Collingwood College
Surrey, United Kingdom
About Collingwood College
Based in Surrey, Collingwood College was created in 1971 to educate children between the ages of 11 and 18. It is a secondary, coeducational, academy converted school. It currently has around 1,797 students enrolled at the establishment. The Camberley town school gained the Grant Maintained status in 1991. In 1994, the school became a Self-Governing Technology College. It is a non-denominational school. When the academy was created it was through an amalgamation of Bagshot County Secondary School, Barossa County Secondary School and Frimley and Camberley Grammar School.
Miss Karen Watling
Values and Vision
Collingwood College is committed to developing responsible, aspirational, independent, happy and well-rounded young people with the self-belief to reach their goals.
Our work is supported by our core values and driven by our belief in equality and respect for others.
- Integrity
- Aspiration
- Perseverance
- Achievement
- Inclusiveness
Young people will fulfil their potential, be proud of who they are, be committed to lifelong learning and leave well-equipped to meet the challenges of the 21st Century; positively contributing to society both economically and socially.
Ofsted report
"The school is very well led and is on a journey of continuous improvement. Parents express high levels of confidence in the school. Staff are overwhelmingly positive about leaders’ concern for their workload and well-being. Staff say that leaders act quickly on any concerns that they raise.
Pupils receive a good all-round education here. Although the school is large, pupils feel that they are valued as individuals.
The curriculum is ambitious for all pupils. Pupils study a broad range of academic and vocational subjects. They are well prepared for their future. More pupils are choosing to study modern foreign languages in key stage 4 because the curriculum has improved. High numbers of pupils continue to study technology subjects in key stage 4 and beyond. Leaders have considered exactly what pupils should learn and the order in which things are taught."
‘Collingwood is an amazingly supportive school where staff work together to ensure children achieve their best and follow their own personal passions.’
- Ofsted Report May 2022