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The Full English : English teaching resources, ages 10- 18!

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High quality and varied English teaching resources, from KS3 to A level. I've got single and pack resources which cover language and literature from KS3 to IGCSE, AQA GCSE and A level Literature and Language. Thanks for stopping by.




High quality and varied English teaching resources, from KS3 to A level. I've got single and pack resources which cover language and literature from KS3 to IGCSE, AQA GCSE and A level Literature and Language. Thanks for stopping by.
'Journey Through The Dark Forest’ descriptive writing scheme

'Journey Through The Dark Forest’ descriptive writing scheme

HUGE pack of FIVE DETAILED resources for you to choose from. Do all the scheme or just the key descriptive task with 4 supporting files. This is an ideal scheme of work and rich resource bundle for students of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ or, indeed, any other story which has a sequence set in forests or the wild outdoors. Also works great as a forest-themed stand-alone descriptive writing unit across KS3 and 4. The pack contains: What makes a good story?’ strips that students are invited to rank in order of importance out of 12. Helps them isolate the key ingredients of good writing. A PowerPoint slideshow summarising descriptve writing, with lots of useful technical terms and detailed examples to inspire them! The slideshow also explores other possible topics, using fairgrounds as examples, but this could be quickly adapted. A clear 2-sided task sheet inviting the students to imagine that, like Helena (or any other character you want!) - you too are stranded all alone in the enchanted forest. The sheet has a model opening paragraph to help get the students started. Lots of images to inspire them. A great little ‘forest story’ grid game, which you just print out in colour and laminate. This is used to do the paired creative ‘forest writing’ task and supports the PowerPoint, if you don;t have time for the students to make their own grids, as suggested in the slideshow! A handy vocabulary sheet with words and phrases for forests, darkness and light, covering adjectives, nouns, verbs, metaphors, similes, personification and symbolism. The sheet really helps them focus and broadens their expression.
Descriptive writing activity - the old abandoned garage

Descriptive writing activity - the old abandoned garage

This activity can be done in class or set as homework. It was inspired by 'Skellig' and a good opening idea is to show the students David Almind's opening description of the garage. However, it works fine as an independent task. Students have to imagine they are Michael, the lonely and isolated boy described walking through the family's old garage at the start of the novel. The task develops language range ad descriptive skills. Suitable for junior ages and also as extension work for those taking entrance or end of year exams. Could also work well for AQA GCSE students ending to perfect their descriptive skills.
The Skelltastic Skellig bundle: bundle 1, introductory

The Skelltastic Skellig bundle: bundle 1, introductory

3 Resources
This includes: A handout on literary motifs in ‘Skellig’, with tasks. A ‘Skelligrammarian’ - a list of the key word classes with Skellig-themed examples. Ideal for grammar tests. A descriptive writing task based on Michael’s exploration of the old derelict garage - ideal for improving compositions
Literary Motifs in 'Skellig'

Literary Motifs in 'Skellig'

A thorough and attractively designed handout which introduces students to the idea of a lierary motif and gives examples of them in 'Skellig'. Opportunities for extended work and homework. Please do see my other Skellig resources in my hop, 'The Full English'
Macbeth: carefully cross-referenced revision pack,  detailed notes on 15  key scenes

Macbeth: carefully cross-referenced revision pack, detailed notes on 15 key scenes

This is a set of a range of key scenes and likely exam question scenes for the students to revise. Clear, uncomplicated and well designed. Lots of detailed and academic notes on at least ten of the key speeches and soliloquies, complete with cross-textual links, scene links and definitions of tricky language. The cross textual links are really handy as I provide the act and scene references for words, images and ideas which link out to the focus scene. I also contextualise each extract in depth, helping students focus on these key assesment objectives.
CIE  IGCSE Songs Of Ourselves  revision pack on all poems

CIE IGCSE Songs Of Ourselves revision pack on all poems

Ideal learning resource to help students consolidate their understanding of the poems. Contains differentiated questions, interesting contextual background information and a range of useful technical terminology. All fifteen anthology poems are covered in detail, making this an ideal purchase for revision sessions and for follow-up homework tasks, or for a takeaway resource pack for the students to work through as revision at home. That’s great value, as many resources charge several pounds for just one poem. It is a handy resource as the questions essentially revise key concepts with the students. The poetic terms can also form the basis of a useful revision test. The background of each poet, their contextual significance, focus work on key lines and useful ‘higher tier’ terms are all included. Each poem benefits from a series of probing study questions. Also included is a detailed glossary of poetic terminology, including less well known and more advanced terms,- ideal for helping your students gain sharper definition and precision in their poem analysis.
Skellig bundle 3: old garage and descriptive writing resources

Skellig bundle 3: old garage and descriptive writing resources

6 Resources
A great bundle containing background information on the book, a creative writing task sheet asking students to describe a derelict building or place, plus supporting background material son the key features of narrative and descriptive writing. This gives students more skills to apply in their own writing. DO please see my other ‘Skellig’ resources and KS2-3 resources.
Student reading project with lists and exciting varied tasks

Student reading project with lists and exciting varied tasks

This is an ideal pack for anyone wanting to encourage their students to read widely and perhaps try a different range of books. It is aimed at KS3 age students, mainly year sevens and eights. However, it is just as useful for aspiration Commin Entrance exam students who are keen to brush up on book knowledge prior to interviews. The project can last several weeks and is ideal as both extension or class work activity. The pack contains a useful letter home to parents asking them to support their child with the project, focus tasks on all aspects of the chosen book, tipsnon what makes a good read and a great speaking and listening debate activity- which book would you save from destruction, and why?
Decadent Dorian Gray Revision  Bundle!

Decadent Dorian Gray Revision Bundle!

4 Resources
This aesthetically pleasing bundle contains sample anonymous student essay responses to use with your own students, a useful contextual overview handout on the role of the portrait, plus an excellent handout on the Victorian Gothic in 'Dorian Gray'.
Language and Gender: fun and full mega pack on gender bias within written texts

Language and Gender: fun and full mega pack on gender bias within written texts

It's hard to find good teaching resources on gender biases within written texts, which is why I created these. I used them in an observed lesson and there is enough material here to fill a double, or you could do one text a period. The pack contains: a full slideshow which introduces the topic, explores ideology with fun examples and cartoons, asks differentiated questions and spgets students thinking about the topic. It also has task guideline slides to steer them through their exercise. This is to work through a series of newspaper and advisory texts which may reveal gender bias. Students are encouraged to use linguistic terminology and frameworks. The slideshow also has answers at the end, which helps students improve their textual analysis and annotation skills as they get to see what they missed. The texts themselves are hilarious, especially the tabloid ones! If you teach in a single sex school, this one's a must! Bound to excite good discussions!
Richard III: introduction and historical background to play

Richard III: introduction and historical background to play

Designed to give students a good overview of the historical Richard as well as Shakespeare's own exaggerated and distorted play version. The slides go through the key political details, explain who Richard was, then show students how Shakespeare adapted him for the stage. Clear and lots of targeted questions.
Descriptive and narrative writing mega pack

Descriptive and narrative writing mega pack

4 Resources
Pulls together a range of resources. You get: TWO study packs...one focuses on the technical features used in creative writing, and is suitable for all ages, but particularly sudents over 13. The other, bigger pack covers the differences between descriptive and narrative writing in more depth and had lots of examples and student activities, enough for two weeks! You also get the slide sorters for 'what makes a good story?' Which work in conjunction with one of the first exercises in pack two, and a final resources of a set of punctuation reminders and exercises.
Complete 47 page A level study unit on Language and Gender

Complete 47 page A level study unit on Language and Gender

A very thorough and detailed resource which defines difficult terms, provides students with a range of fun and varied examples and explores gender bias in speech and carefully sourced written texts. The scanned pdf is fine and readable, but is an early ‘work’ from when I examined the A level, so is a little old and not full of fancy images and video clips. However, it is a complete teaching pack, ideal for a teacher having to plan this fascinating unit at short notice. I am currently uploading a range of recently created Language and Gender resources this month, so do follow me.
Writers' effects analysis- in 'The Woman in Black'!

Writers' effects analysis- in 'The Woman in Black'!

This resource was created with the IGCSE Paper 2 'Writers' Effects' task in mind, I found that my year tens were left cold by the sample past paper texts, so used this extract from the famous horror tale. As it is so well written, the students respond well to it and start to grasp how much detailed analysis is needed in these ten mark tasks. Obviously we then moved on to exam board papers, but thiis is ideal as a starting point. Ideally, if your were a year ten teacher you would use this as a starter, get them thinking about the language, then introduce the AOs for the task. You could then give students allocated quotations to hone their analytical skills upon. This task would also be useful practise for unseen prose analysis and for anyone studying the actual novel in full, so is very flexible, suitable for IGCSE or year nine pre-IGCSE students.
AQA mega poem comparison grid

AQA mega poem comparison grid

Useful way to get the students of the AQA anthology poems to think comparatively. The page enlarges up well to A3 size. I have had some amazing student responses to this, creating all sorts of clever links. They find it a good way to revise poetic terminology and like to revisit the grid to add in new ideas, especially in the final column. Obviously, in the real exam they have to choose one they know and compare to an unseen, but this activity enables them to start thinking comparatively.
News values & studying media issues in the news

News values & studying media issues in the news

This is a range of resources on the news, news values and the way that media issues such as gender or violence affect the news. Some fun sample texts. You might also want to update with more recent news examples to go with the tasks.
Handy summary of various sentence types for opening a story, and what they add to the writing

Handy summary of various sentence types for opening a story, and what they add to the writing

Just a nice clear grid which pulls together the main types of sentence structures, explaining some of the effects these can have on the writing. Has space in the grid for students to experiment with their own writing as well. By no means an exclusive list, but a useful handout for students struggling to vary their expression or even understand why they should. Works with a range of ages of students, from juniors to sixth formers.
Level 9 detailed extension notes on  chapter 7 of 'Jekyll and Hyde'

Level 9 detailed extension notes on chapter 7 of 'Jekyll and Hyde'

More chapter summaries on the way! This was used with my top set students last Summer ; all gained a top grade. They fund it useful as the language is tackled in the handout. Ideal for last minute revision as it covers a huge amount in compressed space. Keeps students on their toes and extends the most able. Very detailed handout which summarises plot events, defines tricky words, focuses on key language features and relates them to similar examples across the text and contextualises key sections. The handout covers a range of Victorian contexts, such as Darwinist theory and Victorian respectability, the London Underworld, the Victorian thirst for knowledge, literary contexts and religious contexts.