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Termly Assertive Mentoring

Termly Assertive Mentoring

A resource that has been adapted to be used on a termly basis. This forms our intervention for Y9 and 10 students who are behind target at an assessment point. The idea is that the teacher spends 5 minutes with this student at a mutually convenient time (could be after school or even during a lesson where activity is student led). The idea is to get the students to think about what they could be doing to improve but also what specific areas they need to focus on.
Range of Sentence Starter Fans

Range of Sentence Starter Fans

Two resources in one here! Print and cut out the sentence starters and use a split pin to make fans. Included is a set of self assessment, peer assessment, describe sentence starters, explain sentence starters, give opinions sentence starters, give examples sentence starters, add ideas sentence starters, connect ideas sentence starters, compare sentence starters and summarise sentence starters.
Attendance and Punctuality Tracker

Attendance and Punctuality Tracker

Given to students who show poor attendance or punctuality. The idea is to put the emphasis on the student and what they can do to improve their attendance and punctuality. Also acts as a visual for parents/carers who can ask to see this at the end of the day or week. Resource forms good communication tool between pupil, students and parents/carers.
Business Environment

Business Environment

I was struggling with P5 for Unit 1 of the BTEC First - Came across a powerpoint on here for Manchester and thought I would share my adaption for Nottingham
Business Lesson Topical Starters

Business Lesson Topical Starters

A range of starters for use around the year to get students linking their business studies learning to the real world. 3 are completed and there is also a list of ideas.
Profit and Loss Quiz

Profit and Loss Quiz

A 5 round quiz to revise profit and loss accounts. Each team starts as a 4 then breaks to 2 pairs then individually. I then added up scores for all members of the team from the pair and individual rounds. I also threw in some extra points for teamwork and questions such as 'If this was a clothes shop how could they improve their net/gross profit'. I also made them complete the quiz by drawing on the tables!
No homework slip

No homework slip

A slip designed to bring to attention that they have been set homework but it has not been completed or handed in on time. Excellent for a work scrutiny and parents evenings.
GCSE Business Graded Marking Stickers

GCSE Business Graded Marking Stickers

Stickers designed with GCSE Business criteria on them. Print 8 to a sheet and then stick the right sticker against a students work. They work well when students set targets after reading marking feedback.
End of Year Business Quiz

End of Year Business Quiz

End of year business quiz based on real news stories and research. Answers included. Suitable for KS4 and KS5. Based on statistics found on: moneycharity.org, the stock exchange and various news websites. Correct as of 15/07/2016.