Meadowbrook College

Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Location: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Type: Alternative Provision
Funding status: State - Academy
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 8 - 16 years

About Meadowbrook College

 Located across four sites in Oxfordshire: Oxford, Banbury, Kidlington and Abingdon, we are an Alternative Provision (AP) Academy that provides full and part-time education and support to over 150 aged 5-16 students who are excluded from, or are finding it difficult to fully access, their mainstream schools. 

 We offer all our students another chance and provide a high quality, safe learning environment in which to help them develop the positive behaviours and skills which they can use to improve their life chances. We work hard to ensure our young people achieve the best outcomes by creating individual educational packages which meet their needs and equip them for their next destination.   


Address: The Harlow Centre, Raymund Road, Old Marston, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX3 0PG, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1865 253198
What people say about us

..the impact of the curriculum on improving pupils’ personal progress…is a strength of your school’ OFSTED 2018


6 months ago my daughter didn't see a future for herself, now she's asking for work and talking about exams and hoping she'll get her Maths and English. That's more than I ever could have hoped for. Because of you my daughter is starting to believe in herself. I don't have the words to thank you enough!

- Parent

‘For the first time in years my child wants to get up and come to school; he comes home with a smile on his face.’

- Parent