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What is a Marine Protected Area?

What is a Marine Protected Area?

There are risks and threats to the environment from human activities that need to be managed carefully. With so much human activity at sea, it’s important we protect our ocean to ensure it has a healthy future. Through a creative, group-based, activity students will learn about one way our ocean is safeguarded: Marine Protected Areas. Includes fact files to support teaching, activities, worksheets, and links to follow-up learning. Linked to national curriculum in England, Curriculum for Excellence in Scotland, Curriculum for Wales, and Eco-Schools topics. Lesson 4 in Protect the Ocean series: https://www.mcsuk.org/what-you-can-do/fun-learning/primary-learning/teaching-resources/ks2-p7/protect-the-ocean/
How can you protect the ocean?

How can you protect the ocean?

Our actions affect the health of the ocean no matter where we live. As individuals, schools and communities, we can all do our bit to help take care of our seas. With this lesson, get students inspired to set up a school initiative to work towards completing our ocean manifesto. Includes fact files to support teaching, image reel, activities and ocean manifesto editable poster. Linked to national curriculum in England, Curriculum for Excellence in Scotland, Curriculum for Wales, and Eco-Schools topics. Lesson 6 in Protect the Ocean series: https://www.mcsuk.org/what-you-can-do/fun-learning/primary-learning/teaching-resources/ks2-p7/protect-the-ocean/
Protect Our Basking Sharks

Protect Our Basking Sharks

Suitable for: Key Stage 2 Timing: This Learning Outline is designed to be split into several lessons depending on the age and ability of students as well as the length of lessons. Curriculum Links: English - Talking and Listening, Reading Computing Science About the activity An introduction to the biggest fish in our sea and the second biggest in the world, the Basking Shark. Students will use resources from our Cool Seas Explorer Centre Online classroom (Ocean Giants section) available at www.mcsuk.org/coolseas, to investigate why Basking Sharks are endangered. In groups they will then produce a short film using digital software (e.g. Windows Moviemaker, iMovie) to promote Basking Shark conservation. The best video should be shared with MCS at education@mcsuk.org with details of the class and school. If possible student films should also be shared on school social media pages to share the learning with a real audience. For other free teaching resources visit www.mcsuk.org/coolseas.