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Read with DERIC - About the Teeth of Sharks Poem

Read with DERIC - About the Teeth of Sharks Poem

Read with DERIC - About the Teeth of Sharks Read with DERIC worksheet based on a poem. Decode Explain Retrieval Inference Choice There is also a PowerPoint entitled ‘What is a DERIC’ which explains what the acronym stands for and how each skill will lead to becoming a better reader. The poem ‘About the Teeth of Sharks’ has been provided. These short 20 - 30 minute lessons have hugely improved the ability of readers in my classes. The skills they learn through completing DERICs can be easily transferred to larger, more complex texts. It also gets children into the habit of looking for decode, explain, retrieval, inference and choice style questions, which gives them a good basis of how to answer questions.
Read with DERIC - 25 DERIC Lessons with Resources and PowerPoint

Read with DERIC - 25 DERIC Lessons with Resources and PowerPoint

17 Resources
17 ‘Read with DERIC’ worksheets based on various stimulus - poems, lyrics and songs, pictures, video clips, trailers, and more. Decode Explain Retrieval Inference Choice There is also a PowerPoint entitled ‘What is a DERIC’ which explains what the acronym stands for and how each skill will lead to becoming a better reader. Any video clip DERICs have an accompanying word doc. with the youtube link. These short 20-30 minute lessons have hugely improved the ability of readers in my classes. The skills they learn through completing DERICs can be easily transfered to larger, more complex texts. It also gets children into the habit of looking for decode, explain, retreival, inference and choice style questions, which gives them a good basis of how to answer questions.