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Growth Mind Set Quote Posters

Growth Mind Set Quote Posters

A set of 5 quotes to encourage a growth mind set including; It always seems impossible until it is done. Believe you can and you are half way there Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall. Mistakes are proof you are trying You miss 100% of the shots you never take.
Adjectives for people wordsearches

Adjectives for people wordsearches

Includes two word searches with a wide variety of adjectives for people. The first contains a wide range of positive adjectives about people. The second contains a wide range of negative adjectives about people. Reinforce the students vocabulary with this fun and engaging task. Answer keys supplied,
Inferences for younger learners, Trash Bags

Inferences for younger learners, Trash Bags

A visual unit on inferences for younger learners. This unit contains a page of objects for each of the 10 locations and two accompanying worksheets for each location. An optional word bank and list of locations for students to help them identify and infer the location the trash bag was taken from. Locations included are; A vets A fire station A police station A hairdresser A school A hospital An airport A zoo The beach A hairdressers A print and go unit to allow you to present a variety of inferences visually without having to collect the items yourself.
Inference Task Cards; 20 Descriptive paragraphs and tasks.

Inference Task Cards; 20 Descriptive paragraphs and tasks.

While these cards are ideal for a literacy center they can also be given as home work tasks. These cards are an ideal accompaniment to teaching inference and to enhance students writing skills. For differentiation I have included two worksheets to be completed alongside the cards if you don’t want to keep printing them out. Along with the answer key I have highlighted cards which are particularly suitable for lower level learners or just as a cards to start with to help their confidence build. I hope you and your class enjoy and benefit from this product however if there is anything you would like changed please get in touch I welcome your feedback.
Drama terms display

Drama terms display

A print and go display with drama terms and definitions . These posters will reinforce your students learning while providing an easy, informative and relevant classroom display for you. Terms include; antagonist stock character protagonist preripeteia hubris hamartia anagnorisis catharsis dramatic irony foil.
Suffixes, explain, recognise and apply.

Suffixes, explain, recognise and apply.

A complete unit covering the most suffixes for your class. Including the meaning of the suffixes. Identifying the suffixes. Applying the suffixes. Using the suffixes in a sentence. 32 pages of work for your students covering the following suffixes; es, ment ed, ing. ful, less, ly ,er ness and ed.


Over 60 pages of Greek and Latin root words. To reinforce you teaching and help the students expand their vocabulary. Each puzzle includes; The root. The definition. Two examples of words derived from the root. An indication of Greek (G) or Latin(L) origin. Accompanying the puzzles are worksheets for the students to demonstrate and consolidate their understanding. The following roots are included; ambi aqua aud bene cent circum contra/counter dict duc/duct fac form fort fract ject jud mal mater mit mort multi pater port rupt scrib/scribe sect/sec sent spect struct vid/vis voc anthropo auto bio chron dyna dys gram graph hetero homo hydr hypo logy meter/metr micro mis/miso mono morph nym phil phobia phon photo/phos pseudo psycho scope techno tele therm sphere
Prefix Unit; activities, worksheets and flashcards

Prefix Unit; activities, worksheets and flashcards

This complete unit on prefixes focuses on 4 common prefixes. What they mean and how to apply them to commonly used words. Over 30 worksheets included and a build your own flashcard activity for each prefix covered. Monster themed to keep it varied and engaging for your students.