zip, 58.51 MB
zip, 58.51 MB

WordGen is a simple program that loads a database of around 10000 words and displays 5 random ones on screen when the “Generate” button is hit. It requires no installation and is a single .exe file that can be distributed to students or displayed on your SMART board easily.
A new set of 5 words is displayed each time “Generate” is hit - the large button size should allow easy use with a touch screen or touch board and the program will work offline (without an internet connection) as the database is stored within it.

The vast majority of risqué and potentially offensive words have been manually removed from the database however there is always a possibility an inappropriate word may be generated occasionally - for this reason I would recommend use by students over the age of 12 only.

Please be aware that your organisation may block you from running .exe files due to their own policies.

The application is designed to run on Windows based Computers and has been tested on Windows 10 and Windows 7.

When extracting from the .zip file your computer may display a warning about running programs that have been downloaded from the internet, this is due to the portable nature of WordGen and it containing the database within rather than separately.


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