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Maths Snakes and Ladders Board Game - editable version

Maths Snakes and Ladders Board Game - editable version

This is a simple, yet engaging way to assess children’s times tables knowledge less formally and get children practicing their times tables in an exciting way! You can alter the times tables, or even use another operation, making it perfect for all year groups. It can be played in pairs, small groups or even as a whole class. It’s such an enjoyable, interactive and motivating way to get children learning the operations! You will need: This game printed or on a smart board A dice Counters That’s it you’re ready to play ! Enjoy!
3D Shape Challenge Cards

3D Shape Challenge Cards

Can be used as an extension or starter activity. 2 clues which allow children to think about what 3D shape this could be referring to - children can write and draw the shape. Think of other clues they could add for a particular shape.