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An education resources company created to provide high quality school assembly resources to take the stress away from busy middle and senior leaders who don't have the time and/or do not enjoy the process of producing house/year group/whole school assemblies.

An education resources company created to provide high quality school assembly resources to take the stress away from busy middle and senior leaders who don't have the time and/or do not enjoy the process of producing house/year group/whole school assemblies.
School Assembly Bundle - Mental Health

School Assembly Bundle - Mental Health

5 Resources
This bundle of school assemblies have been crafted and created for the benefit of conveying a series of messages regarding mental well being. The different topics covered are the result of ideas based on the works of Stephen Covey, Blair Singer, Anthony Robbins, Susan Jeffers, and a number of other sin the personal development industry. The specific topics for school assemblies in this bundle are: Managing Fear Inner Voice Management Self Renewal Reaction vs Response Our minds and how they function The presentations have a number of practical techniques that can be used by audiences in order to practice better mental health, as well as provide a scientific and practical approach to understanding ourselves, how we function best, and what it is that can sabotage us if left unchecked.
School Assembly - Reaction vs Response

School Assembly - Reaction vs Response

Based on the 1st Habit of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Successful People (Be Proactive), this Power Point aims to simplify and provoke thoughts about how we act when we are confronted with/find ourselves in a situation which demands a decision about how we are going to act. It is hoped that the distinction between reacting and responding are very different, and how we can develop a better awareness of when we are acting out of impulse/default personality traits, rather than choosing the best response in a given situation. I believe that this topic and resource is applicable to most people in most situations, as part of my efforts to bring the best out of people on an on going basis. Both resources are read only. Please click on read only to access the content in the documents. The supplementary notes and Power Point have been designed to be dyslexia friendly.
School Assembly - Fear, Control, Action

School Assembly - Fear, Control, Action

This Powerpoint aims to explore the mechanics and psychology of fear. It examines how fear occurs very differently based on who we are, and how a better understanding of how fear works. This understanding can enable us to ultimately step over our fears, rather than waiting for them to go before we act and improve ourselves, ultimately outside our comfort zone. It is hoped that audience members gain a better understanding of their own emotions, and should hopefully be applicable to all areas of their lives, so that they can start on an accelerated journey to fulfill their potential. This resource includes a supplementary synopsis of the topic at hand, based on the work of Susan Jeffers’ book “Feel the fear and do it anyway”. Both the PowerPoint and the supplementary notes are read only. Do click on read only when you open the document to access the information. The format of both documents has been designed to be dyslexia friendly.