Amery Hill School
Hampshire, United Kingdom
About Amery Hill School
Amery Hill is a very popular 11-16 fully inclusive secondary school where excellence and high aspirations permeate every aspect of school life. Every student is valued as an individual and whatever their goals, staff are there to support, nurture and assist them along their journey to success.
In the right environment every student can succeed. We provide a learning environment where students are encouraged to take chances, where challenge is seen as a learning opportunity and where resilience and tenacity are rewarded as personal targets are achieved.
However, words on a page are just words and to really experience the wonderful Amery Hill School community, you need to step through the doors and witness at first hand the truly inspiring learning community that exists here.
I am extremely proud of our school and would be delighted to show you in person all it has to offer.
Mr R Jeckells Headteacher
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'Pupils are proud to attend Amery Hill. Leaders are ambitious for pupils.'
- Ofsted February 2022