning we’ll kick off with the present day royal family - the House of Windsor. Starting with Child 1: (Holding up picture of Harry) Harry! Narrator: Ah! The bridegroom himself! Let’s hear it! Child 2: Harry is the second son of (holds up picture) Charles, the Prince of Wales – now married to Camilla. Child 3: (Holding up picture) Harry’s mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, was tragically killed in a road accident in 1997. Child 4: (Holding up picture) Harry has an older brother, William. It was only a few years ago that Harry was best man at William’s wedding. William married Catherine Middleton 29th April 2011 at Westminster Abbey; whereas Harry and Meghan will be ‘tying the knot’ at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle in May 2018. Child 5: Harry and William have a rather important grandma – the Queen! Child 6: Queen Elizabeth the second is married to the Duke of Edinburgh and has four children Child 7: Prince Charles, Harry’s dad Child 8: Prince Andrew, the Duke of York Child 9: Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex Child 10: And a daughter, Princess Anne, the Princess Royal. Narrator: All fine representatives of the monarchy – but was it always thus? We looked at some examples of good and bad monarchs and drew our own conclusions! Starting with Child 11: Alfred the Great!
World Cup 2018 Quiz

World Cup 2018 Quiz

World Cup 2018 Quiz 100 questions (and answers!) on this year's World Cup and those that have gone before. Enjoy! Also available: World Cup Assembly, World Cup Leavers Assembly, World Cup Guided Readers plus resources on participating countries. Sample Text: I Quirky Facts 1. Who used to practice with a slipper on his right foot and why? 2. Where was the original world cup trophy kept during the Second World War? II 2018 World Cup 1. How often is the World Cup held? 2. Where is the 2018 World Cup being held? III History 1. When was the first World Cup held? 2. Where was it held? IV Records 1. What country has made the most appearances – the only country to have appeared in every World Cup? 2. How many appearances has this country made? V Quotations 1. Who said “Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. I’m very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.” – said to be the greatest football saying in 2006?
Battle of Hastings Assembly or Class Play

Battle of Hastings Assembly or Class Play

Battle of Hastings Assembly or Class Play This script was written by Sue Russell in celebration of The Battle of Hastings' 950th anniversary. What have the most famous cartoon strip in history, a masterpiece of needlework, a distinctly odd bishop, some dodgy family connections, warring Anglo Saxons and Normans, and an arrow in the eye have in common? Correct! They're all part of that famous drama - you know the one, 1066 and all that?! Cast of 30 - easily adapted up or down Duration around 10 - 15 minutes (not including music) Sample Text: Embroiderer 2: Hours and hours of needle in, needle out! Embroiderer 3: (Sarcastically) Wow! Life can’t, surely, get much more exciting than this! Bishop of Bayeux: O dear, dear, dear, dear! I can see something drastic needs to happen round here! How are we going to get you excited about your work? (Enter Edward) Edward: Easy! Let’s just introduce them to some of the characters they are working on! Let them see what we were actually like in the flesh! Bishop of Bayeux: Ah! A splendid idea! And you are? Edward: King Edward the III of England or Edward the Confessor! I’m (Edward walks along work of six Embroiderers, peering down, trying to see himself; he stops abruptly at Embroiderer 4) Edward: Ah yes! Here I am! Dying! Bishop of Bayeux: (Sarcastically) Oh wonderful! Well, that really livens things up for us! Thank you so much! Edward: Oh dear! I didn’t mean to put a dampener on things! (Edward goes back to the line of Embroiderers and this time stops at Embroiderer 1) Edward: Ah now, that’s better! That’s when I’m still king! Alive and kicking! (Edward falls about laughing at his own joke) (Whole cast groans) Bishop of Bayeux: (Aside) Oh dear! I think I preferred him dead!
Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz

Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz

Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz 100 questions and answers on the 2016 Olympic Games! Sample Text: 1. How many sports will there be at the 2016 Olympic Games? (28) Ball Games 2. Name four ‘ball games’. (Tennis, table tennis, football and rugby) 3. Name two names for table tennis. (Whiff Waff or Flim Flam) 4. How many players, per team, are there for volley ball? (6) 5. How many for beach volley ball? (2) 6. How many new ball games have been introduced for 2016?(2) 7. What are they?(Rugby and golf) 8. What does the term ‘dunkin’ mean in basketball? (To slam a ball through the net) 9. From which bird do the feathers attached to a shuttlecock come? (Goose) Archery, Shooting and Fencing 10. When was it compulsory for all English men aged between seven and sixty to be able to use a bow and arrow? (Fourteenth century) 11. Why was this considered necessary? (In order to defend their country) 12. What three types of gun are used for shooting? (Pistol, rifle and shotgun) Other scripts available from Sue Russell: ASSEMBLIES Brazil Host Country to 2016 Rio Olympics Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports History of the Olympics Assembly Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly: history and events - combined script including Olympic Ode Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016 Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading OLYMPIC ODE