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Big data

Big data

A set of spreadsheets for use in ICT, with links to history, geography and PE. The intention is for learners to be able to sort, select and analyse data from a larger data set.\n\nThe files are:\n- Monarchs (English/British from Alfred) with dates, ages, spouses and children\n- HDI data on countries in 2000 (the distinction for LEDC and MEDC was arbitrarily drawn) with population, GDP, literacy and other measures\n- World cities 2004 with population (over 1m), country and rank\n- 2012 athletes with country, height, weight, sport (but not medals)\n- World top track times 1999 with event, gender, country, name, time, rank, date\n- Periodic table with name, symbol, mass, density, melting, boiling