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AQA 8145 Germany -Nazi Education

AQA 8145 Germany -Nazi Education

A GCSE lesson in which students analyse the ways that the Nazis controlled education. Students will evaluate the effectiveness of Nazi methods of control.
AQA 7042 Making of Modern Britain - Race Riots

AQA 7042 Making of Modern Britain - Race Riots

An A-level lesson looking at the underlying causes, events and consequences of the Notting Hill Race Riots, in which students carry out an investigation and report back on their findings. Uses a range of sources and historical extracts to support their learning.
What was Tudor England like?

What was Tudor England like?

A KS3 introductory lesson to the topic of the Tudors. Students will gain an introduction to key themes and a sense of period as they understand life in Tudor England.
Russia's problems 1894 (OCR A-level)

Russia's problems 1894 (OCR A-level)

An introduction to OCR Unit 2, Russia 1894-1941. Students will understand and analyse the key problems that Russia faced in 1894 and consider whether Nicholas II was the right man for the job. Students will develop links between problems to begin to understand the interplay of political, economic and social factors.
Who won the Korean War?

Who won the Korean War?

A GCSE lesson in which students analyse and evaluate the impact of the Korean War. Students will compare the gains and losses of the countries and organisations involved in the war. This leads to an exam practice question on the 16 mark essay in which students must decide who won and lost.
Russia - Stalin's propaganda

Russia - Stalin's propaganda

An A-level lesson in which students assess the role of propaganda in Stalin’s consolidation of power. Students will consider the images of Stalin presented in propaganda, and its role in helping Stalin to consolidate his power. Having already studied economic policies and terror, students will draw links between propaganda and these other methods of consolidating power, to show how they are used in conjunction to strengthen Stalin’s position.
How has power changed over time?

How has power changed over time?

A thematic double lesson in which students consider the nature of power and how it has changed over time. Students will consider key events which were significant in the development of the British political system, such as the Magna Carta, and will weigh up the balance of power at each point by considering the power of the monarchy, parliament and the people. Students will then have the opportunity to evaluate key events in more detail to get a better understanding of how political power was shaped by these events. This lesson works well as a summary to KS3 learning so that students can draw conclusions from what they have been learning.
Middle East - Treaty of Washington

Middle East - Treaty of Washington

An A-level lesson in which students consider the factors helping and hindering a peaceful settlement between Israel and Egypt. The lesson has been designed to fit within the students’ understanding of the role of the Great Powers in the Middle East, particularly the USA. This lesson does assume that students will have done some reading on the Treaty of Washington prior to the lesson, but this is not essential. Students will use cards to understand the aims and motivations of Egypt, Israel and the USA, and will then consider the barriers to a settlement being reached. Students will reach a judgement on the importance of the US in the settlement.
Y321 - 2003 Iraq War

Y321 - 2003 Iraq War

An A-level lesson which asks students to consider the causes and the consequences of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The lesson ties to the theme of the roles of the Great Powers, but covers content from other themes also. Students will create a storyboard to understand the sequence of events leading to the invasion, and will then analyse and evaluate the consequences of the invasion in order to prepare themselves for considering turning point question in particular. Students will finish by drawing connections to other conflicts in the gulf region to help with their thematic understanding.
Russia - Stalin's defeat of Trotsky

Russia - Stalin's defeat of Trotsky

An A-level lesson looking at how Stalin defeated Trotsky in his rise to power. Students will compare the relative strengths of Stalin and Trotsky by completing a set of Top Trumps cards (included in the PowerPoint) in order to evaluate the relative strengths of the two leadership contenders. Students will reach judgements on their strengths in areas such as their positions within the party, their ideology and their ability to position themselves as Lenin’s successor. Ultimately, students will reach judgements on the roles of Stalin and Trotsky in the outcomes, and compare the relative importance of a range of factors. Includes a retrieval task from their previous learning.
Israeli-Palestinian peace-making 1990s

Israeli-Palestinian peace-making 1990s

An A-level lesson designed for OCR Y321 in which students will consider the factors influencing the successes and failures of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in the 1990s. Students will use a card sort to put key events into chronological order to gain an understanding of the narrative. From this students will pick out the factors helping and hindering the peace process. The lesson is linked to the essay stem: ‘Zionism was the most important influence on attempts to resolve the Palestinian issue’ and will prepare how the 1990s supports and challenges this statement. Students are also given the opportunity to bring in their existing knowledge to consider how the factors at play in the 1990s were also apparent in the preceeding events so that they begin to draw comparisons and form a synthesis across the period as a whole.
Italy and Fascism - Giolitti's Italy

Italy and Fascism - Giolitti's Italy

An A level lesson in which students evaluate the extent to which Giolitti succeeded in creating a stable Italy. Students will evaluate both political and economic stability and understand the key features of Giolitti's policies.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - The Norfolk Rebellions

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - The Norfolk Rebellions

A GCSE lesson in which students study the two Norfolk rebellions towards the beginning of Elizabeth's rule. Students will gather evidence about the threat posed by the rebellions, before preparing for 8 mark 'write an account' questions on the rebellions. Students will reach a judgement on which rebellion posed more of a threat to Elizabeth's rule.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - The issue of marriage

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - The issue of marriage

A GCSE lesson examining the reasons why Elizabeth never got married. Students will evaluate the pros and cons of Elizabeth's suitors in order to prepare for an 8 mark 'write an account' question on the issue of marriage.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Response to Catholic threats

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Response to Catholic threats

A GCSE lesson in which students consider the response to Catholic threats from both abroad and at home. Students will put the threats to Elizabeth in chronological order and map where Elizabeth's treatment of Catholics changed. Ultimately students will decide how successful Elizabeth was in dealing with the Catholic threat.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - How successful was the Religious Settlement?

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - How successful was the Religious Settlement?

A GCSE lesson which works well as a summary to religious threats to Elizabeth's throne. Students will form an argument by evaluating the successes and failures of Elizabeth's Religious Settlement. Students will need to recap their previous learning on the topic. Includes preparation for an 8 mark 'write an account' question.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Puritan threats

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Puritan threats

A GCSE lesson in which students will gain an understanding of the threat posed by Puritans to Elizabeth's religious settlement. Students will evaluate the extent to which puritans posed a threat to Elizabeth's rule.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Domestic Catholic Threats

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Domestic Catholic Threats

A GCSE lesson in which students examine the threats to Elizabeth's rule from within England. Students will apply their understanding of the threats to decide if Elizabeth's religious settlement was successful or not. Students will also gather information about the positive impact of Elizabeth's settlement.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Catholic Threats to Elizabeth

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Catholic Threats to Elizabeth

5 Resources
A series of lessons looking at the implementation of Elizabeth's religious settlement, and the threats posed by Catholics both at home and abroad. Students will also put Elizabeth's response to the Catholic threats in context and ultimately evaluate the successes and failures.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Issue of Religion

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Issue of Religion

8 Resources
A series of lessons in which students consider Elizabeth's Religious settlement. Includes lessons looking at Catholic and Puritan threats, including a more detailed look at the threat posed by Mary, Queen of Scots and her subsequent execution. Includes several examples of exam questions and techniques to help students prepare for these.