pptx, 2.32 MB
pptx, 2.32 MB
Everything you need to know about fractions including:
A summary of fractions, decimals and percentages.
Converting between the above.
Equivalent fractions
Simplifying Fractions
Finding a fraction of an amount
Multiplying fractions
Dividing fractions
Mixed numbers
Common Denominators
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Fractions and Recurring Decimals
The 33 page powerpoint can be split up into multiple lessons.
The powerpoint includes animations which show step by step how to work out each of the above topics.
Each topic is followed by a set of questions ( I have been using these questions for years, I may or may not have created them myself. Credit to any questions created by others).
Suitable for Year 9, Year 10, GCSE Foundation Revision.
This has taken me hours to create, I really appreciate your reviews.
Thank you


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