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Thank you for supporting my shop :) We all work so hard and I just want to share my lessons to make your life a little easier x




Thank you for supporting my shop :) We all work so hard and I just want to share my lessons to make your life a little easier x
Anglo Saxon women and children's lives

Anglo Saxon women and children's lives

This is a powerpoint with activities. I would print the powerpoint for the children to refer to and help with answering the questions. This goes through what life was like for women and children in the Anglo-Saxon times. includes about women - jobs for the women/royal women/marrying and nuns includes about children - work for children/ typical day/ clothing/ toys/church 4 activities: true or false about women comparing your typical day to an anglo saxon child Choose a toy and describe it explain if you would like to be a child in the Anglo-Saxon times
Reflective surfaces

Reflective surfaces

This complete lesson explains what reflection is and how light moves in straight lines. It looks at how reflective materials are used as safety children to test which materials reflect the light the best After the test they are going to answer some comprehension questions on what they have learnt
What is the Quran and why is it important to Muslims?

What is the Quran and why is it important to Muslims?

This is a full lesson Starts with a vocab slide on what will be included in the lesson Key questions that are covered - What is the Quran? What does the Quran do? How is the Quran part of everyday life? How is the Quran treated by Muslims? video of the washing ritual It then includes the story of God revealing the quran to Muhammad and a short clip of what it would hve been like in the hills where Muhammad was. work Think about important things in their life and compare it to the importance of things in a Muslim childs life challenge - thinking about the respect Muslims have for the Quran and what this teaches us about them


This is a complete lesson on Hajj It includes - Key vocab what is a pilgrimage? map of where Saudi Arabia is and then zooms in on where Mecca is. Recap of the story of why Hajj started - brief (i did a full lesson on this the previous week) Why Muslims make the Hajj journey What Muslims wear Then it goes through each part of the Hajj - Mecca, Masjid al Haram, Arafat, Muzdalifah, Mina, back to Mecca – It explains what happens in each part. Task - To complete a flow chart of what happens during ajj
African art - Textiles -  Kente

African art - Textiles - Kente

African art - textiles Kente (interwoven strips with geometric patterning) Explains what Kente is and what each of the colours mean and what it represents. Link to a you tube video to watch first. Then there are screen shots of the video and step by step instructions in order to create their own version of kente by weaving strips of coloured paper and then wool with a thick needle. The children have to consider what colours they are going to use and what shapes to add to the piece. This could possibly be two lessons depending on how quick the children complete the activity.
The rule of law

The rule of law

This powerpoint has key vocabulary that i want the children to learn by the end of the session. It discusses what law is and why we have laws in this country and this is linked to the school council. video to watch and then a discussion after
Who were the Vikings?

Who were the Vikings?

Full lesson on the Vikings and who they were. Slide 1/2/3 - map of where the Vikings came from, how they came over, map of the route taken and why they came. slide 4 - farming and fighting Activity 1 - draw the routes of the Vikings on a map Activity 2 - complete sentences using key words given Activity 3 - Write an explanation about why the Vikings would settle in Britain Activity 4 - Write a letter to a family member back home explaining what Britain is like
Egyptian Pyramids lesson 6

Egyptian Pyramids lesson 6

This is a whole lesson on the pyramids Talks about the first known pyramids and who/why it was built. Includes discussion about the pyramids of giza(who and why they were built including hieghts then compares this to more modern day structures) The great Sphinx and why treasures were taken down into tombs. How the pyramids were built and why they stopped building pyamids 5 activities 1.explain why pyramids are built 2.true or false using the text to prove answers. 3.match pharaoh to pyramid 4.putting statements in order for building a pyramid 5.explain why Egyptians were happy to help build the pyramids All of the info can be found in the powerpoint and i normally print the powerpoint out for the children to refer to.
Egyptian Trade and travel lesson 7

Egyptian Trade and travel lesson 7

This lesson explains how trade happened in the Ancient Egyptian times and what they would buy and sell. Discusses trade agreements with other countries and what would happen if they did not trade. How they would take trade to different settlements and which way would have been best for them 3 activities - explain why Egypt was so wealthy Which way was best to travel - boat or camel explain why draw a boat and lable all of the different things that might appear on the boat from trading and selling All of the information to answer the questions in the activity are on the powerpoint
Shadows - opaque, translucent, transparent

Shadows - opaque, translucent, transparent

This lesson explains how light travels in straight lines looks at opaque, translucent and transparent and what each of them means. children have to complete an activity where they have to test different materials and put them in a table depedending if they are opaque, translucent or transparent
Islamic views on the afterlife

Islamic views on the afterlife

This is a complete lesson - please check out my shop for other lessons on the afterlife and i have a full unit aswell uploaded. This lesson includes: key vocab quick recap of islamic beliefs What do Muslims believe about life after death - looking at good vs bad and what happens to that person, angels, judgement day Analysis of a couple of Quran quotes (with answers) Task - mindmap of the key points about life after death with explanation - includes answers
studying Georgia OKeeffe's work

studying Georgia OKeeffe's work

This is one lesson looking at key paintings that she has created throughout her career. The powerpoint starts with a key vocab slide followed by some important key facts about her life. The paintings that the powerpoint concentrates on is Oriental Poppies (1928) Ram’s head white hollydock and little hills (1935) Jimson weed white flower no 1 (1932) Summer days (1936) Red Canna (1924) Black Iris iii (1926) Each painting has a description of what is in the painting and the colours that she has used to create an effect. The work at the end is for the art sketch books. They have to stick in the pictures and label what they can see and label the artwork
Electronics wire loop game Design and Technology

Electronics wire loop game Design and Technology

This series of lessons that in the end the children will create a wire loop game- when the circuit connects the game will buzz. try and get your metal rod to the other side without hearing the buzzer. lesson 1: discussing appliances and what electricity can help them do - movement, light, heat, sound. powerpoint includes - key vocab, designer discussion, for the activity children have to put appliances into the correct sections. lesson 2 - the first 3 powerpoints follow the same pattern of - key vocab, designer discussion, walt/wilf this lesson is looking at experimenting and constructing a circuit with a worksheet to complete regarding if the circuit will work or not. Lesson 3 - designing powerpoint. discusses what will be needed to make their wre loop game and then they have to draw and design their game and label wht they would need as well as drawing the circuit. lesson 4 and 5 - make an electrical game lesson 6 - evalute the game. This looks at sharing ideas with a partner and encouraing them to write two good things/ 1 imporvement and passing it to a partner. children to fill in an evauation sheet
Ancient Egyptians - Life after death - lesson 5

Ancient Egyptians - Life after death - lesson 5

This powerpoint goes through the beliefs the Egyptians had about the afterlife. Then it talks about the journey. step by step guide to mummification. then burials. 5 activities: explain and match what happens at each stage of the mummification process. missing word sentences. in their own words - explain what happens in the hall of judgement explain why the Egyptians thought the heart was more important than the brain Give differences between how rich and poor were buried
fizzy pop on teeth experiment

fizzy pop on teeth experiment

This powerpoint goes through how to keep our teeth healthy. It recaps the name of each tooth. It then discusses what happens to our teeth when we eat/drink sugary things. has an experiment to complete with the children - eggs in sugary drink and water. What happens? Once completed i would get the children to write up the experiment.
different climates in Africa

different climates in Africa

This powerpoint looks at the dessert and the rainforest areas of Africa. It discusses the climate in the area along with what animals you will find there, plants and climate change. After this powerpoint we had the children writing a paragraph about each place and what the climate etc is like there.
Two week lesson plan on the tunnel by Anthony Browne

Two week lesson plan on the tunnel by Anthony Browne

Included with this resource you get: Two week lesson plan which has success criteria included. Ideas for each day and how it is being taught. Powerpoint included difficult vocab that they may not have come across (includes example from text/what the word means/ linked words/ picture) Comprehension questions which are differentiated. Story plan sheet. Grammar focus for the week worksheet - a or an
Discovering the Ancient Egyptians lesson 1

Discovering the Ancient Egyptians lesson 1

This is the first lesson about Ancient Egypt - It introduces the Egyptians and include a timeline of key events. It discusses how Egypt used to be split and how these were united. It explains the difference between the three kingdoms and what happened at them times. Lastly it talks about how Cleopatra was the final pharoah and who took over after her. This includes three activities that are linked to the slides, i normally print out the powerpoint for the class then they have all the information needed for the lesson. Activities include. - true or false Putting events in order Writing a short explanation as to why they think Egypt should have united or split. There are more lesson to follow this so please check out my shop
Division word problems

Division word problems

Division word problems that include the 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables. Can be used with the sharing method, number line or short division depending on where the children are in their learning
Anglo-Saxon settlements

Anglo-Saxon settlements

This is a full lesson on how the Anglo-Saxons lived. Included is a discussion about what the settlement was like and how they lived. looks at what role each person had in the settlement and what the houses were like Also looks at the king and what happened in his house Includes 4 activities write an explanation of how the Anglo-Saxons got their food Write about what houses were built with Why did the Anglo-Saxons keep animals in their houses 4.Draw a write a detailed description of an Anglo-Saxon settlement