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Lots of resources for Spanish and French KS2-4




Lots of resources for Spanish and French KS2-4
Les glaces

Les glaces

A presentation to help pupils to order 6 flavours of ice cream: chocolat, citron, vanille, fraise, caramel, framboise. Includes role play conversation, reading activity and presentation of vocabulary.
Comment tu t'appelles?

Comment tu t'appelles?

A presentation offering visual support for primary French students, leading into a simple conversation including: greetings, saying how you are, age and birthday in French. Can be used as an early lesson, or to revise basic greetings and conversations.
La plage

La plage

Powerpoint presentation to teach beach vocabulary and activities. Pupils Learn beach nouns: La plage, le sable, le ballon de plage, le chateau de sable, la mer and la coquille, and look for how many of these items they can see in a picture. Also, opinions and verbs are covered to allow pupils to express what they do at the beach and what they think of it. Finally, a template for a battleships game allows pupils to express a range of different opinions about a variety of activities.
Spanish Verb Tenses Mat

Spanish Verb Tenses Mat

Spanish Verb Mat for Higher GCSE and A Level. Students can see at a glance how to form all tenses required for GSCE and A Level on one page. Preterite, imperfect, imperfect subjunctive, imperfect continuous, pluperfect, perfect, past participles, present, gerund, present continuous, imperative, simple future, conditional, near future, subjunctive. Also includes lists of irregulars for each tense. Assumes pupils have basic knowledge of infinitives, stems etc. Great Revision resource, especially now that translation and grammar feature more prominently in the GCSE exams.
Spanish - Films, 3 Tenses

Spanish - Films, 3 Tenses

Includes a review of past, present and future tenses, some sentence building and translation activities, and an extended written piece to help pupils put together 3 paragraphs (past, present & future) on films. Also, a word mat to support pupils in writing their work.
Little Red Riding Hood French

Little Red Riding Hood French

Understanding a story in French. Adapted from a couple of resources downloaded from TES authors qjess and Kate Gerrard, this powerpoint file allows the teacher to introduce key French vocabulary from the story by playing games such as 'Telepathy', 'Fly Swat' and 'Chinese Whipers'. Pupils will then be familiar with some of the key language they encounter when they read the story - the characters (la mere, Petit Chaperon Rouge, la gran-mere, le loup, le forestier) and other nouns such as parts of the face, le panier, le lit, la maison, la foret and les fleurs.
El medio ambiente

El medio ambiente

Powerpoint with some ideas for pupils to beging to talk and write about how we can protect the environment (¿Qué se debe hacer para proteger el medio ambiente?) Se debe, no se debe.... -reciclar periódicos y papel, apagar las luces, desenchufar la televisión, tirar basura al suelo, ensuciar las calles, encender hogueras, gastar menos agua, usar el transporte público o andar, plantar árboles, proteger la naturaleza, comprar productos locales, llevar bolsas propias a la compra I had used an exam question from Edexcel June 2011 Higher Listening in this lesson, but took it out due to copyright. It is available on their website if you'd like to put it back in.
Ca va? Responding with avoir idioms.

Ca va? Responding with avoir idioms.

A slideshow to review four simple responses to the question 'Ca va?' Also, 5 new expressions using the verb avoir - j'ai faim, j'ai peur, j'ai soif, j'ai chaud, j'ai froid. The last slide could be used to consolidate by playing a variety of games - noughts and crosses, telepathy, slap the board, corners - all the usual repertoire.
Film review - French

Film review - French

KS3 - KS4 Film review. Play trapdoor for speaking or use as a scaffold to write a review of a film you have watched in class. The example uses Kirikou and La Famille Belier, but you could quite easily change those details to write about any film you have watched. One slide includes all of the words in English.
Frequency Adverbs - French

Frequency Adverbs - French

An inverted pyramid to display adverbs of frequency. Pupils can refer to it in class to say how often they do things - rarely, never, often etc.
Los helados

Los helados

A presentation to help pupils to order 6 flavours of ice cream: chocolate, limón, vainilla, fresa, dulce de leche, frambuesa. Includes role play conversation, reading activity and presentation of vocabulary.
En la ciudad

En la ciudad

En la ciudad - Spanish lesson to review places in town, then beginning to ask where places are. Used with Year 8 at the start of Viva 2, Module 5. Including: Select the correct option from 2 possible phrases to match pictures, phonics review to help with pronunciation, matching pictures to phrases, noughts and crosses to practise places (gradually removing written support), delayed copying exercise and highlighter splat.
¿Qué tipo de música te gusta?

¿Qué tipo de música te gusta?

Worksheet based on Viva 2 vocabulary. Perfect for cover lesson, consolidation or homework. Includes match up, missing vowels, anagrams, missing letters and translation.
Mes projets

Mes projets

Mes projets worksheet on future holiday plans. Perfect for cover or consolidation, this worksheet builds difficulty gradually, and contains a grid at the top with all the essential vocabulary. Activities include match up, missing letters, correct the order of the words, translation to English, translation to French and writing.
Mis planes para las vacaciones

Mis planes para las vacaciones

Future holiday plans worksheet. Perfect for cover, consolidation or homework. Activities include match up, missing letters, put the words in the correct order, translation into English, translation into Spanish and writing.
Que hiciste

Que hiciste

Past tense holiday activities worksheet to accompany Viva2 Module 1. Ideal for cover lesson or consolidation work.
Une excursion: On est allé au Pays de Galles

Une excursion: On est allé au Pays de Galles

A French resource for pupils to describe a residential trip to Wales using past tense, opinions and intensifiers. Our Year 7s went in two groups, so I used this lesson with the pupils who were in school the second half of the week to describe the trip.
Spanish Y8 Near future activities

Spanish Y8 Near future activities

Using near future to say what you are going to do tomorrow / at the weekend / in the holidays, extending sentences by saying where, with whom and expressing opinions. Ir + infinitive - voy a , vas a, va a , vamos a , vais a, van a Future time expressions - mañana, la semana que viene, este fin de semana, en las vacaciones ir de compras / al estadio / al cine / al polideportivo / al centro commercial / al parque jugar al fútbol / tenis / rugby / voleibol / con el ordenador hacer natación / ciclismo / patinaje / esquí / senderismo en el parque / en casa / en el polideportivo / en la playa / en el campo / en las montañas con mi madre / padre / hermano / hermana/ amigo / amiga / familia con mis amigos / padres / abuelos / hermanos / hermanas en mi opinión / creo que / pienso que... va a ser... aburrido / divertido / interesante / fenomenal / estupendo / horrible / fácil /difícil
Spanish Literacy Word Mat

Spanish Literacy Word Mat

A word mat with LOTS of Spanish time phrases, connectives (grouped by function), intensifiers and adjectives. Also, useful questions for tackling ANY reading task, and some questions to help pupils to prepare to complete a writing task in Spanish. Best to print and laminate for pupils to use regularly, or alternatively put in the front of pupils' books folders for regular use.
French interrogatives display

French interrogatives display

French interrogatives display with visual cues. It is really important that pupils understand the question words for the new GCSE, so display these in a prominent place in your classroom where pupils of all ages will see them regularly. If you refer to them and practise using them with the questions you ask in class they will soon catch on. They could equally be used as flashcards.