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Movement Analysis

Movement Analysis

3 Resources
Included in the Movement Analysis bundle… An 18 slide PowerPoint presentation created for students to understand basic movements, movement analysis, to explain the joints involved and the sequence in which the movements occur. This resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover movement analysis in sport. The resource has been created to be completed over the course of one - three lessons. A worksheet designed to test students knowledge on four movement processes. Two documents are attached - the quiz & quiz answers. A worksheet created for students to consider when movement is used and which sport this will be recognised within. The resource can be used in any physical activity lesson within KS3/4&5.
Basic Movement Presentation / Activities

Basic Movement Presentation / Activities

An 18 slide PowerPoint presentation created for students to understand basic movements, movement analysis, to explain the joints involved and the sequence in which the movements occur. The resource can be used in any physical activity lesson within KS3&4. The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover movement analysis in sport. The resource has been created to be completed over the course of one - three lessons.
GCSE PE Movement Quiz

GCSE PE Movement Quiz

A worksheet designed to test students knowledge on four movement processes. The resource can be used in any physical activity lesson within KS3/4. The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover movement analysis in sport. The resource has been created to be completed over the course of one/ two lessons. Two documents are attached - the quiz & quiz answers.
Movement Analysis Worksheet

Movement Analysis Worksheet

A worksheet created for students to consider when movement is used and which sport this will be recognised within. The resource can be used in any physical activity lesson within KS3/4&5. The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover movement analysis in sport. The resource has been created to be completed over the course of one lesson.
Intrinsic / Extrinsic Factor Quiz

Intrinsic / Extrinsic Factor Quiz

A PE resource including 23 Sports Science (intrinsic or extrinsic) questions with answers to follow. The quiz is an essential for both theory and practical lessons! The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners to discover sports science further. The resource has been created to be completed over the course of one/ two lessons, intended for KS4.
Fitness Circuit

Fitness Circuit

A fitness circuit created for any sports area. The resource can be used in any physical activity lesson within KS3/4&5. The fitness circuit may be printed and hung around the activity space to remind students of the activity they are to complete within their area.
Bocce Session

Bocce Session

A Sport resource including Bocce lesson plan, handouts and quotes for white boards. The resources are an essential for both theory and practical lessons in understanding Bocce. The resource is detailed, engaging and stimulating for learners, including session content, direct literature quotes and how a coach can suit individual needs, e.g. Autism = Reward positive behaviour. Time-out zone. Provide alternative physical activity. Talk softly. Keep the session relaxed. The resource has been created to be completed over the course of one/ two lessons, intended for all ages, including university students.