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I work in KS2 and love creating engaging lessons and resources for my children, as well as making my classroom a happy and positive learning environment!




I work in KS2 and love creating engaging lessons and resources for my children, as well as making my classroom a happy and positive learning environment!
Arithmetic style questions (Year Six)

Arithmetic style questions (Year Six)

Three arithmetic style ‘tests’ - great to check in with children’s knowledge. 1.) place value 2.) four operations (focus on multiplication, prime numbers, etc.) 3.) four operations (focus on multiplication and division)
Place Value Worksheets (Year 3)

Place Value Worksheets (Year 3)

Three different worksheets. 1.) partitioning and representing numbers. 2.) 10 more/10 less and 100 more/100 less 3.) number lines to 1000. PDF format so ready to print and go. Pitched at Year Three.
Teacher Planner 2023-24

Teacher Planner 2023-24

A teacher planner containing monthly calendars and daily planners to organise your teacher-y life! Also includes sections for students’ birthdays, passwords, classlists, etc. Great to self bind and laminate the front cover for extra stability.
WWII Knowledge Organiser

WWII Knowledge Organiser

A knowledge organiser that we use as part of our ‘local history’ study. The first page is general information about WWII but the second page talks about Newbury’s role in WWII.
WWII Newspaper Reports

WWII Newspaper Reports

A block of 11 lessons with one ‘stand alone’ diary entry lesson which links to Letters from the Lighthouse’. The main body of the lessons is looking at features and skills to create a news article based on the mass evacuation of children and vulnerable adults during WWII. This unit goes well with learning about WWII in history. Please note: this is a smart notebook file. I have attached pdf and ppt versions of these files but these are not editable. Smart notebook is the best format for this! LI: To write a diary entry (cold task) Success Criteria: I can take on the persona of a character. I can write in first person. LI: To explore the features of a news article. Success Criteria: I know what makes something ‘news’. I can identify key language and structural features. I can answer questions based on a text. LI: To use compound sentences with accuracy. Success Criteria: I can identify main and subordinate clauses. I can use a range of coordinating conjunctions. I can write topical compound sentences. LI: To use a range of conjunctions when creating complex sentences. Success Criteria: I can identify a range of complex sentences. I know that a complex sentence contains a main (independent) clause and at least one subordinate (dependent) clause. I can identify a range of conjunctions. I can form a variety of complex sentences. LI: To use parenthesis to add additional information. Success Criteria: I can identify parenthesis. I can decide what punctuation to use for parenthesis. I can write sentences including parenthesis. LI: To use direct and reported speech. Success Criteria: I can differentiate between direct and reported speech. I can punctuate direct speech accurately. I can draw out key quotes from a range of information. I can write the main body including a variety of reported and direct speech. LI: To write an effective introduction. Success Criteria: I know what the 5Ws are. I can use the 5Ws to create an effective introduction. I can suggest an appropriate headline. I can use prepositions and adverbs to express time, place and cause. LI: To form detailed paragraphs. Success Criteria: I understand the structure of a news article. I can expand on a point. I can link my sentences together to provide cohesion. LI: To plan a newspaper article. Success Criteria: I can box up a newspaper report. I can use the 5Ws. I can write factually. LI: To write a newspaper article. Success Criteria: I can use my plan to help me. I can include an appropriate heading and hook. I can use the 5w’s in my introduction. I can link my sentences, selecting appropriate time words. LI: To publish a newspaper article. Success Criteria: I can carefully proof-read my work. I can make changes to improve my work. I can present my work using my best handwriting.
WWII- Story Writing Unit

WWII- Story Writing Unit

Drawing inspiration from Letters from the Lighthouse and Goodnight Mr Tom, the outcome of this unit is to write a story containing a flashback. LI: To write a story with a flashback (cold task) LI: To investigate and use a range of fronted adverbials. LI: To write a story opening. LI: To evoke an emotive response through my writing. LI: We are accurately punctuating dialogue. LI: To write a flashback. LI: To create a character description (missing person poster) LI: To plan a story with a flashback. LI: To draft a story with a flashback. LI: To edit and improve my work. LI: To publish my work. Work format is as a smart notebook file. I have provided a PDF of the slides also.
'Give Me 5' English GPS starters

'Give Me 5' English GPS starters

14 English starters perfect to be stuck into books at the start of a lesson. Each starter has five questions in different formats, exploring grammar, punctuation and spelling. Ideal for UKS2.
WWII Poetry

WWII Poetry

8 lessons focusing on WWII poetry. This is used with my Year Sixes but could work across KS2. Starters range from games to recapping nouns, synonyms and expanded noun phrases. Additional handwriting agreement lesson included. Lessons include: LI: To write a piece of poetry (cold task) LI: To explore a range of poems. LI: To use a thesaurus to find synonyms and antonyms. LI: To explore and use figurative language. LI: To class write a poem. LI: To plan a WWII inspired poem. LI: To write a WWII inspired poem. LI: To publish and perform a poem. Please note these lessons are in SMARTnotebook format. I have also included a PDF version of the slides.
Non-Chronological Report unit of work - Harry Potter

Non-Chronological Report unit of work - Harry Potter

Aimed at Year 5/6, this unit or work looks at a range of skills needed to compose effective non-chronological reports. Includes an example NCR on Hippogriffs to be used as a model text, hot and cold task unit targets, Smart Notebook slides. 12 lessons in this unit for Non-Chronological Reports. Content can be tweaked to focus on certain aspects of HP. We used a trip to the Warner Bros Studio Tour to research and collect information about Harry Potter. You may wish to add an extra lesson or two creating a lesson through research of books/internet to help develop note taking, etc. Lessons/LIs: Cold task: To write a NCR. To explore a non-chronological report (ERIC) To explore language and structural features of a non-chronological report. To compose effective and concise introductory paragraphs. To construct compound sentences using coordinating conjunctions. STAND ALONE ‘Extended Write’ - (focus on modal verbs) To start my sentences in different ways. To write well structured paragraphs. To plan a NCR. Hot Task: To write a NCR. (You may want to do this over two lessons to ensure content and quality). To edit and improve my writing. To publish a piece of work.
Reading Folder

Reading Folder

Reading Folder great to have lots of important information all in one place! In PDF (not editable), Word and Pages format. Please note - fonts and pages will look different due to font types. Font types used are Shella Clean and KG Second Chances Sketch I laminate the front and back pages and then bind to make a super little booklet. Pages include: Front cover/back cover Daily reader checklist / frequent reader checklist Reader checklist (class) Reading Assessment (key curriculum objectives with checklist per term) - I use one per child. Guided Reading grouping Example guided reading rotations Key texts pages to record key books per term
'Healthy Humans' Unit of Work (Science)

'Healthy Humans' Unit of Work (Science)

7 Lessons exploring: -Recap the digestive system -The cardiovascular system -Muscles -Knowledge sharing -Exercise -Healthy eating Lots of videos and opportunities for discussion and group work. Files are as SMART Notebooks or PDFs. You can enrich, adapt or expand on these lessons. If you also have a Twinkl account, their diagram worksheets are fab to go alongside! Used for Year Six science lessons exploring the human body.
Flashback Story - Harry Potter

Flashback Story - Harry Potter

A unit exploring flashbacks within stories, drawing inspiration from the Harry Potter books. Taught to our Year Sixes as a three week unit. Lessons include: Cold Task - Write a story with a flashback To define and identify a flashback To write a flashback To write sentences containing relative clauses. To use a range of adverbials. To plan my own pensive memory. To write an example story opening. To accurately punctuate dialogue. To explore the language and techniques used within the Harry Potter books (ERIC/reading comp task) To include emotive language and memories. To include emotive language and memories. To plan a story opening. To write a story. To present my work in a different way/to edit.
Harry Potter -Diary Entry

Harry Potter -Diary Entry

A short one week unit looking at diary entries inspired by Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. This could be expanded by using separate lessons to draft and then write their entries and then an extra lesson to edit and ‘publish’. Aimed at KS2, went down a hit with my Year Six class. Lessons include: Cold task - To write a diary entry. To explore the features of a diary entry. To explore a characters thoughts and feelings. To write a setting description Hot task - To plan and write a diary entry. Files include the Smart Notebook file, a pdf version of these slides, an example diary entry, unit targets for cold and hot tasks.


A noise-o-meter to ‘measure’ the noise in the classroom. Four choices: ninja mode whisper voice partner voice teacher voice
War Poetry Year Six

War Poetry Year Six

A short poetry unit which we are using to start off our WWII history topic. Looking at some example war poems including ‘Flanders Fields’, ‘Christmas Truce’, ‘The Wound In Time’, ‘High Flight’ & ‘A Gunner’s Day’. COLD TASK - Write a poem about Life in Lockdown LI: To analyse and comment on a poem. (ERIC) LI: To use a thesaurus to find antonyms and synonyms. LI: To use similes and metaphors. LI: To use personification for effect. LI: To plan and write a poem. LI: To edit and perform a poem. COLD TASK - Narrative