Looking for the perfect job opportunity?

If you tell us more about your experience, we can take the stress out of job hunting and let you know when a school has a role we think you’d be perfect for.

What other teachers say...

All the hard work was done for me. I uploaded my CV, not really expecting anything or anyone to contact me via a database as I’m quite dubious about these things. However, I was pleasantly surprised and super excited when Laura contacted me with exactly what I was looking for; a Biology Teaching job in Shanghai!
Thank you Tes

Isha W
A Level Biology Teacher, Shanghai

Once I agreed to be contacted about suitable jobs, it took only a few weeks to find my current job. Laura worked diligently to find me a job that matched my qualifications and requirements. The most important aspect is that the schools are vetted and the team keep constant communication until the last step.
Thank you to Laura and Tes!

F Osman
Business Studies Teacher